September 24, 2019
Joan Steffend Brandmeier and Michele Mayama open conversations that take on lives of their own. Shifts of Consciousness, Personal Healing, and Planetary Changes are all fair topics for discussion. These recordings were made in the flow of the moment.
Dialogue Two, Segment One.
People experiencing physical symptoms as energy increases. We hid our essence, stored unprocessed patterns. Vibration of waves stirring what has been contained. Butt in the pocket. Fear in the way. Bringing attention back into essence core and go down.
Shifting the mind’s job. Distracted from who we are. Being invited to root ourselves in a new dimensional experience. Conditioned to not feel what we feel. Adaptations that keep us from knowing who we are. Releasing the charge from supressing essence. Women got conditioned. Chakra adaptations.
Dialogue Two, Segment One
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Dialogue Two, Segment Two
Greta Thunberg harbinger of things to come. Masters in the new dimension. Invited by the earth to be authentic and present. It’s a choice to do personal work. Trust your essence. Minds says shouldn’t do that. A practice to know what you’re feeling.
Violet to sort, blue-violet to dissolve. Remember the inner child, connect with self. Repression by patriarchy and the old story. Stories we told ourselves. Outcasts and the biblical story, the myth that continues our old stories. The Tree of Life. Returning to our original source. Duality and the separation of consciousness.
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Dialogue Two, Segment Three
Forms of consciousness. Duality split mind from the rest of consciousness. Cellular DNA translation of consciousness into physicality. Ancestral trauma passed through DNA. We are not a victim of parents and lineage. So much buried in consciousness and suppressed by those who laugh at what’s real. The feminine lives in that place where we are scoffed at.
Using colors as frequency for clearing and healing. Mind creates a lot of the issues we don’t want to have. Violet clear emotional field. Deep green current help restore blueprints and regenerate.
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Dialogue Two, Segment Four
Connection with the soul of the United States. A confusing, jarring time. Consciousness weaves something new when groups form. Projection causing self-removal. Painful for the country’s soul to experience. Self-sorting is taking place. Visible trauma triggering suppressed trauma. We’re in the cooker into 2020, maybe 2021. Choose to be in the mess of your own experience. Take focus off what you cannot change. Very personal, experiential yet collective time. We’re sharing capacity.
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Questions or comments for Joan and Michele? Please leave a note in comments or connect through our contact page.
Hi Michele,
I am Hungarian. Happy to “talk”.
With love,
Super helpful! Thank you!
Having been a recipient of Lightsmith work for a number of years, it was a bit disheartening when it seemingly moved on to another phase. However, in the last week once again, it came into my mind and I started to wonder whether or not messages were still being given. Then lo and behold I was blessed to receive out of the blue an email from Chris whose writing I always enjoyed and it contained a message that truly touched my soul. And to top it off, now I was given your dialogue link. My heart is shouting my gratefulness! Thank you💖
Thank you for hope and a clearer understanding of Essence , the layers of consciousness, and the use of color to effect change and clearing.
I so enjoy listening to these dialogues with Joan and Michele! It’s like walking into a live Renoir painting. For me, their conversation captures a sophistication, depth, and beauty in these times.
Thank You!