Your churches as well as the myth of creation have told of a great fall, and therefore was born good and evil. That is not exactly true.
Source has been within all of creation and within the intention to individuate and create materialized experience. As the process of individuation moved into material density it created an experience where consciousness began to forget that vibrational presence of light at the core of all. As consciousness individuated it began to split away, to create a kind of duality which has been the primary template of consciousness within this dimension. The astral plane is also split, as are planetary experiences that are happening elsewhere.
Keeping awareness has been the challenge wherever densification of light occurred, whenever you have been within a reality that pulls your focus external as if that was all that existed. This experience, in the churches in particular, was used as a way to create and manifest increased amounts of fear. Fear is manufactured. It is not of essence, it is not real. It is manufactured, manipulated, and magnified in order to create more separation, more unconsciousness, and more powerlessness so that your attention would be drawn to an external source rather than towards your own awareness of who you are.
For thousands of years there has been an escalation of fear, so much so that bodies and consciousnesses completely believe it is real. You have been told lies by many in human form, some well-intentioned, some less so, yet you have believed them. As your consciousness and bodies contract with fear they play out in all of what you see, feel, and experience. From where do you think comes greed, possessiveness, attempts to gain and control resources, peoples, goods and services, and manufacturing of false wealth so that it can increase for some and decrease for others? Some would name this good or evil. In the context of duality those words were bantered around by many in order to create more fear. You have tried to be good fearing that you might be evil. That polarity does more damage to a child’s psyche than many other things that are done.
Most of you have been externally focused with fear.
Many, when their bodies release, no longer release into that awareness of who they truly are. They enter into what you have called the astral levels of consciousness. Their needs are to continue to have an external focus because that is all that seems real to them. They then attract towards people in bodies who share the similarities of their own fears or needs.
Some of you have had an experience of a non-physical being attaching itself to you until you became conscious and assisted it to move into greater awareness, releasing from their forgetful fear-based experience to move into a deepening of awareness of love and light. In this physical plane there are many still focused externally, primarily on the human race. It was my role in the very beginning to not only assist and vocalize that individuating intention to create the density that has been materialized, but it is also my role now to unravel what have been densities within the material plane that cannot weave into the new field, the fusion of light and life wherein all fear dissolves and in which all separation is irrelevant and cannot exist.
At this time I work primarily in the levels and dimensions where those who are invested in maintaining fear continue to both inform it and attempt to manufacture it. Some have bodies, some do not. I am very busy as you might suspect, and I have many who work with me. This is a time where you are choosing to no longer give fear any power, to unravel those beliefs and thoughtforms of good and evil. Neither are relevant in the new field. You are who you are. There is no need for a label. Also releasing are those old memories that were informed by others to explain your experience, explanations that manufactured fear.
People who acted out of fear created more. It is time to realize that not only are you choosing to become more aware of who you are and to release those old structures, memories, and attachments to your story or your wounds as if that is who you are. It is also time to realize that the shift you are feeling here in this time is a multi-dimensional shift. The clarity and freedom that you begin to sense opens you to a new experience of creation.
Fear is not itself anything, but is manufactured and seems as if it has multiple identities.
Fear is all in your mind, the conscious mind that believes, gives it power, and then lives according to it. You have a new choice now, just as every individuated consciousness, whether embodied or not embodied, now has a choice. This includes those in both the astral and physical levels that continue to maintain and manufacture fear, drama, anxiety, suffering…darkness, if you wish, darkness within consciousness, hopelessness…all of which are manifestations of the original fear that was the first creation within separation.
There are those in the astral plane that are in great resistance to this shift, just as there are those embodied who are in great resistance. The investment into the material plane, not only in one life but perhaps many, has been for them an investment they do not wish to lose. The word “investment” you can take to mean many things. If you polarize with that resistance and say you are a light worker, for example, which is to identify with one half of the dual nature…you then polarize in such a way that you draw to yourself experiences that magnify or manifest more of what is yet in the unconscious.
Rather than identifying as being on one side, which is yet duality, seek your own essence and awareness. Fuse your unconscious with your consciousness. Allow yourselves to surface old beliefs not of essence and to free the fear and all of its manifestations from your consciousness. In so doing you are radical, moving into your own creation within this fusion that you are part of. It is the culmination of a very, very, very long story with a new possibility and potential living in you and in all who are choosing this experience now. You were given choice, a free will. It was part of the individuation process. You can experience what happens when you have a sense of what is real and you choose against it, or understand and feel the knowing of essence within and choosing in alignment. You have become more experienced and this time your souls were more able to be infused and quickened with greater essence so you would come to consciousness, stirring the depths of your own unconscious until it cleared.
Those in the Christian tradition are familiar with concepts of good and evil, as well as the fear of the devil, if I might put it that way.
That fear actually separated you from your own emotion and your own experience of what you knew. What was demonized was not something that was evil. What was demonized was your own passion and capacity to trust your essence in every moment. Do you understand? Understand that the judgments you hold against yourself taken on even as a child, who was innocent and pure and beautiful, now can be known and seen differently. Move beyond such lies and realize that there is no evil in you. There is no evil. There is no need to fear that which was manufactured.
There is no need to fear anything in the astral plane, either. There is nothing in the astral plane that is not manifest in the physical, and that goes for whatever you concoct in your imagination as for what that might be. Perhaps you are curious about what you cannot see, externally focusing through your physical eyes or ears. Filling in the blanks with imagination is not the intended use for imagination. Imagination is intended to be receptive on behalf of creation, to imagine the possibilities of life rather than the possibilities of fear. Bring to life what is within your potential to birth, rather than contract with the old lies that yet live in your mind. Your potential is so vast you have become even afraid of that. Yet each moment you choose life and love and all that is your essence, each moment you relax out and release anything you have embodied or carried with you from the past, the old story, the separation with fear; each moment you choose you tap that vast potential for creation.
It is time to lose the fear, to dissolve it, to turn away from and no longer be vulnerable to it. There are yet those in the world, whether your world or the astral plane, that are yet indulging it. And when you no longer have any experience that vibrates with that old fear-based separate experience then what you experience will be your own in every moment and you will not be touched by what has been within the time of duality.
The astral plane is disappearing. It will be transformed into something else.
It will no longer need to exist the way it has been, the border world between the density of the material plane and the higher dimensions of non-dense light. In the fusion there is no need for the border worlds so this plane is disappearing, though it is not doing so all at once. There are whole groups of people that live in and incarnate from this plane. Not everyone goes to the other dimension you call heaven. The astral plane has been a place of in-between lives for many, so much so that many souls got familiar within this plane and have not evolved so much over a variety of lifetimes. It is time now for them to no longer have that choice, to make a real choice, not a kind of unconscious sliding into that which is an easy choice. And that is happening.
As this plane dissolves and is recreated there are those who have been so focused externally that they are resisting all attempts to release from separation and fear. Where are these souls going to be evolving or growing or going? There are various outcomes depending on their choices. And again, there are repertoires within each outcome. Some souls will move, because of a choice or a subtle awareness, to the realm where all of the illusion is peeled away and their awareness becomes more and more and more reunified within them. Probably they will stay in spirit to do this for some time.
Some will move into another materialized experience that is not so different from what they feel they are in now, though it will not be Earth. It is a place where they can continue for another entire cycle to evolve using that individual will which in this time they have used to make a choice to align with a nonessential experience. They will have another opportunity, another chance within another cycle of creation. Source always desires all of that which is manifested of essence to move freely into the experience of essence, not to be coerced, not to be forced. It’s a choice and has always been a choice, especially within this dimension of density and materialized experience.
There is a great deal of manufacturing of fear. You see it, yes?
The more you realize that it is manufactured and not of essence then the less you give it any credibility within your own awareness. What is happening or what they say is happening in the larger story does not matter to you if you are aligned within your own experience within creation. Certain structures within the materialized plane that have been bound with the old story are losing energy.
Some financial institutions manufactured false capital, in a sense, to keep people in fear and so that some would have more and many more would have less of what they manufactured. That is going to have to unravel in the material plane. You do not need to be affected by it, however. You can create another experience based in love and wholeness. Choose that.
The unfolding of the old structures and the release of fear creates a stronger and stronger unified whole experience for a greater and greater number of people, which will grow and grow and grow. Gradually the manufacturing of fear will be such that no one will choose it. More and more of those who are bound by the old structures and beliefs will be leaving their bodies. They will be moving through into either the astral or beyond for a time to transform the illusions into awareness, and to become aware of a choice if they have not yet fully manifested or made it. By taking these structures with them, their consciousness unravels that which has been a kind of structure within the density that has also contributed to the realities that you speak of, and fear, at its base. So do not be surprised if numbers of people in the next years—four to five years—choose to leave this Earth, leave it physically; they too are contributing to the dissolution in a different way than you.
I love this, thank you for sharing.
❤️❤️❤️ very helpful. Thank you!