The Earth Mother expressed through Michele Mayama. Transcription and Introduction by Chris LaFontaine.
January 1, 2022
During the Lightsmith years we often held group channelings on January 1st, gathering to receive insights from the perspective of those from levels beyond the physical who are focused into the planetary transformation of consciousness. The visitors included those we fondly consider friends in Spirit who are assisting the Earth in her transformation process, often joining with the one we consider the conductor of this grand event…the great being of the planet we simply refer to as Earth Mother.
Michele and I have continued to sit together on the first day of each January, with Michele as channel and me as receiver and scribe. This year it was the Earth Mother who joined us, sharing observations on where we are in a transition process being experienced both individually and collectively.
I have noticed subtle…and not so subtle…shifts in the messaging we have received more recently. During earlier events our groups gathered with many questions and wonderings. The visitors who joined us dialogued and engaged our curiosities with patience and humor. More recently, particularly since our New Year’s channeling of January, 2020, the information being shared is sometimes more specific, the focus is tighter and we are encouraged to be more conscious of our choices and thoughts in every moment.
The framework of the old consciousness continues its process of collapse, and an acceleration of that dissolving is underway. We are not fixing, restoring, nor in any way returning to whatever anyone has considered our previous “normal” reality. We have spent the entirety of our lives in the upside-down, a world that appears to be offering abundant life, but always at a price and always bound to extraction of our energies.
Our lived experience has been the antithesis of real Life. The reality into which we were born has been woven of illusion, skillfully crafted and honed over thousands of years by those who would prefer that we sleep, and never awaken to remembrance of our true nature. In response, Life is proceeding with course correction and radical re-conception as earth’s transition process becomes accelerated. Some of us feel we have prepared for years, if not lifetimes, for this exact moment. We may still be doing some last-minute housekeeping of our own shadows, but we’re doing the best we can while proceeding into something having no precedent in our experience.
The challenge will be, as has been for some time, to resist giving our attention to the storytellers who weave narratives of distraction, directing attention and energy toward those who have positioned themselves as authority. The revolution…the evolution…is a turning, and that turning is back toward self as the conscious creator of our experiences, which forms the foundation for a new world of conscious creation.
Last October we shared a message about The Sorting, a definitive stage we have entered in the sequence of our planetary transition. This New Year’s message from the Earth Mother is a strong prompt to turn our attention away from the dramas of the world that is dissolving, remaining conscious of our choices in every moment and what we are choosing for our own trajectories.
And perhaps we can also cultivate patience and compassion with ourselves. We have no instruction manual for navigating the process we are in. We each learn as we go. In the coming time we will share what we are learning about creating in the new dimensional reality, and look forward to learning from your discoveries too.
If you are new to the site or would otherwise find it helpful to review the sequence of shift over the past two years, check out:
The 2020 Channeling
The 2021 Channeling
The Great Sorting
Dialogue with the Earth Mother, January 1, 2022. Words from Chris in brackets
[She opens with her language (not translatable) and a request to breathe with her.]
Open your bodies, open your hearts, open your being. Expand a bit. Relax out of constriction. Relax out of constriction and mind, and worry, and thoughts that meander this way and that way. Open to being here, present with me, present with yourself, present with life, present with creation…present within creation.
Breathe. Remember to breathe in deeply, and out fully. Breathe in deeply and out fully so you expand your chest, you expand your rib cage, you expand your capacity, you expand your aura, you expand who you are embodied.
Hello, here we are. It is my delight to be joining you with a voice, translated through this beautiful soul that has become my friend and collaborator over and over and over through many lifetimes. I am also pleased to be here with you, as the one who is receiving me today.
[Equally my pleasure. I’m always grateful to have this kind of connection, and I appreciate the reminders you bring, also.]
How can I not. I am a mother (laughter)
[I didn’t really receive that kind of mothering in this life, so I appreciate that]
Ah, well, the great feminine has embodied through many females, males, and mothers in these past many thousands of years. Most often those embodying the feminine have not been free to truly open to who they are. They have not been free to experience and animate life, gestating and birthing, creating and weaving materialized life as they are designed to do. That is coming, the great feminine is being freed from within the consciousness of earth, of life here. Humanity is in a process, are you not?
[I’ll say]
Yes, a great process. It is gathering momentum, gathering speed if you wish, in terms of time, sequence and unfolding. For those of you who are open to the creation process of the new earth, or the new creation experience, you can relax and expand. It’s time to move toward this unfolding year with more and more awareness and alignment as you integrate your soul, your light, your Being embodied in me…in life, in creation, in earth…in your bodies. That is the inbreath. The outbreath is to relax out of constriction, out of fear, out of trauma, out of being so externally referenced that you’re in reaction rather than connection.
There is a call to all beings still embodied, to realize you are being called into a kind of connection to the great mother, to the great feminine, to the great being that receives, opens and creates from this plane of possibility and potential, bringing the unmanifest into the manifestation.
It is time to STOP…and if I could put that into capital letters for you with a neon glow that would just light up the word STOP…STOP. Notice every choice, every decision. Instead of moving with what’s familiar, what’s easy, and what has already been materialized through the blinding lens of external references that keep you on a treadmill of repetition, choose to open to what is not known and is yet unmanifest.
You continually invest your minds, your time, and your energy in what has already been created and is pulling your attention, your emotion, and your focus away from your innate knowing and interconnectedness with life and with all that is. It is not so difficult to change focus anymore, it’s a choice.
All of us who have come through to speak with you have said it many times: turn off the external references. Stop moving your attention out with fear or whatever is calling the loudest. Stop giving the media attention, drawing you away from your own potential that is opening up in this year, in this time, in this cycle, to awaken you. The potential is not coming from outside of you. You keep looking for your purpose, you keep looking for something that is going to ignite you…you’re looking, looking, looking…scanning your horizon…what is it, what is it, what is it? Where can I be, what can I do. STOP.
Stop and relax. Let your whole energy field reset, realign, open to life, open to that living potential that will invite you. It’s almost like an infusion. It infuses you with an idea. It infuses you in such a way that you are magnetically drawn together with others where there are sparks of possibility. Sparks of potential, sparks of new creation, new forms.
The sorting has been spoken of many times. Let the sorting proceed. Rather than putting your focus on that, where in you is something still sorting? Where in you is there still constriction? Where in you are you bound? Where in your life are you overwhelmed with things that are not essential? Where in you are you saying that all of this “out there” matters more, so choices are not aligned with what is now?
It is time…it is past time, truly…because the sequence of unfolding is going to speed up, and is speeding up already. Now is the time to understand the power that you have in every choice of where you put your attention and where you focus your energy. If you let your emotions be triggered to divert your attention, your energy goes to those that have, through many centuries, become very adept at taking lifeforce, attention and energy and using it for their own benefit, their own control, power, and wealth, etc.
You know this, but many of you are split a bit yet. That split is often because you are opening to what you perceive are other people’s experiences. Through the training of the old story you are drawn into their experience or what you perceive to be their experience…because you don’t really ask…you’re not really listening or being present with their experience…you’re just perceiving that they’re having difficulty, challenge, trauma, pain. They are, perhaps, exhibiting those experiences, but that is theirs at this time.
Compassion is not the same as diverting your attention to someone to become the helper, where all you do is give your energy away. In the new creation connections with others are mutual. No one gives energy to another at their own expense. We are in a grand shift away from all those beliefs, the conditioning and training, all of what was named ‘good’ in the old story.
As a child, of course you wanted to be good. So you learned that being good meant diverting your attention and energy away from you and giving it to whoever needed or demanded it, usually members of your family, friends, social groups, the larger community or the collective. You get bound so easily that way and you don’t know you’re bound.
It’s time to be unbound. All of you are here to live, to create, and to open new doors, new possibilities without binding yourselves or anyone else. There is a freeing up of who you are, embodied. You can also choose not to be here, and many are. Many are choosing not to continue here in this experience of a new creation that is founded in my heart, our hearts, love, and founded in a kind of collaborative synchronization where we become creator in creation….whatever you want to call it…but it’s a WE. It’s not just you creating. It’s the whole of us creating.
We are synchronizing into a simultaneous, mutual dance of creation. Moving into the dance, moving into the creation of us. I’m part of this. I’m the glue, perhaps you might say, for those choosing to stay. I’m the emotional, connecting…dare I say wisdom or intelligence…that is informing the materializing of the potency, potential and possibilities that are rising up through consciousness, into consciousness, for this new creation…new Earth, new life.
Language is difficult. You can hear me trying. There is so little in the English language that is easily accessed to bring through the quality of sensing and feeling that is the experience of this 5th dimension. So, that comes through experience, direct experience. You can’t have your own personal direct experience unless you are here, present, in your own experience. Not joining everyone else in an old-story way. That is not collaboration, that is binding.
And you can’t do it with your mind. You can’t do it because you think you should. You can’t do it because you think it’s the right thing to do. But you can choose to open to become, within your experience, a living collaborative creator in this new creation. Time matters for you, these years matter right now, to realize that what is unfolding within time is speeding up and that your choices are becoming fewer and fewer.
Choices are fewer within both directions of choice, which is kind of interesting for all of you. As you move into the new creation you become much more in sync at another level of consciousness, so your choices are part of what rises to the surface. It’s a choice, but it’s also the current…also the creation process, also woven into the whole. Choice is sort of seamless. You’re not making a conscious choice, deliberating with your mind. It’s opening you to life as life opens within you, and that flows, so choices become fewer as you sync up.
Choices are also becoming fewer as people move into more constriction, more fear, and more binding, particularly as time speeds up. As the mind is bound, fewer choices form from a sense of possibility, opening to something new. It’s just the way it is at this time in our collective experience. Our collective experience is becoming the revelation, the apocalypse, the awakening. It’s the prophesied time that is now here. It is to be celebrated!
Perhaps the greatest choice you can make at this time is choosing to move beyond what’s old and familiar, and just say in a fairly courageous, heart-felt way: “I want to be here for the new creation. I choose to be here for this new time, here, on Earth. I am willing to evolve. I’m willing to change, I’m willing to learn. I am willing to release and clear out of my head, my mind, my materialized experience, my relationships, my emotions and my body all that has been gathered along the way in my experience of a patriarchal overlay within consciousness that made the great feminine invisible, demonized, or unreachable because of trauma and fear”. That past is all dissolving. It’s disappearing, moving on, and is sorting out. We are in the grand sorting, if you want to call it that.
Yes, it will involve people leaving their bodies. How can they be part of what we’re creating if they continuously choose not to sync up in love? It’s kind of basic. So, that’s my message.
[My greatest takeaway from that message is what feels like a sense of urgency in terms of making this choice. I like your suggestion of making a declaration choosing to be here. That seems a helpful place to begin.]
It matters, because each of you, no matter how many books you’ve read, no matter how many classes you’ve taken, no matter how many meditations you do, or how many methods you’ve used or tried, or how many teachers you’ve followed. None of that matters anymore. All of those things have been helpful in preparing you, and supportive of you to move beyond, to heal and release and clear all of the things that you took in, took on, imprinted within you to evolve with you.
You took on lineage trauma. You took on past life imprints and memories. You took on collective wounds. Many of you took on many things in this life, and brought them all along in a big backpack. You’ve been taking them out, processing and working through them using the methodology, using your meditations, using your healing work and all of what’s been available. But, you’re moving beyond it.
You may feel that you need to continue all of the things you have been dependent on. Instead, step into this new field of creation because it will all just move easily, almost magically. You don’t have to work so hard, you don’t have to use so many methods. That was for the time that led up to this time, but you don’t need them anymore. You have another whole way to be. Methods and such can become other forms of external dependency.
[Even you have difficulty talking about all this. I can feel your frustration in searching about for appropriate words, and I understand the challenge of how to share information about things for which we have little reference. Perhaps as we get more experience during this process it will become easier to articulate or conceptualize.]
Conceptualizing helps. People do have ways of using descriptive language. Once people start to sync up better it will probably be more through story, more through sharing your lived experience. People can learn from each other a bit more through story, realizing that you are not the other person but perhaps you can sense more because they share their experience. Your senses, because you are interconnected, move into a kind of sensate exchange, a way where the senses communicate with each other. It’s not through the mind, it’s a sensory exchange through living stories, and your senses will awaken to the possibilities that others are experiencing.
So, you learn less through mind and eventually more through body, more through senses, more through direct communication as your bodies transform out of the constrictions, which have been so normalized that you don’t know you’re constricted. As your bodies become the vehicles of your great being, embodied and very alive, then there will be another way of communicating that becomes much more harmonic. Language will evolve as creation evolves.
[Michele has thought that perhaps there would be some value in what might be called coaching into 5D, as a way of sharing what she has learned so far.]
Yes, there is value, but it can’t come only through one person. It would be a collective creation of sorts, though perhaps guided by someone who has more stories, more experience. It is a kind of direct communication through opening up the next level of sensate communication. Using the sensate, emotional body in a much more conscious way so it’s not part of the unconscious. Many people continue to be informed, affected and triggered by the sensate, emotional experience they’re having that convinces them to be afraid, to constrict, to resist, or to react and project judgment or anger.
When people’s emotions are involved, that’s what they’re communicating. If it’s fear, then that’s what is magnified. But when you become more soul/light embodied and your alignment is with life and your own integral energy field, your own aura, and your own chakras, the whole of you becomes much more synchronized. Then your emotional nature, your sensory emotional nature, rather than being seducible and manipulated by others, becomes yours. It joins your experience, magnifies your real, authentic experience….that, then communicates. That’s a very different experience.
So yes, that kind of coaching can be very valuable, especially this year as things speed up and change, and as the old structures start falling away. There will be those who are confused, who are starting to ask questions, or who need more practice with alignments in their own experience and their own bodies and lives. We are in a collective process of great change, a revolution, and it’s well underway.
[So this sorting…when you say speeding up, I sense that what it might look like is larger scale, or more people leaving at a time?]
There are already many people leaving that are not being reported on as leaving. The number of people taking their own lives has escalated dramatically. They’re choosing to leave. That doesn’t mean they’re leaving our experience forever. They may be turning around to come back, but there are many souls leaving. They are leaving because of disease, or whatever is their way, they’re leaving.
The people nearest to them mourn them and feel their loss, and feel their shift into a different experience. They’re affected, yet the experience on a collective level is not to notice right now, and that’s part of the fear that’s blinding people to what is happening all around them. There’s a kind of desire to believe and trust in what those who are supposedly in authority, those who supposedly have your good in mind…wanting to believe that they know the truth.
What is breaking up is the blindness of the external reference that the patriarchy embedded in consciousness. As it breaks up there is a kind of child-like unraveling, a kind of child-like loss of what was supposed to be trusted. That can feel like abandonment, surfacing great fear, great confusion, and a loss of stability and foundation. That is a very frightening experience for many. So, in order to avoid that experience, they continue to trust in that which is not trustworthy. They will evolve, eventually. If not here, then someplace else. They will learn, eventually.
[The last word on the sorting was that it has its own timing.}
It does.
[Is there any sense of that timing.]
Well, it’s speeding up. That’s the message of this year, and this momentum will continue in the years to follow. Simultaneously there is an emergence, and that is what your attention needs to be on, the emergence of what is opening from deep within this awakening life, new creation, new possibility. This is where the juice is, this is where the life is, this is where the joy is. This is where the collaborations become interesting, or fun, or collectively mutual, if that makes sense.
It’s a difficult time, because what seems to be the majority of people are in the fear place of holding on, but that’s only the perception because the media will not report anything except what they continue to say is real, or what is to be believed, or what is to be trusted. But it is all based in fear. So, to many of you that looks like a great majority, and yet there is a bubbling awareness and awakening that is happening all over the world, everyplace. It’s bubbling, and stirring, and opening, and more and more people are sort of shaking their heads and their minds free of a kind of fabricated reality that has been made real to many people. Many still believe it, but it can’t remain. It will dissolve within our consciousness as we open to what is creating a new Earth, a new experience, a new creation. Do you understand?
Yes, you understand. I can feel that you know, and I know that you know, and I’m aware that there are many who have yet to know. Yet, I am also hopeful, opening to, calling to, responding to those who are opening to the possibilities within them. The word shift has been overused, perhaps, but what is happening is a kind of re-creation of who they are, a remembrance, a revelation of what is true, authentic, real and alive within their essential nature. Each one who opens can become truly alive, not just playing with the material plane and watching media that entertains and distracts you from your innate creative nature.
[Yes, it’s a place I know, but I also have to apply the practice to myself. I often think of a song stanza written by a musician friend: “This is a journey that you take on you own, there are others going with you but you do it all alone.” The personal application seems an important piece.]
It is an important piece, yes it is. It’s the only way into the fifth dimension here.
[This is a general question, less about all that has been woven around the virus getting all the attention and more about viruses in general. I’ve read various views about this virus and others, such as opinions of those who claim this virus hasn’t been isolated, or viruses are just products of cellular breakdown. At the same time, I read how people sequestered in Antarctica, insulated from humanity, are having the experience of infections. So, I ask a broad question about what are viruses, and the meaning of this recent one that gets all the attention. Is it some kind of collective cleansing?]
It is a collective experience that is jostling consciousness to wake up, basically. So, it’s a kind of virus that affects people differently. It’s individually experienced for one thing, offering a wide spectrum of experience. A wide spectrum from one, supposedly, virus and its evolution. But, it is consciousness. There can be nothing separate from consciousness. Consciousness is creating the experience that you, all together, are having collectively.
The virus is part of life, it’s part of the living system. It is being used, or been opened in this way because the only way to move through this time of devolution and evolution is individually. And viruses are not just body to body, they’re everywhere. They move around, they fly free on the winds.
[So we are being affected by something external.]
But only if you need it! Your body is your consciousness in physical experience. That’s it. What you experience physically is your experience. It is not the same as other people’s experience. Their consciousness, how they’ve been informed and how they experience things, that’s theirs. So, we’re having this collective experience of being informed individually. Collectively, then, uprooting old, old stuff that has been bound not only in your physical bodies but my body…the materialized land, and the trauma that has been experienced all through my body. It’s all being stirred.
When people disown their consciousness and their body, and they disown the wisdom that’s within them, they externalize that this is happening TO them. They become a victim with no power, and have nothing to do except suffer and go to the hospital, or ask a doctor, or be treated. And this goes for not just this virus, but all physical experience is consciousness moving through, or cleansing, or clearing, or awakening, or unearthing, or dissolving or whatever.
[So even if this particular current virus has been altered or created by man, it is still consciousness expressing through….]
…Each individual body, each individual person. It doesn’t affect children because they don’t have so much built up inside of them. They don’t have a storage of all sorts of things. They’re young. It has affected the oldest first, because they have stored all of the experiences that they haven’t processed, or haven’t unearthed, or haven’t moved through. That’s what is then being released out of consciousness as they leave their bodies, is the backlog of unprocessed experience.
In some ways it’s so obvious when you look at it this way. It’s just so obvious that of course children aren’t affected, because this is moving out of the deeper levels of what’s been stored.
[A lot of people who left in the first wave were elderly.]
And they didn’t all leave because of the virus. There were many leaving for other reasons, too. Many reasons that were part of their own history, you might say. But nobody looks at it that way in the old story. Patriarchy made sure that you didn’t own your own experience, your own body, your own consciousness, and that you believed that they were in charge of it. Therefore, you externalize, you blame, you feel helpless and powerless unless you have somebody that knows better than you…supposedly…which has been a lie from the very beginning.
[I appreciate that explanation about the old vs. the young, and why they’re affected differently by the virus. That has seemed obvious to me, too. For many months I was very active researching and posting many perspectives on social media, including data showing that most people under age 50 have been at little risk, and children virtually zero. For a while it felt important to share many things I discovered. Then, at one point a few weeks ago I could sense a shift where it felt done, where continuing seemed futile.
That’s both a personal comment and a setup for this next question. Turns out that things that seemed obvious to me didn’t seem as obvious to some others. So, what would be obvious and evident to you that perhaps hasn’t been so obvious to us?]
You can’t speak to those whose minds are not open, and you know that.
[Yes, that has become clear.]
Because of the fear that has risen in the collective consciousness, minds are focused on what they cannot yet face, and may not face. It’s what is. If they choose, they choose, and if they don’t, they don’t. That’s theirs to choose.
What’s obvious to me is that we are opening a new creation together. We are becoming more of a WE. It is as if there are great rivers of potential that are opening from within consciousness, within OUR consciousness. I am conscious, you are conscious, but you’re only conscious of the spectrum that you are currently allowing to be present in you. You have no idea, no sense yet, of the vast potential of your/our expanded consciousness. It isn’t about doing meditations, and it isn’t about using methods, and it isn’t about getting there because you’re transcending or your ascending, or whatever.
No, it’s just opening your capacity to be present with conscious awareness of your whole experience in that moment. That may include….just awareness. As an example, you may be sitting in a coffee shop, or you may be sitting anywhere. Rather than focusing only on your narrow vision of what you may be focused on, perhaps your cell phone, if you relax into the whole field, relax into who you are, relax into this living intelligence that we are, you are going to notice a whole lot more, become conscious of a whole lot more. And it will delight you and inform you, and you will learn. It will reveal, because what is opening and evolving now is that capacity, to open access to all possibility.
It does not open if you have a third eye focused forward into the future, for example. Or you’re so busy doing things all the time there is no space to open, or breathe, or allow your own experience to inform you. Or, you are working for money, and it’s taking all your energy and life force, or you’re watching television and reading all the narratives in the newspapers and basically keeping your focus outside of yourself. Or, you’re afraid because other people are having experiences and your trauma has been triggered…and you’re not owning it.
If you are not owning your experience you are not evolving. Your mind stays in a place of “somebody has to fix this”, “somebody has to do something”, or you become angry and blame others that this is happening to you or to others. That is why you feel the futility. Those who have taken a step beyond believing what the old story wants them to believe also want other people to see what they have discovered, to see what’s happening as a result of the control, etc. But, anger-based fear keeps them focused externally, and riled up emotionally. So, they are not opening to what is right here, all present. They are missing the invitation to see, feel and experience everything differently.
Part of what has been used by the patriarchy to keep people bound is shame or false guilt. So people go from I’m moving into being present with myself…oh, that’s not good…I have to be caring, I have to be helpful, I have to try to take care of others. That’s old. Focusing into opening up your living awareness is the most inclusive experience you can have for yourself, but it’s not all about you. It’s a WE. You become part of a collaborative experience that’s inclusive of all people, all sentient consciousness…including animals, trees, rivers, mountains, oceans, all consciousness, all life…all. How can that be selfish or bad? It’s the opposite.
[I’ve always been most comfortable with the idea that there is a whole, but with individuated aspects that make up that whole. That differs from what I sometimes think people perceive of as oneness, which always feels to me that you’re giving up something of who you are. Wholeness seems like an easier conceptualization, where the sum of the parts equals the whole. And now a new experience that we’re not so familiar with so far, where the living field coordinates us…]
Yes, it’s a synchronous experience. It’s as if there is a wide open, welcome invitation…the doors are all open. The choice is to walk through, to say yes, to choose. To shift your attention and then all things shift. It’s not about shifting your mind, it’s where you put your attention and why you put your attention where you put it.
[I understand how the mechanism of fear has been used to control, and why a person might reject information and perspectives. But then there are others, myself among them, who have been sharing other awareness or perspectives. What I’m hearing from you now is we are moving into a time where it’s better not to focus there anymore, either. Some people have had a sense of purpose, defined by their own imposed definitions of self. Seems like that’s a kind of self-binding, too.]
It’s limited, yes. It keeps a kind of boundary around their possibilities, so other possibilities can’t reach them. Even some who have a great spiritual understanding in their minds are still emotionally unconscious. They continue to also materialize in their experience what has not fully been either processed or healed. Thus, experientially they have not yet moved beyond whatever was the emotional imprint or trauma imprint that binds them to their chosen purpose.
So, the binding appears on different levels for different people, but now there is a speeding up. There will be those who will have some challenging experiences, not because something is happening TO them, but to stir and open the places within that have been bound and unprocessed…wherever you don’t yet own your own experience, your own unfolding. You are you. You are not anyone else.
[I trust the dismantling work that was accomplished over many years during various group and individual processes. I am aware that at other levels many things are being addressed, they’re being shifted, and dismantling continues. I know there is great consciousness and intelligence in charge of what is happening, and it will affect all of us.
Perhaps I once felt the need to be a bit like Paul Revere riding through the masses shouting out warnings. I am now understanding that everybody will get their own experience, out of which they will make their choice. The old order is not breaking down due to those among us sharing information, it’s breaking down because consciousness is shifting, yes?]
True, and there are many people whose minds have been in control of their reality. So, there was a need for information that at least some minds were willing to take in to become confused and start to open to another possibility beyond what they believed.
Because the mind has had such great control over perception of what’s real, there has been a need for that which reaches the mind, to also be part of the unfolding. It’s just that things are speeding up. It’s as if those like you and others are starting to go well, I need to focus for me now. I can’t keep doing this for everybody else and waking them up. I need to be in the current here with what’s unfolding and opening within, it’s what I need now, and it’s my choice to do that.
And yes, there were many years of a need for that. You two were part of that awakening of consciousness and minds, and perspectives and ways of seeing. It was very necessary for a phase, but…
[We’re moving past that phase…]
The phase is shifting rapidly. There is momentum, and it will grow through this year. It’ll be into the next years, and yet where you put your attention determines how you will feel, experience, and create that lived experience.
[More recently I seem to have spent several weeks hosting viruses. All for the reasons you’ve mentioned so far, or is some kind of annual cleanse included in there?]
No, it’s your consciousness. Own it, it’s yours. You’re dissolving out of you layers of emotion, basically, that have diminished your experience of life, so that you don’t carry it forward. It’s hard to have joy when your emotional body can’t experience the expansion of who you are.
[Thank you. Is there anything else you’d like to add that might be helpful.]
I do not feel that there is more than what I have spoken. I appreciate and am grateful to you and to this one for your constant support and presence here in this plane of experience with those who are listening, paying attention to their own inner knowing and their inner call to be more and more present with who they are. I appreciate them, I appreciate all who have…and continue to…choose to stay present within their experience and open to greater and greater awareness and continuous evolution…basically opening to beyond the old and into a new earth or a new creation together.
I appreciate, I am grateful, I’m happy to be in creation with all who choose to be here, to stay here, choose this with me and with us. I am excited to be a collaborator, to be a co-creator with all consciousness, human consciousness. I am excited to have this whole opening within consciousness speeding up right now. This process of dissolution and devolution and evolution will continue to speed up. It feels freeing on a planetary scale.
[Your experience…..]
Yes. It feels freeing in my body, my experience of being a planetary being that hosts life and is now coming into collaborative consciousness with life, with humanity. Humanity is starting to awaken to all the consciousness they have missed by being so insular and singular in their focus of what counted as consciousness of life, what is Real. The coming awakenings will be many.
I am aware of those who are choosing to not continue with us here. I’m also aware that their choice is one of continued growth and evolution in ways that are not to be experienced with me for at least a very long time. Maybe they will return one day, and I will welcome them back. But there is a shift happening….a kind of loss now…of many who are choosing to be part of different pathways of soul evolution than has been experienced here.
And I will miss them, just as you miss those who leave you on a physical plane, moving from the physical to the non-physical plane. I will miss these beings that have become woven in to our collective body as they unweave. In my experience that feels like a send-off with love and great wishes for an ongoing soul growth experience that is for their greatest good. I wish them all that I can wish as a mother, on the adventure that they are beginning. Simultaneously, I am feeling great excitement for what is to unfold and open here with all of life, all of creation, and all of you who are recalibrating at many levels for what is to come.
[She closes with her language]
Thank you Earth Mother, for the perspective, guidance, reassurance, love and nurturance as well as your heartfelt expressions of excitement and enthusiasm for the potentials within this new, unraveling, multi-faceted collaboration and co-creative experience. Michele and Chris, your own dedication and commitment to holding a space of love, community and authenticity for so many long gathered in this grand journey is truly appreciated on many levels. So many connections have been created, synergized and disseminated because of the springboard that was Lightsmith. Independent hearts and minds found common ground where friendships, ideas and concepts merged, morphed and blossomed, creating fertile ground for what is next. Much gratitude to you both and to all who felt the call to join the party. I am personally quite happy to know things are speeding up. I have every confidence that we are ready, what we don’t know now we’ll figure out on the way. Let’s do this…surely we can’t screw it up anywhere near as bad as our predecessors!!! Love and thanks to all! – Cindy
Thank you, Cindy. Acknowledgment received :)
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this useful conversation/information, – I will re-read to grasp everything. Much appreciated.
In light and gratitude,
Mette (in Norway)
Thank you so much for bringing this forward. It has given me more clarification regarding my internal work vs the external. We are in such an amazing time right now! Blessings and Love and appreciation for this thoughtful channeling.
Once again, thank you Michelle and Chris for sharing Mother Earth’s wise words.
Thank You, Thank You, Earth Mother, Michele and Chris! I am so grateful and continue to breathe with all that was shared. What a journey it has been and what a journey it is now, and will be! :) Love, Light and Blessings!
So much gratitude for receiving and transmitting this profound message! Wow! That’s all I can articulate at the moment :)
This wrapped up many why’s to recent unsettled feelings; mostly of the energy of friends who are aware enough not to be in alignment with the current narrative (on the scene) but who are in constant dis-ease looking at it. At the same time I am witnessing many who are overly compelled perhaps addicted to looking at the egregious realities as they wake up and am trying to lend support. Many people ARE witnessing the fabric of social engineering and modern tactics of sorcery but at the same time an almost possession and or shock by the magnitude of evil in broad daylight. Co-creation IS the answer!
This discussion with Mother Earth has helped me to set the tone for this year and adjust my own tension and disgust for what unconscious people are capable of doing and supporting and vice versa. Thank you for clarification of the issues we all needed to hear to adjust our own energy and potential. I’ve whittled Chris going hard daily for 2 years and noticed to speaking out, it drained me. Then when the term “mass formation hypnosis/psychosis” rose up like a flower through concrete, it helped my understanding of why many are resisting the truth and clinging to the fear based trauma bonds. It’s complex when your in the thick of it but always a way through it.
All has it time and place. We all have our own path to walk.
I embrace the changes/transfiguration happening inside this physical body!
Thank you Earth Mother for your sharing!
Thank you Chris and Michele for facilitating!