2021 will bring fracturing and collapse of the old order at an accelerating pace. Here are current perspectives on our transforming world, as expressed through Michele Mayama. Introduction and transcription by Chris LaFontaine.
Channeling with Friends in Spirit and Earth Mother
January 1, 2021
Last year’s channeling offered foresight into 2020, and was significant for me (Chris) and many others. The information is still reassuring and relevant today, perhaps even more meaningful and less cryptic, considering that we can now look back on all that took place in 2020. I have re-visited the message many times during the past year, and I still refer people to that channeling when such an overview might be helpful, particularly to address fears and offer assurance.
In that message last January we learned more about impending dissolutions of old structures, even as those who benefit from maintaining them would be trying to keep them intact. We understood an attempted takeover was being orchestrated, a takeover of humanity, consciousness, the Earth, and all Her resources. We were unaware of Covid at that time, and how it would be used as a premise for instituting complete control using psychological manipulations to induce fear, with the effect of increasing compliance with, and reducing resistance to, imposed edicts. Since that time we have also witnessed blatant censorship by Big Tech, the introduction of science-fiction-like pharmaceutical technologies, and a heavy-handed control of media messaging, as was discussed in that 2020 message a year ago.
Even now, attempts at imposing more and more controls are increasing. And in this moment a large number of people still do not see how a false narrative is running behind the amped-up fear over a virus. That 2020 channeling, though, was also reassuring in its message that those attempting this global control would not succeed. That assurance continues in this 2021 dialogue.
What’s different about this year’s channeling is the personal level of connection. The experience was much more like I was sitting with old friends…wise, old friends…enjoying a clear evening, talking around a campfire. There was no overarching message, just dialogue offering support. I have not been immune to concern about what I see happening in the world, wondering if everything I thought I was working toward was ever going to bear fruit. I know that great transformation is underway, yet my human nature is grateful for reminders and reassurances. I know I am not alone in that desire for such reminders, and in that spirit we share these messages.
This year’s dialogue felt like cheerleaders had shown up to brighten my day and assuage my concerns. Some dialogue that was personal to me or Michele is not included. I have chosen, though, to include a portion of information personal to me, because I sense it will be helpful to others. I will preface that section with an additional comment.
The discussion begins with our friends in Spirit, and closes with a visit from the Earth Mother, that one who is birthing the New Dimension. She is the Master Orchestrator of all that is happening, and is assisted by great numbers of beings from multiple dimensions.
Welcome to the unpredictable and rapidly-changing world of 2021,
Note: Questions or dialogue by Chris are in bold. Commentary in italics. Editorial clarifications in [brackets].
Our friends in Spirit begin:
Greetings! We are here.
Hello, it has been a while! For we humans, a year is a long time to not communicate more directly.
We are very happy to be here. We communicate in different ways throughout the year, especially perhaps this last one, so we are not experiencing time as you are, but it is nice to be able to join you in a verbal way, and to talk with you.
Is definitely has been quite a year. You did leave a significant message the last time we spoke a year ago, and that information was a great support and resource for me and many others who have been engaged in this transformation project for a long time. It’s like we know what is taking place, and yet sometimes we don’t feel it for sure.
That is because you are still in 3D. You still look at your surroundings as if that is a version of reality that you have to respond to. Yes, that is there, but you are opening to what has been nicknamed 5D. So, you are opening beyond what you see in the 3D, and knowing in your own experiential, sensing way that it has its own compelling way of telling you it is real. You are learning how it feels to you. That is partly why it’s difficult for anyone to teach this. They can talk about it, they can give clues and perhaps assist people to move out of the external focus that often continues to draw their attention, which then seems real and they react to it both in mind and body.
The external reference, the old consciousness, is competing to get everyone’s attention. That’s basically what they [those seeking control] are trying to do, is get all of your attention, your energy, and basically have a grip upon your reality. Then they can maneuver within that. So, they’re trying to assert even greater control while there is a great shift of foundation happening within consciousness. They’re trying, giving it their all. They’ve planned it for a very long time, and they’re working towards this as a culmination and a way to basically take over consciousness and creation their way, with their agendas.
You can always trust, in some ways, that the arrogance that is born or bred into those that are doing this power-over ascendency in the whole of consciousness on earth, that that will blind them to the levels of this fifth-dimensional shift that is happening pretty much under their noses. Right here, right now, everywhere they are. And you are.
We see it as a kind of interesting dynamic where the field is evolving, strengthening, growing, reaching more and more people. People are maybe not completely aware of it, but many, many more are on the verge. Simultaneously, the old structure of consciousness is trying to convince through fear, threats and lies, to keep control of the consciousness of as many in the whole population as possible. It’s interesting, because there’s a kind of diminishing power, or energy, flowing into the old structures of consciousness. The old structures aren’t based in love, or life, or light, or anything that is essential.
They do not realize the limits that they have imposed on their own creation. The limits are to be reached this year. Some will start to notice, and perhaps amp-up more of their attempts, and yet some will also start to realize that they’ve missed something, and may perhaps begin to be uncertain of the outcome that they have planned, and feel less self-assured that it will happen on their terms. So, what’s unfolding is, in some way, awakening on both sides of this divide. Yet, the only way that the new dimension within earth is accessed is through what is of essence…what’s real, what vibrates, what authentically is real within each human soul that can open to what is authentically real within this new dimension, to open and learn to create from within that new place.
Those who cannot reach their own essence, who have split asunder their own consciousness and have lost connection to what is authentic and real, they may not be able to do so unless they make some very radical changes or choices that move their awareness pretty much 180 degrees opposite to where they’ve been. So, it’s an interesting time to see whether or not there are radical awakenings for some. Some are on the cusp and will shift into the new dimension relatively easily and without as much trauma, and then there are those who clasp their fear to their bosom and just continue to seek answers from who they perceive to be the ones in charge, or the ones in control, or the ones who know, or the ones in authority, or whatever.
When we use the term awakening, and the idea that in 2021 we will see a greater wave of awakening among people, is that just the frequency shift or shift in consciousness that accomplishes that…do people need a jolt of something, a reality check of some kind, to shake them awake. Or is it really that soul-level choice going on at this point?
Well, it’s both. It’s not either/or. It’s very much both. The frequency shifts are moving through the earth, through her, through the consciousness and physical vibrations of your mother planet. Creating the effects of the shift includes her relationship with the sun and other planets, and where your solar system is in space, etc. etc. And, there will be both some collective jarring and some personal jarring. Depending on what souls are drawing to consciousness and how that affects them in terms of their own experience.
Those who have some experience with life, nature…some experience with love that is real to them, are more ready. Many people have some awareness of what feels authentic and real, but yet they have an external reference for things in their life that they feel they can’t control. It’s that feeling of not being able to control, which is based in fear and powerlessness. That is one of the places that many people will need to begin to notice that choosing from fear is not supportive to who they are, to their lives, or to their choices. And that there is a way for them to realize, make real, what is most authentic, real and true in their experience. Then they can learn that they can stand in that place and open to more conscious creation in their experience, consciousness, opening joy and whatever is theirs to be in wholeness.
So those who have already moved their attention, there’s not so much need for any kind of jolt. Even a collective jolt will just be like oh, here it comes, there it goes. It’s not going to affect you. You won’t need it to affect you, so you don’t have the effect. But those who do have the effect may feel confusion, may feel fear, may feel almost like a feeling of betrayal, a feeling of not knowing who or what to trust. They don’t automatically come home to their own awareness or sense of what is real. There may be more and more people that may be grateful for a bit of coaching, just as a reminder of where to focus when that external reference is not as trustworthy, or all-powerful, as once thought.
A year or two ago I would have asked questions differently, in the sense of wanting to know “truth”. Now, I’m more relaxed at letting things play out without having to know that what I feel needs much external validation. I have more trust that agendas driving Covid messaging, government over-reach, vaccines, and the “Great Reset” will come to light, or simply fail. I’m not needing more details about those things.
I am, however, curious about a notion currently popular among many intuitives, which is that Donald Trump remaining in office is a necessary element for the changes that are to occur. Not that he is very conscious or any kind of savior, but just a needed placement in the whole. So, this is a kind of open, broad question about what some people see as an election stolen by the controllers, while also seeming like it is two different groups just vying for power, equally asleep. What can you tell me about that?
Let’s say that the field is strong enough to transform with either option. Again, it’s a kind of external focus to keep your eyes on what’s going on out there, in terms of who wins and who loses, and yet our sense is that there is enough disruption already in the old structures that neither are going to be able to sustain their assumptions much longer that what they think they are creating is going to create a new foundation for life, or create the reset, or the expected outcome.
We sense that there may be a great deal of uncertainty coming in this next time. We don’t know for sure. There are wheelers and dealers, in your language. Very smart, intelligent people who are scheming daily, on both sides, and it’s rather like a big poker game to see what cards they will play. It’s amusing, and yet not worth it to put your energy into who is going to win. There is a great deal of uncertainty in this time, partly because it doesn’t matter who actually ascends to the assumed throne. It doesn’t really matter, because what happens is that there are almost an equal number of those still committed to the opposite pole in this polarity. That will foster a kind of rebellion, you might say, which isn’t exactly taking your focus off of the external and into the internal, but it creates a disruption, and uncertainty…..metaphor might work better here.
Some people are invested in a kind of independence, who want to take the government out of some of the controls, ‘leave me to my choices and my guns’, whatever, that sort of cowboy version. That version, regardless of who is ascending to the throne, will continue to function that way and perhaps coalesce more into the groups that they perceive are needed to achieve a kind of fracturing of what has been the United States. So that particular uncertainty, then, starts to wiggle at the foundation of what Americans have decided is their foundation. Perhaps begins to crack it.
If the other side ascends, and there is a certain controlling of the sheep among you, those who have been externally referenced, who trust that these people know what they’re doing, the vaccines, the lies that have been told, etc., there will be a kind of cracking as well. Not necessarily in terms of the renegades that want to break from the United States, but more the sense that those who have given over their choices based on their own autonomy and their own authenticity will start to have more and more repercussions as their soul comes even more out of alignment with the field. Unintended consequences will start to magnify and multiply for the controllers, as you call them, those who are trying to take control, as their motives become more obvious for everybody else that something is amiss.
So, there is a kind of fracturing, but differently, that has effect both ways. It’s even possible that both can happen. When things crack, they don’t crack in a way you can predict, and that’s what this year is about, is fracturing. It’s not a fracturing that needs to affect people who are in the new dimension. That’s what we keep telling you. It’s not that it needs to affect you as you move deeper in. Your path is to learn how to consciously create within the fifth dimension, both collaboratively with those that you start to synch up with, as well as in your own experience. You will grow in your capacity to sense and create what you need in your own experience, as well as what you don’t need.
As you begin to notice what doesn’t match, and open to what does on a creation level, notice the feeling of what’s real, what has energy, what doesn’t. It gets simpler as you practice. As you get more aware and your intention is more infused with essence, life gets simpler. It does get easier and simpler, and is more relaxed. Yet in the outer world, the old structures do have to crack. They will have to collapse to some degree, do they not? They do have to dissolve, or shift. What is not of essence will have to unravel. It cannot remain.
This year is not the only year. Last year is bleeding into this year, and this year will bleed into next year. There is a kind of trajectory that is in motion. Last year, in some ways, was the preparation for what is to happen this year. Everyone had opportunities to go deeper in, to actually replenish and repair things, to choose love in ways they didn’t realize they weren’t previously choosing. To actually value certain things more than other things that they over-valued in the past. Not everyone, of course, but quite a few more. These are the ones on the cusp, that in consciousness may just need a few things to break through, to assist them to move into a new awareness that a new creation is possible.
So, you collectively have been in preparation for what is to unfold in the 3D world. You can almost feel it, can’t you? It’s as if it is already cracking. Maybe not to the point where everybody notices, but it’s cracking. The fissures will open more this year in ways that will feel threatening or fear-producing for some.
It’s why I almost can’t ask about it, because it’s first of all obvious, but it’s like it doesn’t matter. Answers don’t matter so much, it’s just happening.
It’s happening. You have wanted to witness the happening [speaking to Chris]. Well, you get to.
Oh, thank you. [inner sigh]
You’ll get to witness the unfolding, the happening.
You have spoken of trajectory, are we talking about this coming year?
Yes, some of the bigger stuff, coming this year, as well as into the next year. Cracking and breaking, and dissolving, moving and shifting in 3D will probably be more traumatic for some than others. The sorting that is happening by individual choice, soul choice, will continue, and you can’t predict at this point.
It is so interesting what is happening at this time in your earth, this dimensional earth. There are those that have come from afar to actually sit in the bleachers and watch. Not to interfere, and not to influence, but to notice and watch. And there are beings that have left the earth dimension for other dimensions, or planets, or other experiences over time…some of them have said hey, let’s go watch, it’s finishing up here, now. Let’s go see. So, there is a kind of arrival of what we would call support. They’re kind of cheering on the earth, do you understand? They’re cheering on the shift. They’re joining the larger field around the earth and within the field, the new field, to add substance…light, qualities of essence, and magnify them a bit more…as their contribution to being entertained [laughter].
The price of admission. [chuckling]
Yes, for we who have been with you through this long unfolding…long for you, being lifetimes…for us not so much long, but continuous and staying with you through the sequence of the unfolding, the plan, as it has been called. Is there a plan for the cracking? Well, not so much. It’s the same as when someone places an explosive. They try to assess where it will be most effective and cause the least amount of other-level damage, but ultimately there are some things that are not in control of anyone. Except for, perhaps, the Earth, who is now strong enough to disallow a whole level of consciousness and reality that has been constricting life for her and all those who have been aware that this is not of light, or love, or life for a very long time This needs to happen, and it will.
The last time these same beings tried to assume control over consciousness was in Atlantis. They blew a deep wound into the earth, almost cracking the substrate and the conscious web of life that sustains life here…that is now not possible. That is not possible. Life, earth, consciousness has healed that wound and moved beyond that as a possibility. So, this attempt to take over and control all consciousness, all creation, and to basically strip life from the planet…which is what they’ve done other places, other times…will not succeed here.
The next section makes reference to a pre-earth history of Chris. It is included because many know this is a planet seeded with many souls that experienced an evolutionary path that originated on planets beyond Earth. One of those planets was in the Antares system, referenced here. A significant segment of Earth’s population, between 15%-20%, is of that lineage, and may relate to some of this discussion, as may others with similar backgrounds.
Each planetary civilization evolved certain aspects of consciousness. The great experiment of Earth was to bring together numbers of those evolved aspects as a basis for a new dimension of creation. Basically, to see what happens when they all come together. The intention has been to form a new dimension of creation based in a unification formed of sovereign souls who fully embody their evolved natures and live an authentically-expressed life.
Part of the reason you are so interested in what’s happening [directed to Chris] is that this happened on the planet you left.
Over the years I have been able to put together pieces of that story, and indeed I always love to learn more. I know I was engaged with the technology there, and that I left when the planet could no longer sustain life. Please do tell me more about that.
We thought perhaps you’d enjoy that story. There were those in that time who thought they knew what would be the best way to use technology, in particular, to control that particular species. You could call it a humanity. In doing so, they extended that technology into areas that weakened the planet of that time, and ended up blowing off the atmosphere. That was when you left.
Many died, and many came into this dimension, particularly some that are still of the old structure in that time, where technology was to be the savior. Technology is what they focused on, and what they are now focusing on again. Some of these brothers and sisters of yours are trying to be more careful in some ways, while still convinced that humans, or beings, are supposed to create what makes life easier, what controls the weather and atmosphere, what controls food production…controls, controls, controls.
But what they did not know then, and what they do not know now…some may yet awaken…is that the potential is for humans to be freed to be creative and aligned with life, to collaborate with life, creating with life and within life, rather than on top of, or over. It’s the mind that separates and perceives it that way. The mind has been evolving in this planet as a consciousness. Its capacity is to focus and put into form, or create many, many, many things, which has been what the patriarchy has accomplished. Yet, it split itself from life. In splitting itself away, it has then created harm, and it’s continuing to create harm. This planet is now in a similar place to where your former planet was, but that planet did not have the internal strength to sustain coherency while that split happened.
There was also less love in that planet you came from. You don’t remember warmth and love, do you?
You didn’t have that evolved heart. You didn’t have that in that planetary experience. So there wasn’t enough coherency in that time to hold, while the technology over-evolved its host.
Yeah, that warmth and love piece, I’m still working on that.
Of course. All of you are.
That’s actually a place of challenge. We talk about what for us has been theoretical about moving into the new dimension. If the gateway is joy, or having capacity to have certain feelings, it seems like I don’t always have that. Maybe the capacity, but it hasn’t been exercised for so long, if ever, that the warmth and love piece doesn’t come naturally.
But you have exercised it in lifetimes previous to this, and you are exercising it now. So, don’t be so hard on yourself. You have chosen love. You started very young to recognize where you felt connection. Connection is love. You are aware where you feel connection, and where you don’t feel connection. That’s yours, yes? So, you may not have a sense of emotion, but you have a sensing capacity that you have evolved. One of the reasons you came together with this one [Michele] was because of love, and that calling of your heart to another level of both connection and collaboration, and a kind of coming together that, in your souls, both assist you to evolve and assist her to evolve. So, you have love.
So, referencing the desire to control from that other planet, along with those who came here to attempt this takeover, which has been done elsewhere…so that’s in consciousness?
To some degree, but sometimes it’s internal. It’s as if that old consciousness is still controlling the body and soul, here. Self-love, or loving and accepting of self, has also been a challenge for those souls. Not just to connect with others, or to connect with the living field or Earth, but self has been one of the bigger challenges with these souls.
I can see that among a handful that I have recognized as also from that planet, and for myself, that it has been a challenge. So those who came to this planet, not necessarily from that planet, but behind the scenes for a long time…are they of a particular race that came here, or is it a combination of races with this same consciousness. You say they’ve done it elsewhere.
It’s a combination at this point. Earth has been host to a number of different populations from planets that were like yours, no longer viable, yet those souls continued the need to evolve. Now there are those souls here in this time that will leave this planet and move to another planet, not because this planet is destroyed, but because they can no longer vibrate within it. That is happening again. The difference is that the earth hosted more than one population from different places. That was allowed in order to weave together some possible new ways to create here, rather an experiment to put together different qualities of consciousness that weren’t put together before.
This is a planet of creation. She’s a creator, have you noticed that?
Oh, yes!
A master creator. She has allowed more variety than most planets. Most planets are prepared and then are hosting mostly one population. The ones leaving the earth will probably, at this point, be hosted within a different planet. The population will primarily be them. At this time there is not a referencing of others joining them, but we cannot predict its evolution.
What happens when you leave a planet like you did, is that there’s a deep imprint of both loss and a sense of ‘perhaps I could have done something different’. A sense of ‘maybe I missed something’. It’s that overlay that propels people, perhaps in the next unfolding, to be more conscientious of what to notice. What do I notice, where do I put my attention, who do I trust, what do I not trust. Trust is a little harder after being expelled, so to speak. Many souls will have that experience as they sort out from Earth and move to a new place as they re-embody…maybe not right away, but eventually…with a greater sense of noticing their choices, noticing the consequences of their choices. And perhaps finding that they are learning through whatever they have brought along with them from their story here.
I know little about other planets and how they host life. Will that planet be Earth-like?
Earth-like enough. It can’t be so different that it would be too unfamiliar. That’s too disruptive for souls who are continuing to evolve. So, it’s Earth-like enough, but it’s a different planet. It has a different core, it’s a different being.
And not near us?
Not near, no.
Thank you so much for that information. It rang throughout my body, and explains so much of what I have felt. Shifting focus, I have a question about the wave of deaths that occurred early last year. Was the primary benefit that more old consciousness left, as we thought at that time?
Oh, yes! It’s been a tremendous help in lightening up what has been held, particularly in the old emotional structures that were being held and binding. That has been lifting as people have been leaving. Part of it is that they are taking it not just out of the earth, but out of the astral plane. Those leaving are those who did not transform or shift consciousness, and yet held patterns that were lineage patterns coming from the old stories of their own experience that then got passed on.
So, it’s a kind of dissolving of glue, you might say, in the old structures of consciousness. That will continue. They may not continue to die of this current disease, but just not being able to vibrate with the planet is affecting bodies. And it will affect more and more bodies over this year and next. How they pass is their own choice, but it could even be triggered by what the controllers are doing to try to take control of life.
You must understand that there are some very strong human beings in the new dimension that do not realize that they are there. They are mostly younger. They are mostly not able to function in the old-structure way. They are pursing their soul’s interests and attractions. In some ways they are already functioning in a new-dimensional way. They don’t know it’s called a new dimension, they just don’t have a way to interface with the old.
It doesn’t compute for them.
It doesn’t compute. So, even if they’re in a job that makes money for them, they don’t give their energy to the job as much as they do to whatever inspires them. They live more authentically, and kind of realize that a job or whatever is only temporary. They’re not buying into this is my career, or this is long term. They’re just there until they’re not.
Not selling their soul for a job.
No. But they don’t have language like you do, for what they’re experiencing or what they may be feeling. That generation, because of that, is a little bit protected. Even though they may at times feel like they have to wear a mask, for example, and they have to do certain things, it’s not coming from fear as much as coming from a kind of practical stance, same thing as the job. It’s practical, but it’s not so real. It doesn’t affect them in the same way. Many of them had parents who took on the patterns to transform, so they didn’t have to. As a result, they have more freedom.
So they don’t really have the inner rebel, like we feel about masks on most days.
No, not so much. It’s more that they have a sense of what’s practical. But they probably don’t wear them much if they don’t have to. They’re the ones out in restaurants, and bars, and places where they can gather. Their need to gather is almost like breathing to them, which is not like those who were brought up feeling isolated and alone. They don’t feel isolated and alone. They feel like they are part of something, and they feel it most when they are together. When they come together they feel it more, and it’s the way they’re designed. It’s part of their nature. They are born to collaborate, to co-create, to co-generate, and it’s very different from those who grew up solitary, taking on a path that was transformational.
And now we have edicts that limit gatherings. That must affect them.
Oh, yes! They’re mad. They’re upset about not being able to gather, which is their instinct. So basically they have worked their way around it. Almost all of this soul group have what they call their pods, where they just collect and connect, and continue to have their people. If they can’t go out in the world to do it, they do it together in other ways. They just do it differently, and they just continue. It’s their need, it’s like breathing.
Are some of them moving into politics, or is that not their path?
Some are if they feel drawn, and some need to be placed in certain places. Amongst most of this group there is a great disenchantment with politics. They don’t feel drawn, and pretty much are waiting for the opportunity to create something different, which is seeded within some of the people in this group.
It’s a pretty big group, and they’re worldwide. They recognize each other. They’re like magnets to each other. They’re all over. During and after this cracking and breakdown, some of these pods or groups, these collaborations, will start to emerge. You’ll notice that they don’t seem all that affected by trauma from their past. They don’t seem to be so controllable by fear. They just don’t, they just proceed. As things emerge, they emerge, and they’re happy to be part of it. It’s like fun, play.
You might find yourselves attracted to some of these young ones. They’re inclusive, they don’t care who’s all in their collaborations or groups as long as there’s the sense of connection. The connections are growing because of the field, and the synchronicities are growing because of the field. All of this moving together and moving apart is shifting everyone’s relationships.
That’s for sure! So, a bit of a segue into some of my activity, which is a specific way I have been drawn to share in writing, often on Facebook. I avoid putting too much energy into whatever represents dying structures, and don’t want to energize potential agendas to give them reality, but I’m drawn to highlight things that are at odds with what we’re being told.
And you need to do that, because that’s part of your completion. That’s what you didn’t do when you went through the whole collapse of your planet.
Oooooh…[gasp], I can feel that….okay. Yes, I feel compelled.
Because you didn’t warn them. You didn’t tell them what to watch for, what to notice, what to pay attention to…until it was too late. So, yes, you are compelled, and so are others. They may not be of your planet, but other planets like yours, perhaps. But yes, this is your completion. Enjoy it, be part of it.
I actually find satisfaction in it.
Yes, because it’s yours to do. Just allow the feeling. That will play out until it is done, and you feel complete with that part, or role.
Sometimes I think I am, but then the impulse kicks back in.
You’ll know.
Wow….thank you for that. Two other voices I connect with that seem to be doing something similar are J and M. Are they from my planet of origin, or elsewhere?
They had detours. So yes, and no. You came more directly, they did not. But they still have some of the overlays, but not quite the same way.
And after this completion will finally be the possibility of something else?
Of course, you live in the planet of all possibility and creation. Completion is to free you from whatever was binding from that old planetary experience, so that is gone, finished, checked off the list, and no longer a reference. Your soul will actually feel freer. You have other soul-level desires that could use some informed life, you understand?….including joy.
Do I need to complete this other piece first?
Sometimes there’s a bit of an overlap, but to some degree, yes.
We are feeling the need to close our portion with you before this one (Michele) runs out of energy. The Earth Mother would also like to join you, and has been waiting in the wings, so to speak.
We offer all of our love, our support and blessings for this coming year, coming unfolding. We love you dearly.
Thank you. Thank you for being there.
Earth Mother begins:
Hello, dear one.
What a fine surprise this is!
Well, I was planning it. [chuckle]
I appreciate it!
Hello, hello. It is my heart joining your heart. I love you. I love you more than you can perhaps sense or feel yet. But you will eventually feel more.
So, what would you like me to talk about here, today. How the old patriarchy is….
Crashing and burning, finally?
On the cusp, it is beginning, yes. And their downfall has been their need to possess, possess, and possess. And control of what they possess. And after a time there can be no possessing of what is authentic and real. It is impossible, so here we are at that point of impossibility as it now informs those who have not released or evolved beyond a very immature sense of ‘everything is mine’.
I’m relieved about that, and I’m happy for you, though maybe that’s not an appropriate word for your experience.
It’s not a happy feeling. Some are choosing apart, leaving me after many lifetimes here, many experiences, not all of which have been negative for them, or for me. No one has been 100% that way. They also have had experiences of pain, love, and compassion. It’s not one way, either/or, you see. But, in terms of evolving within the whole of consciousness, our collective whole…those who have continued to hold a binding on themselves and others can no longer bind. The bindings are dissolving. The bindings are the kind of bindings that have said I hold, control and possess the minds, the hearts, the energy, gifts and contributions of both human souls as well as the natural world…my body, my soul…and that can no longer happen here.
It’s very simple. It’s not actually difficult to understand, that as I shift into my wholeness, and my being is now moving rapidly into my own evolved fifth dimension, you might say…that those who are not evolving will not be able to remain. It’s a frequency, vibrational thing that physics can explain, and may in time do so with greater insight, but it’s already happening.
So, it’s not exactly a happy time yet, in terms of joy. My nature is to be a kind of holographic mother to all of life. All of life, all of the mattering of creation, here. That’s me. I’m the material, the matter, the mother, the materializing of consciousness here. My consciousness is what creates my body and nature as you know it, but your body and your souls have joined me here and have been in and out of this creation for eons…a long time, for you. Not as long for me. But, you’ve contributed much to the evolution of our experience together. Humanity has contributed both new potentials and possibilities and created limitations, constrictions and the inability to breathe freely in life.
I want to breathe. I long to breathe freely, more freely. To free the living potential within me and my capacity for creation, particularly now collaborating with conscious souls who are desiring the same. That has been our desire for a long time, for some of us, and the fulfillment or even the beginning of that for us will feel like breathing and opening to a springtime of potential and grand possibilities.
I’m not sure I even remember that kind of feeling. Maybe way back.
Yes, we had it, initially. Some souls joined me here at the very beginning. And it has come around in our collective evolution several times. It opened in places and times, here and there, so it’s remembered. And yet it is now time for greater freedom of creation together.
One topic, for which you’re be the go-to expert in our 3D experiment here, is that of vaccines. I have spent years learning about their downsides, and have expressed my views many times. Is there much of an upside to them? After all these years of looking into it I don’t see much. It seems like they have damaged a lot of people.
They have. They have damaged people, but many of them are young souls who have not had great evolutionary experience. So, some of them have had physical damage. Some souls within that experience have experienced damage, but will yet draw their soul into their body with greater potency and supply their body with what’s needed to have a generous life. And some of those souls will weaken in body, and they will leave what will seem to be prematurely in terms of age, but they will leave because this body will not be able to be sustained. They may be part of those who will be moving on, as well, even if they’re young. Or, they may come back into a new, stronger body. It doesn’t mean that only the old among you are taking out consciousness. Sometimes souls that need to evolve further will be moving along in order to do so elsewhere.
Can be at any age.
They can be of any age, is right. There are many, many souls here for the end of this age. Whenever there is a sorting at the end of a grand age of evolution, of sorts, there are imprints that are taken with these souls as momentum, and it can actually speed up evolution for their next round of adventure in their own soul’s journey, wherever it may be. That momentum is part of the gift of moving beyond our collective experience at this time, a momentum within their own personal evolution as they move on. And, there has to be a gift. I would not leave them, or they would not leave me, without a gift. That’s my nature.
But some will overrule it [the damage] with their own soul’s potency as their souls move into their bodies more thoroughly.
Have there been some benefits? There have been some areas in the earth where collectively certain consciousness was manifesting in the body in specific ways, but mostly because the place where they were living was already out of balance. They were experiencing the imbalance. For some of these people, not having as much of the manifestation of the imbalance has freed them to evolve a little bit more while embodied, in terms of longer lives. For those who are strong enough, they can, again, overrule some of what has been a detriment to their immune system and their physicality, a weakening. And others will move on.
I’m in this place of blessing and gifting as people’s choices materialize in this time. Without any judgment, of course, there’s none. I gift with a kind of support for the souls that are moving on, as well as for those who are continuing here. I’m less sad than I used to be about the leaving. I am more immersed in this new dimensional experience that is mine to have, mine to share, and mine to open. That is shifting how I feel, as well as how you feel.
I also have had little waves of sadness about humanity. I can’t imagine what yours ever felt like. When I haven’t been either frustrated or questioning, or whatever, I just realize a sadness that it has to be this way.
Yes, I have been sad. And as you and I, and we all move into this fifth dimensional experience, there is a kind of release of what no longer matches. It is less emotionally felt, and more a sense of what IS, perhaps you would say. More what IS. There is a kind of awareness within me that I have done my part in this long journey together, and I have offered what I could offer. And if those who are here continue to be apart from what I offer, or continue to try to possess, hold and claim, and then control what I have offered, their own choices have led them to be far apart from what is of life here. That is a culmination and a completion for them.
That is their own choice, their own doing. I have not supported that for them. I have tried to inform and connect with them, through their bodies, through their experiences of life, even through their materialization experiences, that there is a connectedness…that they are here with me, Life together with me and I with them. But when they do not open in their experience or awareness, and they choose to separate themselves from me and others, then it is their own doing, their own choosing, their own creation to separate from not just life, but us as a whole.
I know there are many examples of layers, and levels, and dimensions of what has been done by some, but a couple things stand out to me. One is the control of seeds, which is life itself. And then water, and how water has become a commodity.
Yes, and now water is going on the stock market because it’s being seen as what is this rare commodity. It’s astounding, and absurd, and horrible all at the same time.
And sad at some level, that they cannot see beyond what they possess as something that has consciousness of its own, that it is more real than what they are perceiving, many times over. So yes, that is part of it.
I appreciated hearing about more of my own history from our friends I spoke with just before you. I appreciate being able to put some things into context that feel important about how things can be completed, understanding that some things don’t have to go on forever in such challenging ways. I think we’re all just ready to move on.
Play would be interesting, yeah, how about that [smile].
Play, create, allow this deep level of potential and possibility to rise and materialize, to break free. It is a kind of new creation that is being birthed here. New creation, a new way of being potent and creating what’s living in potential. Certain souls, even certain lineages of souls, genetic lineages of souls will not stay here to do this. Part of it is because of the lineages of control, and contraction, and constriction, and possession has limited evolution even at genetic levels.
So those bodies carrying those cells, that lineage, many of them will leave unless there have been a few born in the midst of them to be transformers of some kind. And yes, there are a few transformers that went in to those places, those lineages, that more or less have attracted souls that are like them. But yes, some lineages are leaving, such as in WWII when many of the Jewish lineages died out, that too was an ending of certain patterns and pathways through bodies.
I can barely relate to the sense of time, how long you’ve been around and the process of evolving this body. It’s hard to comprehend your patience, or your capacity to endure the experiment.
That has been more and more and more challenging over these last millennia. More and more. The constrictions have grown as the patriarchy laid waste to my body and yours, and controlled consciousness in such a way that people forgot their potentials. Many people forgot their potency, they forgot they were creators, they forgot they had choices…not completely, but they were so limited in their sphere of choice they could make that they began to just survive.
The number of people just surviving in my body must change, because that is not allowing the capacity of life to join them. They can’t open to their own capacity for living with constrictions on everyday needs and requirements. So those things have been shifting in certain places where it has been the most detrimental to life, the suppressing of life, and yet there are still areas that are in survival daily. That, too, has a variety of possibilities once the controls leave…will people open to capacities that are latent within them and access life, or will they not? They get choices then, which they have not had. So, there will be a period of time where there is potential for choices that have yet to be able to be made amongst populations of people here.
As one in the transformer group, I found it interesting to hear about the younger people and how they’re just wired a certain way. It’s normal for them. They don’t comprehend or give energy to the things that we grew up with, which we’ve been casting off and transforming. It seems like we have to make this transition to the place they already inhabit, the natural way of being here in the new dimension.
Yes, and you are conscious because you have gone through the process, which they have not. So, bringing words or language to the larger experience also can awaken more possibilities. Not to go over past stories so much, but just to name this consciousness in some ways. In a way that some will be grateful to have a context for their experience and who they are now. Many of these young ones have actually been given input from some people in the old story that they are not committed to a life that would be successful. They don’t feel successful in the version of the story that they are living in, because they feel different and operate differently. Yet, they may need some language that brings them into a context of who they are and why they are they way they are.
And why they may be experiencing depression?
Yes. Some so deeply that they leave their physical experience without opening fully to why they chose to be here in the first place. But they will come back rather rapidly. They will realize, with some assistance from those on the other side, that they were just a little ahead of their time and needed a second round to come in, a little later as well, to learn from what they experienced and to see that what they took in was not of essence, but intended to make them be stronger, to strengthen them.
So the voice of the elders could be of benefit?
Yes, re-establishing the position of where elders need to be in the whole of life and creation. That has been robbed from the elders of the generation you are in, and beyond.
I can feel that. Sometimes stuck away in a facility, to dwindle away what’s left of their time. That’s a sign right there.
Well, it is a sign of withering in a culture, yes.
I appreciate your visit.
As do I. And, as I said last year, you do not need to wait so long. I am more accessible, as you know. I am here. Not to teach you, or to offer messages, it’s more that the evolution is happening within us, together. Then, as we open more and more to potencies that are freed from the bindings of the old, there may be collaborations that spark ways of learning that are mutual.
Throughout this past year there has been a sense…it’s not like we couldn’t ask to visit or that you aren’t present, but that we’ve had to move more into that sense of ourselves, not looking outward for what we think we need.
You’re talking, and I can feel you. It’s like yeah, to make this shift into a place of co-creatorship rather than student/teacher.
Or dependency.
Or dependency…that we’re coming out of that mold, also. I get that.
I’m aware that this one [Michele] is losing energy. I look forward to collaborations in the future, with you and others, that are beyond that time of dependency, and beyond that time of looking outward. Moving into alignment with who they are and what is creating now in this next time. So, blessings, love, support, and joy as you open to this next unfolding within this beautiful, wondrous, new dimension that we are creating together…it is about to birth beyond what it could birth before, with the freedom to do so. I feel like saying Hallelujah!
Hallelujah, yes! And know that I may lose my dependency, but I won’t lose my reverence.
She closes in her language.
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The address for this page is https://choiceforlove.com/the-2021-channeling/
You may find the 2020 channeling to also be helpful and informative. You can read it at https://choiceforlove.com/the-2020-channeling/
Thank you for all the work you have done through the years and the sharing sharing of information. This is a message of hope and affirms that we are moving forward regardless of the chaos and distractions around us. What we are going through is part of a larger plan and it does make sense.
It is helpful to hear ME perspective and to know that things are progressing as they must and that we will evolve regardless of who is in office. To hear about the control of the media, our rights, etc. A reminder that we are powerful conscious creators and the younger generations will make the necessary changes.
Thank you.
What a gift! Thank you so much Dear Chris and Dear Michele! I have often thought, during this last year, about what the Earth Mother, and Spirit Friends would share! So many nuggets! And of course, for me it was especially poignant reading “Mama” talk about her need and desire for breathing. Blessings and love to all!
As always, supportive and informative. Sounds like a couple of very active and interesting years of ‘fracturing’ releasing and shifting and yet not necessarily so individually traumatic as and ‘if’ we continue to evolve into our own authenticity. No small thing. (chuckle). Thank you, Michele and Chris, for bringing forth this channeling and discussion!
Thank you for sharing with us. I’ve read through this once and will return again and again to more deeply take in the messages being offered. I leave this initial reading with a deep sense of peace.
Thank you. Deeply appreciated. ❤️
Thank you so very much!! This is exactly what my soul needed to hear . I feel lighter, more hopeful and encouraged. There is so much love and wisdom here and I will be returning to it when I need a boost.
Thank you for sending this out. I too feel I need to go back and read this aloud for the vibration of the message to integrate. ❤️ To you both
Many thanks to you both, and the Spirit family and Earth Mother for this communication. Today (Jan. 6, 2021), felt like a big fracture occured in the US Capitol. It shook me pretty hard, gotta admit. I’ve been a lightworker for decades; however the visceral experience of watching angry mobs of armed men smashing windows and storming the Capitol was jarring, to say the least.
Reading this narrative tonight has helped calm my fears, at least for now. And Chris, many thanks for including the piece about Antares and what happened previously. Very helpful to read here.🙏💛🌎
This is such good medicine in our time. Thank you both and to the energies that brought the message for your work in the world, your connectedness to all things that bring light and love, and your remarkable ability to share this message.
warmly with much love,
This was exactly what my soul needed. Such rich and delicious content, delivered with the spiciness of truth and self responsibility. I will read this again and again. It resonated so loudly for me. Thank you for continuing this work, particularly now after the long dark year we just had. I had a sense we were in for a few more years of change, but have also been getting Mother’s message to just relax, trust and live in love. Blessings to you and Michelle!!
Michele and Chris,
So deeply grateful for this balm to my heart which relaxes my body and gives deeper access to Soul and the direct experience of love ~ true, penetrating, connected and alive.
Thank you! That was a wonderful read and experience!
In relation to my own experience in this time of Saturn and Jupiter being close together as the energy has shifted from Pisces to the Aquarius. Is that pockets of consciousness inside my physical body is holding control/resistance to the new level of energy coming in. It shows up like something that is out of tune with the rest of the body. I feel this great weight of the planets as they direct the new energy coming in. A time of coming together first on the inside of my body of various consciousness joining together. A time of opening up and letting go as we have done so many times before. This time it feels so much stronger than the previous time. New energy comes in over and over again. Each time I need to transform and integrate. It felt like a door was opened a few weeks ago. I am gradually going through it. Thank you for sharing your energy Michele, Chris, friends in Spirit and our Earth Mother.