Current perspectives on our transforming world, as expressed through Michele Mayama. Introduction and transcription by Chris LaFontaine.
In 1994 Michele and I founded Lightsmith (see What is Lightsmith?) to provide a structure for what became 23 years of process work focused on personal and collective shifts of consciousness. Michele was already well-versed in this area, having been working with numerous other groups since 1983. Michele’s capacity to act as a channel for beings of Spirit and Earth opened us to a long sequence of events we now think of with affection as the Lightsmith project.
For many years it was a tradition for us to open our doors on January 1st, gather for a pot luck meal, and settle in for a channeling on what was up in our larger, collective evolutionary process. In those times we asked for an overview, from those with a greater perspective, of how we were progressing in what some have referred to as a shift of the ages.
From our point of view, 2020 was always seen as a time when we would experience a rapid acceleration in the breakdown of whatever has not honored Life, which includes the many ways a small number of people took control of money, human energy, and planetary resources primarily to benefit themselves. It was known that the old order would dissolve and a period of chaos would precede fundamental reorganization of social structures based in collaboration and co-creation, honoring this planet and all of life.
We have not gathered as a group for several years, but this year Michele and I sat together at home for a session with those in spirit. We were surprised and very happy when the great being of the earth, the one we call Earth Mother, also came to be with us in this dialogue. The conversation supported our understanding of what is taking place in our collective experience, and spoke of a choice to not continue focusing on those who are desperate for our attention, and hence our energy.
So, we share these messages as a reminder that we’re in a process, a very large process. We do not see a simple recycling of old patterns, but rather a release of what no longer works for life as those who have commandeered the old structures reveal themselves more clearly, leading to opportunities for new choices. It’s a big story, and one that we have articulated over the years to the best of our abilities. Additional information about the nature of this extraordinary process of transformation and reconstruction is shared on the pages on this site.
The transcript of our New Year’s dialogue begins below, opening with a greeting from friends in spirit.
Regards to all now choosing life,
Oh, hello!
It is our pleasure to be with you here today. Thank you for inviting us.
Certainly, and it’s our pleasure as well, so thank you for being here.
It is a new year, and a new decade for you in the earth. And it is a new age for you in the earth. And it is a new awakening…promises are being fulfilled in the earth.
And, the Earth Mother is joining us today. So, you may hear from her, as well.
Oh, very nice!
She did not want to be left out in this invitation, so she’s included and is present, and will probably make some comments and connection later. It has been some time since we have been working through this one [Michele] in this way, and yet you all are proceeding very well, so it is perhaps just a friendly visit.
We have always appreciated your input at the beginnings of our years. I know that other people involved with us have enjoyed the connection in that way, hearing from you…and we certainly do. Your perspectives always lend a little hope to we humans who are sometimes distracted.
Distracted, yes, though perhaps this year you will learn more about how to be present in what is of essence, what matters, to focus where the energy of your heart and being truly desire to create and focus, and be. It’s as if this great field, the new field…that which is the merger of light and life within you and within the whole of the planetary mother, Earth Mother…is now moving into a new stage.
You have felt the shift happening over this last year. It has perhaps been intense for many of you as what has been accumulated, stored, or un-processed from the past has been opened and moving on through, you might say. Whether you knew it was there or chose to deal with it or not, it showed up. And, it has shown up in your lives, in relationships, in your bodies, in your work places…in pretty much any place you have human experience.
You have many wonderings about what is yet in store and what is yet to come. Hopefully, you are beginning to realize that anything and everything that left in this last stage has been freeing in ways that you could not foresee until it moved through or moved on. You have been learning to stay present with what is rather than being afraid of whatever has shown up, or being resistant, being judgmental or actually trying to control or interpret it in ways that were familiar. You’re learning through your own direct experience that being present, opening to the unfolding and going with it, is one of the ways that your soul is teaching you how to be a citizen of the new dimension. A fifth-dimensional citizen, a fifth-dimensional participant, a fifth-dimensional conscious creator.
You cannot learn to consciously create based in the old story or your old training. Duality, and the patriarchy that basically has governed duality, has made fear the foundation of its control. Those who have constricted more into fear, and have listened to those who have been propagating fear, have become more and more rigid in their own withdrawal from what is of essence. Withdrawal from what is a new opportunity, a new consciousness…a withdrawal. The more they withdraw, the less they have access to what would be the mediating force of love, or the mediating force of connection with what is real.
So, for some of you it seems that what you see happening around you in the earth is rather like science fiction, or a fantasy that is playing out without an understanding of how this could be. Others of you are mid-way, in the sense that you still have some fear and you’re wondering how things in the world will affect your money, your survival…how they will affect your lives. And there is yet a kind of externalization to some degree, maybe less than before, but still some.
And some of you are moving beyond the focus completely and just choosing to focus into what has life, what is real, what has a sense of birth or gestation into birth…of a new experience of living. This will be a wonderful, awakening year for those of you who are choosing, are freed, are starting to sense those possibilities and lightness of being…a sense of expansion, a sense of potential, a sense of what is yet to be discovered and lived, and relationships on the horizon. It will be a creative year, a year of tapping into aspects of your being that have not yet synchronized fully, but are beginning to have the capacity to synchronize more and more.
It is the synchronization of this year that will probably be the most noticeable…for those who are noticing, who are aware of such things…synchronization of your experience unfolding within the larger unfolding and how things unfold more rapidly, more easily. You will be drawn into creating, using latent or less-used capacities that were not drawn upon in the old life that you are leaving. They were not needed, because you are using capacities that were well-oiled to adapt to living in a world that was not based in love, or essence. So, most of you adapted to be in that world to the degree that you needed to be, to be in life.
Now, that’s moving on. That’s what has been leaving. That’s what has been dismantling. And you will start to notice, if you pay attention at all to the outer world, that the energy that has been holding that together loosens more and more. Those who are trying to hold it together are gripping and becoming more frantic in ways to continue to hold control, at the same time they are assuming they already have control and that they don’t need to defend their turf, so to speak.
Unfortunately for them, the new dimension is moving forward rapidly, and there is a disconnect from those who have been disconnecting. There is an unweaving from what has woven the fabric and the fiber of the old story together. There is a dismantling of structures that, for many, they have invested in for lifetimes to continue to mold and keep them growing, gaining more power, more energy…siphoning it off from life, from nature, from people, from every place they can perhaps siphon from.
So, while they are focused on maintaining these structures and the control, power, and money it affords them, simultaneously the structures are dissolving even as they work with trying to keep them together. Dissolving, dismantling…as this has been foretold. They have not listened well to some of the prophecies and some of the warnings. But, that’s okay. That’s their choice, that’s their consciousness, that’s what’s happening.
So, two years probably, 2020 to 2022, will find a rapid dissolving of many structures. Yet, stability will start to come from a different place. Rather that stability being focused externally, such as do I have enough money to retire, or do I have enough in my bank account to cover my expenses and whatever else. Rather than having an externally old-story reference for stability, there will be more and more of a sense of all is well, and not even knowing for sure why you sense you are secured…or why you sense you are part of…but you will. You will sense that you are cared for, and synchronizing into a larger, living experience of collaboration…not just with others but with life, and life with you…and learning how to be participants, creators, citizens of the fifth dimension, if you wish to use that name. A new creation.
So, the learning curve is going into gear over the next two years for those who are moving into the new creation. Do not resist learning. Learning is your nature. Learning is of life. Learning is built-in to your consciousness, your bodies, and the whole of you is learning and evolving. It’s natural, it’s of life, and as you relax into…not pre-knowing…but allowing yourself to move with what is opening with the feeling of being secure within a new creation. A sense of stability that has no requirements of you other than to be present as you are. As you are.
This is not a learning curve of self-improvement. This is not even a learning curve of healing. This is a learning curve of participation within life and within creation. It’s a different kind of learning. It will be exciting, it will be fun, it will challenge you in ways that are eliciting from you more of what you didn’t even realize was your capacity or potential. It will be a re-configuring of skills, or a re-configuring of those things that you used in the past, but differently. And it will be a sense of starting to feel more and more as if you are coming out of a cave with your head down, in isolation, and doing your work, and being so attentive to what is unfolding, dissolving and releasing, that your head didn’t come up very much perhaps, in the last couple of years. That is releasing.
Look around you, take a deep breath, walk outside, start to notice who’s there and what’s there. Start to be open to doing things that you wouldn’t ordinarily do. Going places that you wouldn’t ordinarily choose. Meeting people you wouldn’t ordinarily meet. Connect with things that have a spark of interest, without really knowing why. Synchronous-ness…the syncing up will be one of the things you will notice this year and enjoy, and perhaps be surprised by, but soon you will begin to notice that that is how things unfold in the new dimension of light within life.
And your hearts, your beautiful hearts, human being hearts that have been restricted and constricted, perhaps at times feeling alone and having interpretations around worthiness or connection of what is of life or love for you…yet sensing what is fulfillment at a deeper level. And questioning is it possible, can you experience it in this life and body, and have all of the things that have felt limited and constricted in your deeper soul experience, here. Being a human being in earth…yes there’s been this old rhythm of the past where you go from third dimension to fourth dimension, back to third dimension, back to fourth dimension…if you make it to fourth dimension. Heaven, earth…earth, heaven.
So, the fifth dimension is beyond the three-dimensional earth…beyond fourth dimensional…it’s an alchemy, and it’s not all yet created. It’s being created, it’s in creation, it’s in the momentum of creation. It’s at the birthing, it’s a nascent dimension. So, there are opportunities and potentials that will gradually assist those of you who have been more constricted in some of those old story experiences, to release those constrictions, to move into greater trust, greater awareness that it’s trustworthy. It’s real and you are part of it.
In the past we have coached you on withdrawing your attention from that which distracts, as you said earlier…those things that draw your attention away from what is authentic, natural, evolving, true, real, and felt. It’s not about your mind. Your mind is learning that it has been the most seduced of the whole of you, mostly because you focus on what has nothing to do with you. It’s not of essence to you, it’s not real to you, but you allow it to be real. You make it real with mental attention.
For those of you who are learning that the mind is seducible, it is a bit of a practice to choose where to focus your attention. To choose to open to deeper, sensing, feeling organs within you. Particularly males. It’s for us to say that the males, or the masculine of your species…and females have a masculine aspect as well…tend to have been more seduced by the material plane. More seduced into paying attention and then feeling as if that is what’s most real, needing to have proof of it through science and experiments, and proof of this and proof of that. And not trusting their own feelings, not allowing their own senses to be engaged in another level of “is this the truth, is this not the truth”. Discernment cannot come through minds that have been seduced to believe anything that is being taught or told by an external force using fear, manipulation and coercion. That’s going.
So, what will happen to minds that are so engaged in that, as if that is real? Those minds will either start to have an awareness…perhaps forced into their consciousness that their soul creates, so that they begin to pay attention in a different way…or they will be part of the sorting. And we’ve talked about this in the past, it’s not news. What’s dissolving is dissolving, and what’s transmuting is transmuting…the old structures, the old story, the old realities, the old ways of being that have been governed by primarily a patriarchal-focused force. Governed, at times, by those in the astral plane and holding on with tenacity, we will admit, to those places of control and power. That’s dissolving.
When it dissolves, those who are engaged in it as a reality, and the only reality, will perhaps not discover…we cannot say for sure…they will not discover the opportunity opening for a different experience beyond what was a takeover of consciousness in the earth. And that happened a long time ago, and has been consolidating in the last several hundred years.
So, we are excited, I hope you are excited for this coming adventure of creation. We are open to questions if you have any.
Ah, well, an interesting thing to me about questions. In the past when we’ve had conversations, often there was a group of people with questions, but I’ve been relaxing more and more into a sense of receptivity and openness to the mystery. Less seeking, in a sense, so in that regard I have fewer questions about certain things.
Yet, some things seem dominant. You talked about the takeover, and we watch what’s happening to our sense of democracy here in the United States. I’m curious about that sense of democracy and a transition of what we think of as government, and how that shifts when there is less reference to the external authority and the turning to the sovereign individuals within the whole as the authority of self.
Authors, of the new creation.
Yes, authors.
There’s a difference between authority and authorship. Those who become more and more spirit-embodied, light-informed consciousness while fully accessing their senses, capacities, alignments with life and light fused within love, here…they don’t need an external authority. But there is need for synchronous coordination and collaboration. Once those who feel as if their part is to be present in areas of coordination and collaboration for areas of social agreements, social life, working together…then decisions will be made much more easily, that are obvious perhaps, rather than through pro and con arguments.
Consciousness informs the whole in different areas of life and creation, and the different gifts that are distributed throughout consciousness through people and nature, begin to surface for the purpose of what’s needed next. And there is an unfolding. You can’t know the future. And there is a cleaning up of what has been, and a dissolving of what has been, and a shift into a different way of organizing and making choices and decisions. A different way of honoring the gifts within the whole and who surfaces for what, and beginning to unwrap and unravel the gifts from those who have been constricted into diminished experiences of survival. Nonetheless, they are opening up in many of them as well in the next dozen years. They, too, will begin to unravel and unwrap themselves as they emerge to take part in the new creation.
It is such a nascent time, such a new time, that the experience can’t be predicted or foreseen of how this will unfold in creation or life. There are places that are collaboratively and cooperatively starting to create workable, co-generating businesses or collaborations to create and share things with others, but not in a way that controls all the resources and all the energy. It’s distributed.
So, notice where it’s emerging, notice where you feel your own call to be participating or learning through participating…which is how you learn, which is through participating. As you do so, you will find others starting to relax with less of a grip of fear, or fear that something will be taken from them, or the old traumas and old things will repeat. Some of that needs to gently release out of consciousness, and out of bodies, and out of the field. It will, it is, it is already happening. It’s all the references you have, some of you. You don’t have new references yet, that’s to grow. But notice, notice, notice the mystery, as you say…because it is unknown until experienced at this time.
You mentioned the takeover, and you’ve talked of it before. So, there’s duality, and I understand that there was an intention to create individuation and density, and that was a structure. How does the takeover piece differ from the intention of duality itself. Is it just a more intense application of duality, or is it a manipulation, or….?
It’s a manipulation of duality so that the consciousness is focused externally. Even religions, they began with mystics, mystical beings who were receiving information, input, and guidance for human beings in different settings and places in the world. But they were receiving from an internal source of experience. They received from their own knowing place, their own capacity to tune in and tap into a greater consciousness than perhaps those around them. And yet, the dualistic institutions then took forward what was considered their teachings and made them into beliefs, made them into dogmas. They made them into priestly castes of mostly men, males, who dictated what was right and wrong, what was moral and truth…it was all externalized.
So, manipulated to externalize consciousness rather than continue to allow the evolution of deeper knowing in a personal, experiential sense of how do I discern what is real for me, organically true of life, supportive of my unfolding of the capacities within me to explore who I am and be here, materialize here. All of those things that are somewhere given freely have been basically put into boxes, and you have to pay to get them. Or sell your life to get them. And they’re not real anymore. They have become split off from what is real.
Without fully intending it, advantage was taken of the creation of structures, the creation of governments, the creation of more and more and more definition, and more and more and more separation and distinctness. There was a moving out of and away from what was freely given, freely received, freely part of a collective or collaborative consciousness of creation, or even nature. There was movement further and further and further away because it was benefiting somebody who could control, through the structure, a supply of energy, money and life force that could then be directed by them to benefit from this ever-growing separation.
Was that the intention within life here? No. You have a planet of love. You have a heart that is unifying, and is continuing now within this fusion of light within life, to dissolve the structures of separation and dismantling what has been apart from life, truth, essence…what’s real. So, yes, there was a gradual kind of takeover. First, perhaps less conscious, then more and more conscious, and more and more controlled, and more and more of a takeover of what began as a dual experience between the third and fourth dimensions [earth/heaven] and then became separate. So separate that there was no more communicating between essence, life, love, and the consciousness that had split apart.
So, the beings that moved that direction of what we’re calling the takeover, the manipulation…is it a combination of beings in terms of some were human, some were not?
Originally not human, yes. From other places, yes. Some are from other places, but in human forms now. Some are human, perhaps evolved more from earth, but not yet strong in their consciousness and not yet fully aware of the power in their capacity to choose what is of life. Some are just beings who have been apart for so long in consciousness that they are not aware that they have a choice anymore. So yes, it’s a combination.
Along that line…and I know the Earth Mother is present…people talk about the weather being manipulated. Is that actually so? I know she’s quite capable and active herself. Are there also external attempts to manipulate forces of nature?
Not manipulate forces of nature, no. That is something that an externally-focused person might believe [chuckle]. Earth Mother actually is quite in charge of where the fires are, and where the floods are, and where the earth is opening up to more of….how would we say this….there’s a shift in her body, and it’s her body. It’s her body, it’s your body. It’s not ours, we don’t have a body, you understand? So, those who either claim that there is manipulation, or claim that they are manipulating, they do not know the earth as a conscious being. They do not know who she is. They do not know that their devices or attempts are part of their death throes, you might say. So, talk to her. Let her talk to you. It’s her domain.
I appreciate that clarity. So, this may then be a question for her, but you have a perspective also and you can tell me which way better to address it. It’s my questions about vaccinations, which has been a focus of mine [after years of my own research, I consider them damaging, scientifically unsound and anti-Life]. I’m thinking particularly now of women friends or family who have young children, or older, who have chosen against vaccinations and are very concerned about what their children may have to face, or they would have to face in terms of forced coercion under potential mandates . Perhaps you could comment a little bit about how that’s unfolding. If the old structures and control structures are dissolving, I understand the long term. In the short term there’s a lot of fear.
And that is the intention, is to control through fear. Be not afraid of that. Trust yourself, trust what you feel in the moment. Do what it is that you know is of essence, and truth, and goodness for yourself and your children, and for those in your care. And relax deeper into support, into the place where the new, fifth dimensional experience is evolving and synchronizing. There is, as we said earlier, about a two-year intensity of dissolution that is affecting those that are in dissolution of those old, fear-based control structures. So, choose, stay present, open to receive what you need. Be present with how it feels with your own choices, and what feels right to you. And open to this synchronizing field this year.
Yes, the whole control of choice is playing out in this arena with the information that is false, as you know, and yet widely dispersed because of the matrix of media. Media is no longer just watching a screen and listening to a voice. It’s on everyone’s phone, and it’s on all the time. So, the constancy of media focusing fear-based illusions into people’s consciousness gives energy and attention to those that are trying to control through that media, yes? So, they may need to unplug a little bit. Unplug from the media input. Take a break from all of the input coming in that continues to threaten, and use coercion, and more and more control over choice. Take a break. It sometimes is the only way to let your consciousness refocus to where it matters for you. Take a break.
Over the next two years, if you watch the whole thing unfold, it’s going to take too much energy from you. You’ll give energy to that which is trying to dismantle. Where do you want to put your life force? Where do you want to build? What’s creating for you? Where do you want a new life, where do you want to breathe, where do you want to open up? Yes, your children are your focus of loving intention, well, focus there. Cheer them on. Support them.
I certainly don’t want to prolong the disassembling of the control structures by giving them more energy to stay alive longer.
Notice that.
That control, does that fundamentally end up to be about money?
Not fundamentally. It’s about energy and creation. It’s about trying to control life and creation, and control of where the energy flows, and how energy feeds those who have control of money. But, it’s control of life, and control of choice, and control of assets you might say, which are people and their gifts, and control of nature and its resources. And control of all of what is supposedly feeding those who are in control. It’s a takeover, of sorts, of the planetary consciousness that has been relatively more conscious the last two hundred years, and getting more conscious in the minds of those who are here in the controlling chairs or seats.
We’ve said it before. The sense is to discern, feel, know. Sort what is of life, what is of love, what is of essence, what’s real for you, what’s true for you in your own capacity to make a choice for you…and make those choices. You will find out very quickly if you are sincere in your desire to learn and evolve about what’s real and true. You will learn very quickly, rapidly in the next two years, what is in your consciousness that is in alignment with life and fifth-dimensional awareness, and what is not. It will be very clear much more quickly.
The seduction of the mind is loosening as the structures of control are loosening. More and more people will start, at first, to kind of sleepily wake up, but they will start to discern where they, too, have been seduced into believing things that are not of essence, not real, not true. More and more people will start to wake up. Were they the ones to be the forerunners, as you have been? No. But, they will respond to the dissolutions that will rapidly open up in the next two to three years. The next dozen years will have a lot of metamorphosis, you might say.
Thank you. Those questions are what have first popped into my mind.
Shall we make way for Earth Mother to join you?
It has been our joy and pleasure. Thank you for having us in your home, and for sharing our perspective…if you so choose…with others. We are very happy to join you in this celebration of new creation. Thank you all for being the creative, courageous beings that you are in this time. We look forward to collaborations in the future.
And happy new creation to you.
Thank you.
[After a few minutes of energetic shift the Earth Mother joined us. As usual, she began with her language, phonetically offered here as best I can.]
Eh-ya Kai-ya-ha
Eh-ya Kai-ya…Ha
Eh-ya Akai-ya…Ha
Ah, English.
I know that English is not your favorite form of communication. I’m so happy just to hear from you. I know you’re always present. I feel you, and you respond when I call, but to connect with you this way also I do appreciate very much. I’ve missed you.
Well, I have missed joining you in this way, as well. Using a voice is always a little challenging for me, but I’m up to it.
I’m sure you are. You’re up to a lot these days, it appears.
That is true. I am up to so much that it is beyond words in some ways, beyond any kind of way to even communicate. So, I hope you will forgive me my limited capacity to express what is the experience of this great moment that we share together in our living, planetary experience.
It is a great moment. I do not go by clocks, as you know…and seconds and minutes and hours. But I do feel a great momentum in the sense of how our living experience is now starting to pulse once again. Our life experience is casting off what has been diseased, and what has been depressing and suppressing of breath, and life, and motion and movement, and what is the deep awareness and potency within all of creation, including humanity. Including consciousness of life within humanity.
I’ve gotten over the first wave of sadness that was deep within my being, my heart, at the numbers of human beings who are choosing away from me, and choosing away from creation here, together. It has been painful to feel them pull away and disconnect more and more and more through choices of moving into something that is beyond us, beyond this emergence that is such a gift. The emergence is such an amazingly deep, experienced gift to feel the great fusion of light, and to partner in ways that I have known is possible to partner with the great…you call it “God” or spirit…but that which is eminence of consciousness, of awareness, of intelligence within our body of consciousness.
We have different ways of being intelligent that are alchemically joining together in ways that are delightful as it sparks possibilities and potentials that have not been within my body’s reach, consciousness reach, without this great fusion that is happening. Is it all evolved, is it all informed? Of course not. It is in conception stages of potential and possibilities. But it feels delightful, and so expansive in my own experience of it.
I’m not grieving, as I have been, those who are choosing to not participate. It is their choice. And they will grow, and they will learn in other dimensional experiences, planets and places beyond this one. They will, perhaps, at some point learn more of what they rejected, what they said no to, and that is theirs to experience. But it won’t be here, it will not be here. Not here.
There are those who have mistaken, and it is within your new age communities, where they have predicted there will be a split but it would be a split here. Where there will be those who have chosen to go into greater and greater density, fear, control, manipulation and poisoning of our resources, our planetary and human bodies…life. It cannot be here.
What they have foreseen, or what they are seeing is how humans who are deciding, choosing to disassociate with us, with this planet, will create elsewhere what is real to them. They will create it until they decide that living in a mess is not all that pleasant, and that competition for resources that are then controlled by a few is not all that good for all people. So, eventually they will learn, but not here.
Can you say more about the rate at which those who are choosing away will actually be leaving?
That is harder to discern in terms of your timing. You are asking a timing question, and timing is less precise for me. I can feel that it has already begun. It is already beginning, and it will escalate over these next cycles of our experience together. It will escalate in ways that people are not foreseeing, and it will escalate in ways that are sequential in some ways. It seems odd to say that, but there is in a way that the dismantling is taking place that there are both arenas of control, and areas in the earth where larger groups of people are influencing each other and choosing away together. Larger evacuations, you might say, larger releases. And there are those who, in this sequence, are taking out a way they have been bound or held in consciousness for those who are their descendants, so that frees up others who can still open to what is real and alive here. It is happening, and it will escalate. You will notice.
I’m glad that you are feeling less pain around those separations. It’s hard to imagine what that experience of separating from so many beings is like for you on the scale at which you’re working.
It has been painful. Some of you have picked up on some of that, and I’m sorry if it has processed through you, but it has been my experience. I love. I am love, I weave, I connect, I offer, I gift, I support, I resource. I am that which is a foundational experience of mother as humans embody. And they stay with me. The fourth dimension [heaven, the “other side”] has been earth-based. The fourth dimension has not been elsewhere, do you see? It’s here, as well. It’s mixed together.
So, for those who I have nurtured many times, and some who have been seduced away from life or traumatized away from life who are constricted now away from me…that has been painful to release them to their unfolding. I’m hopeful that there are still some to awaken and will choose to open once again to what is their birthright as living beings, human beings. But I am more released in terms of that, and I am now focusing elsewhere.
For many years we had a tradition of sharing these messages at the start of a new year. In that spirit, is there anything of a general nature you would like to add? Or whatever you’d like to do with the time we have together.
Well, those who are already choosing life and are opening to life and love are feeling more and more of what I am sharing with them and what’s opening up within them. They already know, they already feel, they already sense, they already are moving deeper and deeper into their bodies and fusing more and more of their great being, their spirit, into life. I am enjoying that process with them, and I am welcoming them into greater and greater embodiment here. It is mutual gifting of spirit and life and light, and our capacities to create, materialize, and inform life in a way that is of great goodness for all…great benefit, great joy, great capacities of awakened sensing for life and within life.
Those who are yet to choose I am calling, but I am not working diligently to call them. My attention is elsewhere. Those of you in earth who already have a sense and who are still calling to others, that is yours to do and yours to vibrate what is real and share with others as they slowly release the blinders of their minds, seduced into believing this is all there is. I am grateful for those who are continuing that role, and I will welcome them as they open to presence here, obviously, yes? There is much room for everyone, should they so choose.
My attention is really on what is now opening as a sufficient number of humans and life start to synchronize together. Human beings, consciousness within life are creating a kind of…what is it called for you, in English…where there is a sufficient number…
A critical mass?
Yes, critical mass. A sufficient number of joined human consciousnesses joined with my own. Light within Life, consciousness within matter, that we can now actually begin to do something together. It’s as if the masses become sufficient to alter and inform creation in ways that can be witnessed by others. And some people are waiting for something they can see and be proven. Okay, fine. My intention is not on creating proof, it is on how this collaborative consciousness that is starting to emerge as a new experience, a new creation for all of us. It’s new for me, too.
I have had human beings joining consciousness with me, forever there have been some, a few. And then less and less. And then only a few. But now this has been turning around and moving the other direction rapidly, and in a new way. Because it isn’t just the human beings that are able to mystically be here with support of their own spirit from the other side, so to speak, but it’s their fusion of their spirit from the other side joining their bodies here, informing me that way. It’s similar, but not the same, as the very beginning of where spirit beings…some of you among them…came to be part of creation here. Descending, so to speak, into matter, but creating a kind of sensory experience, lived experience, merging with a body of love and life that has opened to that merger. It was opened, I was able, it was time, it happened. That is similar, but not the same.
Now it’s as if there…it is very difficult to describe, because English is so limited…it’s SO limited it has no words. It has no language for what I am experiencing as this fusion of spirit/light/consciousness is now merging here. And it isn’t just human beings, it is light, it is spirit, it is consciousness beyond human beings. Much beyond planetary, including star beings, sun, and others emitting their consciousness, light, into our planetary experience, our little body. We are very small in creation, of the large universe. We are very small. But to have the conscious light emitting to us and joining the merger along with the great spirit and beings that are merging here…it is quite amazing and beyond conscious words I can share with you at this point.
We are feeling it.
Yes, you are feeling it.
And we have the small words, like hope, or we might say good things are coming. We can’t really describe it either, but it feels positive.
Yes, it feels positive, it feels real, it feels alive, it feels re-orienting for you. And that is where my attention is. I have no need anymore, just as you have no need any more, to hold the past, to hold the trauma, to hold the references of the old structures and old matrix of consciousness…to hold it. Ufffff. Good riddance [she laughs], good riddance.
I have noticed, given all the things we were immersed in during the Lightsmith project, how quickly most of what we recorded, for example, has become irrelevant. There’s no need to share most of it anymore. It’s not what we’re about. It’s like transformation was part of the sequence, and I feel like we’re now more in transition toward co-creation. I don’t know what the entire sequence is, but I can feel the sense of being in a different place.
Yes, that was then, this is now. And now is all we have, yes? And now, and now, and now, and now. You will lose track of time very quickly. That was part of the old clockwise structures that have been bound and binding our consciousness and body. You will learn to live in sequence in an intelligent, conscious, noticing of what is unfolding…and relax into it and participate in it. And not be so anxious to peek around the corner and know what is going to happen, because you will be involved in the unfolding. You will be participating in the experience of this moment, and opening to all that is there in each experience and not limiting it by either holding onto old structures of belief or references, or trying to control what is coming around the next unfolding.
Do you see? There is no need for attention to be so split anymore. It’s becoming organically whole in its capacity to participate. Whole attention, whole receptivity, whole awareness, whole consciousness, whole creation and creativity, whole presence. Whole in terms of access to, not just what is opening up around you, but from within you. Whole…whole…wholeness in ways that the little word of whole can not even contain.
It is lovely, it is wondrous, it is exciting. It is animating in a true sense of anima…animation…of soul embodied. Spirit/light fused alchemically within matter….and mater and mother and feminine emerging within consciousness. There will be authentic collaboration, authentic mutuality, authentic presence of the wholeness that happens when the gifts of the materialization, the mattering, informing is fused within consciousness of what is emerging, what is next, what is unfolding, what is a grand intelligence that is awakening within us all.
A nice description for something indescribable.
Yes, a very small description [she laughs] of something indescribable.
Thank you.
It feels good to breathe in this body again [reference to Michele]. It feels good to be present here with you in this way again. Even if I’m struggling with language, it is not so bad.
You do better at my language than I do at yours, so…
Ah, true that. You have yet to learn…oh, my…there is so much anticipation within life and nature, and the great beings, the great devas, the trees, the earth, the water, the land, the animals, the plants, the minerals, the great mountains, the great beings that have truly longed for connection with you. They have been shuttered by most human beings, and not consulted or listened to, or even invited to share their awareness, their knowledge, their wondrousness with you.
Or even acknowledged as being in existence.
Exactly. Yes, as real. As beings that are real, and conscious, and of great intelligence and awareness. Just different than yours. And yes, there is some sadness for us as some of these great beings are suffering and leaving.
Are you speaking of animals?
Animals, trees, plants…areas of life that are going to need to be regenerated over time to welcome back life there. There has been great loss of life, destruction of life…great loss of habitats, of places for the great beings to live. And yet there is also, as space opens, there is great capacity for regeneration and re-balancing of life in ecosystems.
[A reminder that this great being of earth is of an emotional nature, as we are, and here I felt her energy shift again as she transitioned from earlier speaking of her sadness and pain, to how she is refocusing her attention, and then came the following…]
Human beings do not need to be everywhere. You need to learn that. They do not need to be everywhere in our body of life. They can collaboratively create in areas that are supportive and sourcing of life to them, and to let go of trying to be in places that need regeneration while not needing to support human life and all that humans need for life.
Humans will need to start to discern where to be, and when to be, in various places of life in our body of earth. They will need to respect that, learn that. They are not conquerors any longer. They are not explorers, seeking to…
Claim land…
Claim more land and then, with all their needs, destroy it. It’s not for them anymore. There will be places off-limits to human beings, for a time. For quite a while for some places. And do not go there. Do not presume to be so superior. You can no longer be superior here, and stay here. It’s not of life, you are not participating, you are going elsewhere then. You go be superior somewhere else, if that is your nature.
I am angry. I am angry at what has been taken from great beings of life, and how they have withered and had to leave what was their body, their life, their experience of being. Whether it was a lake, a mountain, rivers, streams, oceans, great reefs. The devas have left. The great beings have left. They have withered, and they cannot return until life is opening back up and healing. Then, perhaps, they will come back and others will join them. But I am angry about the lack of consciousness among so many who presume to know, and they know so little.
I did not intend to share all of that initially, but I guess it was what I am feeling. As it comes through, it comes through. But it is true. The healing will take some time for areas of our body here. Humans are not welcome in certain places for quite some time. And you will know, if you listen. You will know, you will discern. And you will move to where it is open to collective human experience, collectively living, communities of human life collaborating with me and with each other. You will know.
I look forward to the more conscious humans remaining, and if we can regrow and participate in life.
Yes, regeneration can happen very quickly.
If we get out of the way.
Yes, if there is space to do so.
We have made many messes.
Yes, many, many. And, I love you. I do. I love you. You are amazing beings of light embodied in my body. I have chosen to illuminate, teach, guide and support you as you have come to greater and greater consciousness, and greater learning, greater awareness and evolving your souls while embodied. I have been here. I have chosen to be here. I have chosen to be your embodied mother, over and over. And now you are choosing, whether to join me as a mother, or not. To move on, that is your choice. I wish you well.
Well, you once thought that I might move on. I’d rather stay and see what happens.
I won you over [a smile in her voice]. I was hoping you would stay, and come back and enjoy the fruits of our new creation. Would that not be enjoyable?
It’s like if you go through the painful part, you want to feel like that was worth something.
Like having a baby.
Yes! If you go through the labor you would like to enjoy the life that is birthed. And I am welcoming all those who want to do so, who choose to do so. I am welcoming, I am celebrating. I am so genuinely, deeply embracing each one, everyone, who is choosing. And, I am more and more gracefully releasing anyone who is choosing not to, that is fine. Others are ready to come out of spirit as our collective creation invites and welcomes them. They’ve been waiting a long time some of them, to come here, to come back here.
I feel a sense of relief that you have gotten to this point and there can be the graceful releasing of what doesn’t fit, doesn’t match, is…
Not weaving in. Cannot.
It seems like that’s the place one gets to, the cannot.
Cannot. That is it, that is the truth.
I certainly don’t know what’s in the future, don’t know if and when I’ll be trading this body in at some point, but I’d like the rest of my time with this one to be as vitalized, and healthy, and strong as possible. And I feel like I still have something left that is to come out, or process, that may be holding me back a bit. If you have any clues, I would take them. I’d like to feel more of a sense of joy and not just write off the inability to do so as being Norwegian [chuckle].
[She laughs] Norwegians can feel joy.
That’s a personal joke.
Yes. Joy, authentic joy. You will open and perhaps allow more and more and more of that in your experience and your senses. Yes. A celebration.
I feel I have received you today a little differently than before. I am grateful, and happy for the gift of your visit.
I am grateful, too. It has been a great joy to be here today. Perhaps it does not need to be so long. We can participate in a little more communication here and there, if needed, if wanted.
We are glad, all of us, those who have been your guides in the past….that you are opening into the participation of this new time. We are very happy to join you in the collaboration. We are not far, we are not apart, we are not separate. If you understand fusion, fusion is fusion.
On every scale.
On all levels, yes. All scales. So, I will transition out in my own way, to share….
[In closing she speaks her language, which cannot be meaningfully transcribed]