We recently received (October 31, 2023) an unexpected visit from a group of beings in Spirit that have been integral to the evolution of consciousness orchestrated by our planetary mother since earth’s inception. This group was familiar to us as those who were present during the Lightsmith years and before.
Michele has not channeled this group for a while, but recognized activity in her crown that indicated a connection being initiated. Their visit was clearly purposeful and included a request presented with an unusual sense of importance and urgency. Their reason for making contact in this way quickly became clear.
The message is primarily intended for those who have been consciously engaged in the transformation process, i.e. have at some level chosen to physically participate in perhaps the most significant moment of shift in the universe to date…if I may enjoin a bit of hyperbole. The outcome of this process orchestrated by the great earth mother will result in a deep fusion of Spirit and Matter, Light and Life, or what is sometimes referred to as Creator within Creation. It is the culmination of an intention of Source set into motion long ago.
I am including the following quotes from our 2019 channeling with these friends in spirit to help set the stage for the request that follows.
“Realize that human consciousness has been manipulated and controlled by duality, what you’ve called the patriarchy, for many, many centuries. Many, many. And that all people born into a body, except perhaps a few young ones now embodied, have carried forward both the genetic imprint and the consciousness that you took on to transmute, to transform, and to shift within this experience of life. Or not.”
“Those that have been in particular control and manipulation of consciousness are continuing to ramp up how they are directing and infusing their consciousness into the large consciousness to control people, to control everything. That’s what has been the payoff for being in those positions. Yet they will begin to find out that all of their concerted efforts are not actually bearing fruit in the way that they presumed it would, and that the consciousness that has been growing beneath the surface of what they have controlled is now starting to strengthen enough to surface and create other experiences that for them will be beyond their control.”
“If you try to predict, you will be surprised, because you cannot. If anyone else makes a prediction, they too will be surprised. It’s a kind of living in the moment, in the experience, in the current, really dwelling deeper and deeper in your own living consciousness within the larger living consciousness, and actually becoming part of the new dimensional experience. That’s what we would coach you to do, if we were with you to coach. What’s going on in the surface world and for those who are being pushed to make choices, and there will be many pushed to make choices, we don’t know whether those people who are pushed in their own experience will choose to be embodied in the new dimension, or choose to be disembodied for another experience to learn or to grow. There are many options, but basically it’s a choice to be part of a new creation within the body, or not. Within the earth, or not. Within the new dimensional experience, or not. Within the new frequencies that are part of the new dimensional experience, or not. It’s pretty much yes or no. There are no maybes.”
The Crunch
So, the following information and request from our friends in Spirit is directed toward all who agreed to participate in this extraordinary and challenging process and who have been in some way prepared for this moment:
“We are using this opportunity to be present with you during this most auspicious time. The fusion of the dimensions is moving rapidly into place. The frequencies are also shifting rapidly where it is possible. There are places in the earth that are purposefully constricted so as not to allow love and light to be as accessible for this time of great shifting of consciousness.
Those who have had control of this planet’s consciousness for a very long time are doing their best to create fear, pain and great resistance. They have no compassion for those who are the pawns of the scheme to keep this shift of consciousness and frequency from happening.
So, it’s a matter of each person who knows what is real to anchor into their core and into the core of the earth, core of life, core of who they are, the Isness. Withdraw all attention…ALL attention from those places and people they are empathizing with because of the continued use of fear and visuals of others suffering in pain which distract their consciousness away from this core, essential knowing. It’s as if consciousness itself is under fire, purposefully under fire, so that the distraction will keep people’s attention away from what are actually attempts to stop or interfere with the shift of consciousness and realignment of life and presence with love.
It is impossible for this shift to be stopped, yet those who are seduced [those whose attention is commandeered] will continue to then not be able to withstand the frequency shift because their bodies will not be able to do it in the time that they need before the actual, true, authentic shift that is now underway. The great mother, earth, has a certain momentum now built up within her body and field and is shifting as rapidly as she can. There’s nothing that can stop this process, even though there are those that are mightily trying.
The distortion or the resistance will make certain parts of this shift more painful for many people that would not have needed to have this kind of experience. And yet it is what is unfolding. So those who are conscious, bring your attention back to your own core knowing, your essence. DO NOT interpret or overlay interpretations on anything happening in the world around you. What’s happening is much bigger than the mind can comprehend fully. It’s in motion, and if you wish to be participating in the motion of this grand transformation, rebirth within a planetary experience within a body, then this is yours to choose now.
We are supporting all of those who have been in this process with the earth for millennia after millennia, multiple millennias, multiple multiple ages. We are stabilizing as best we can. Those of you who open to us need to open at least equally or more to the earth for the stability. We can assure, we can add love, but it is a physical, planetary transformation or shift of frequency, consciousness and form. Access your soul-embodied essence core, put your feet on the ground, and send your root deep into the earth. Notice what you feel in your experience, your body. The shift has to happen in this material, physical plane even while there is great resistance and distraction pulling your attention away from your essential awareness. Empathy with suffering at this time pulls you and your heart out of connection with this process. It pulls you out. Many of you are sympathetic or empathetic, focusing on suffering in different places in the world or people you know.
Empathy has been used to generate energy into a particular kind of density, which is suffering and pain. If you feel that and you are pulled into it by anyone else then your frequency diminishes. Realize that essence-based knowing from deep within your heart’s connection with life and the earth…true, authentic love…will not pull you out of yourself, out of your core. We need as many of you as are able to choose to plant in the earth, to stay in your core, to open to Light and Life equally, and to open the fount of love that is far beyond empathy that has been used within duality to keep sensitive people, loving people, pulled out of themselves. That is not the way of the fifth dimension. Authentic love will not diminish you in any way. Authentic love will not diminish your essence, your core, your frequencies or your life in any way.
In this time we are calling upon all those who have been prepared and have been preparing. We are calling upon those who have the strength within their core and their hearts to stand true, and to withdraw ALL attention, ALL focus. Stand in love, be love, stand in the heart of the earth. Magnify love. Stand in the core of your being and feel what authentic Living Light and Living Love is without the overlays that you grew up with that patterned your hearts to think that empathy was love. It’s now that this is important. We don’t often feel a sense that for us a message is necessary, but this particular time the momentum of the shift of frequency within this great beautiful planetary wondrous mother of life is building rapidly.
It’s as if when a mother is in the birthing mode and the momentum keeps building and there is nothing that is going to stop the birthing, and yet there is somebody in the birthing room that continues to try to take attention away from the unfolding of what is purposeful and is going to happen. It’s as if even among those who have been prepared and preparing there have been some wobbles in consciousness. This is not the time to wobble. Whatever is happening, please stand in your core within the earth, in light, in life, in love without old patterns or overlays of conditioned empathy that draws your heart and attention out of you, away from you, weakens you and diminishes your frequency.
Right now and in these coming weeks and months, this is what you have been preparing for. This is what you have been growing into and toward. This is the awakening, if that’s what you wish to call it, but that is a weak word at this moment given what is happening. So, whatever assists you, whatever feels real, core sense real to you in your experience, your embodied self, whatever is present…open there what’s real for you. Most real, without your eyes deceiving you, without your ears and your hearing being affected by what is going on around you, without friends or family who do not understand. And even your own empathetic self that learned empathy within duality. That is what is shifting for you.
Clarify your hearts, clarify your mind, clarify your consciousness, clarify your core or body. Fast if you need to, to clarify and allow your body to move through this process. You are going through this shift of frequency with the earth, and it is happening. The momentum is well underway. It’s growing rapidly. We are standing with you, but we don’t have a body and we are not connected to the earth. Yet we are aware almost as if our dimension as spirit is being affected too by what is happening here, because there is a fusion of light and life creating the fifth dimension so we feel the wobble even though we don’t have a body. Those who have been anti-Life and assumed a kind of control are in a desperate mode and attempting to hold or govern consciousness and keep this shift from happening, trying to keep the kind of control that has in the past destroyed entire planets. That kind of anti-Life or control can no longer exist in this or any other part of the dimensional experience that is Source, that is beyond comprehension.
Chris: I have one question. In this birthing, compared to the human birthing process where there is the buildup and anticipation and then suddenly there is the moment of the birth. Is there something equivalent in what is birthing now?
Different, but similar, and you missed a step. Between the buildup of contractions or the momentum that builds towards the birthing there is a period that is called transition. This time is often experienced by the mother as chaotic, as if the sense of what is needed is moving beyond her control, so to speak. There is a moment where chaos exists. It’s as if the momentum shifts direction. In that shift is all the potential and all the energy and preparation, all of the contractions…everything moves into a different focus than it had. That is what’s coming on a large, collective, planetary scale. So, stand in your core with the earth, fully present as part of it in the field with all of us, including the sun, the planets etc. It’s as if we are all stabilizing that transition so that it can move a little more easily through that process to the birthing.
It is an experience that those of you who have been prepared for are ready for, and it’s a shift of your heart at this point. You cannot allow the dualistic empathy conditioning that separated you and your heart from yourself and goes out to others because of pain or suffering to diminish your experience of frequency at this moment. It’s not helpful. It destabilizes you and it’s destabilizing to some degree of the momentum that is now getting closer to the transition.
You have chosen to be part of this time, please be part of this transition. Please.”
Twenty-five years ago Michele wrote a nine-part series for The Edge Magazine titled Transformation to Conscious Creation. That series drew on a course she taught in 1998 focused on restructuring consciousness in the body in order to participate within the new matrix of creation.
In the first installment she wrote: “If we wish to evolve our souls within matter to the point where we become conscious creators within creation, then the first principle of creation is to stand in the center as Creator (note the capital C). Creator is the active focusing force of Universal Intelligence that merges within the individual consciousness to create its will within matter. If we stand in our own center without that merger then we continue to create from learned limitations within our personal perspective that has forgotten who we truly are. The process of forming a bridge from the personal to the universal takes practice. The first step is a willingness to relinquish judgment, all judgment.”
Relinquishing judgment, withdrawing attention from the dramas of the surface world and re-connecting our core with the earth is the request. Stability in the field is the need. Think of each person maintaining a higher frequency as an unwavering node in the collective, holding a tone around which the field can reorganize as the old form loses integrity. The contribution is not something we do, it is what we become as we choose alignment and integration with Self.
It is time,
Questions? Please use the comments section below so any additional information we share can be found by others.
Dear Chris and Michele, when I see a message from you these days I recognize its importance. This message from the Galactic Friends through Michele went straight to my core. The directive is clear: we must take on fully our mantle of Light Warrior now. I, as I’m sure have many others, have felt the anguish and suffering of those involved on both sides of the unfolding horror show in Israel -Gaza. Now we are being asked to go beyond empathy for those suffering, to a place of extreme clarity. To me it means stop identifying with the small human self, and instead Realize our True Divinity. Crunch time indeed!
With profound gratitude for this message and the strength and wisdom codes within it, thanks and blessings to All. We are One.
Overflowing gratitude and love to all!
Let’s do this!
Dear Michele and Chris,
Thank you so much for this timely message, which is extremely helpful and appreciated.
Feeling the truth & importance of this… thank you ❤️❤️❤️
This is a mega important message, Chris & Michele. It stopped me in my tracks, as I real-eyes I have been distraught, distracted, altogether “dis”, being so empathic. Leigh Jardine sums it up beautifully. I shall now Clarify, fast ! So much love, Ann
My intentional meditation kept feeling like it was missing the mark. This was a golden nugget of wisdom… “…. the first principle of creation is to stand in the center as Creator (note the capital C). Creator is the active focusing force of Universal Intelligence that merges within the individual consciousness to create its will within matter.”
– Michael
This is absolutely lovely, clear, and affirming. Thank you so much for sharing! I’m always excited with an email from Choice for Love.
Mary Cousineau
I’m curious how folks incorporate the wisdom shared here practically, in daily lives and activities. How does this teaching change your behavior within yourself and outwardly with others?
I’m also intrigued by the caution against empathy, generally considered to be positive, socially motivating force. I don’t quite understand the duality implied in empathy; I can speculate that it emphasizes a me-them dynamic of our small “s” human selves as referenced above, although I’d love to hear more about this.
It reminds me of a talk by a Buddhist monk who warned against taking on the suffering of others, perhaps relating too deeply to a tragedy or trauma shared by another. Very simply, he said if the listener takes it on, then that doubles the number of people who are suffering. Whereas, if while listening the listener can cultivate loving kindness within themselves and extend it towards the person who is suffering that can perhaps lessen their suffering, and overall suffering.
I’d love to hear about others’ experiences and practices inspired here.
Betsy, thanks for your note. The message is not a criticism of empathy. It’s more the sense that empathy can be (and often is) hijacked by those who have agendas linked to maintaining dominance and control of populations by manipulating emotions and circumstances. The outcome is that people will usually take a polarized position (X is “right”, Y is “wrong”), which is the mechanism that directs energy into the duality and energetically offers a kind of life-support to the matrix that is dissolving and lowering the frequencies of those engaged in the duality.
The request is to pull attention away from external events, disconnecting from the dramas being generated so as not to feed the old system in a time when the transition between that old story and the new story is at a critical juncture.
Thank you Chris for your clarifying and helpful reply.
Is there a new year 2024 message? So grateful for the message from those who taught and accompanied us so long ago.
Hi Mary,
No message…so far, anyway. It has feels like “It’s Crunch Time” was the most important piece to share in recent months. I have been posting on Facebook a bit. I’m finding interesting and relevant excerpts from significant material we’ve made public previously. My intention is to put them up on this site, too, but haven’t got to it yet. I may create an update after I complete that task.
I feel the empathy part of the message is the “personal love” identifying as “my” and “mine”, whereas the bigger “impersonal universal love” is the “neutrality” that allows Source to flow through perfectly…unconditionally…more universally…that can be a significant position (neutrality) that allows the big love to flow through and do, rather than the small love of the personal kind. Here’s a poem I wrote long ago to elucidate it.
The Invisible Switch
Those that are familiar with the formless Have found that invisible switch
That they use to bring divine presence
Into the present moment or situation
What is that invisible switch?
And how does one access it?
It is a state of being…an openness
A receptivity in a state of stillness
A loving softness that surrenders and gives way
To not being anything…not existing… Dematerialized into emptiness
And in this non-being
Presence arises from within
And calls forth the larger omnipresence That pours through this empty state of being
The formless pouring through form
Like a faucet turned on…love flows…light shines
Can you intuit the feeling these words point to?
Can you feel presence arising from within ? Like anything…it is with practice and patience
That one gains competence at this
And it has nothing to do with effort
It is by intention to surrender and allow That flips the switch…
It is the nothingness that flips the switch automatically
There is no self in this state
And the selflessness… Is what gives out the unconditional Uncontaminated…pure…tranquil…but powerful love/light
The switch is turned on
Blessings flow however presence intends
In total humility…the no-self blesses the self Within flows to without…turning itself inside out
And consciousness is uplifted that much more
Benefitting all sentient beings and all of creation
Commentary: I happened upon this discovery by accident when my mind went into a natural blank state and this infusion of loving energy came pouring through my empty state of being. After a couple of times this happened, I found that I could trigger it if I was in a deep state of meditation, and allow this love to flow through me into this world.
Thanks, Chris and Michele. Timely message with this potent eclipse of 10/2/24. Very grateful to and for you and the community you have manifested. All love.