2024, here we are. Changes are afoot, which for us has included yet another ending. For the first time in nearly 20 years we felt neither an internal nor an external prompting to proceed with a new year’s channeling. I remember fondly the January 1st gatherings at our building with pot-luck feasts and the shared experience of messages from the Earth Mother or our friends in spirit. We appreciated the insights they could share with us and we had no shortage of questions for them. Although we had no channeling for 2024 we did have an unexpected visit from our spirit friends at the end of October. That message had a sense of urgency and I put together a quick update to pass it along, which I will revisit at the end.
Beyond our numerous curiosities the primary messages of all visitors over the past 30 years have been notably consistent. Those messages were also consistent in groups that gathered with Michele a decade before she and I became acquainted…or is it reacquainted? Interesting to me is not just the consistency in those 40 years of messages but the shift in our ability to understand at new levels what we have been told all along. I have spent many hours these past months revisiting significant material from the Lightsmith years, aware that what is “soon” to non-physical beings might be experienced as years to us or even seem more relevant now. While they track what’s happening on the causal level, we experience a different level of density wherein manifestation occurs in a sequence over time.
Some of you may have noticed channeling excerpts I occasionally upload to my Facebook page. I have taken core concepts from transcribed material and created edited versions that remain true to essence. And, because I’m not awash with followers and Facebook appeals mostly to users of a certain vintage who may or may not appreciate my contributions, I have also created several posts of compilations on this website with messaging I consider most significant. Call them reminders if you wish, or reviews that you may explore at your own pace. They will be linked further along in this update. Of the four latest posts, one sources material directly from Michele and three are excerpted from channelings.
At this point my impulse to write a lengthier overview of our perspectives was thwarted, to your benefit and mine, by my own remembrance that I have already written much of what I would repeat here. Hence, I make the suggestion to begin additional exploration by reading The Matrix and the Jewel or re-reading if a refresher is in order. I spent weeks crafting that piece and it covers a lot of territory. I will proceed instead with a few mini-reviews and links to the recently posted material.
I find it important to stay conscious of the Big Story that is coming to culmination even as every distraction in the playbook is being used in attempts to focus attention into external events. It works like this: “Here’s a thing that’s happening. Pick one side and judge the other. Thank you for continuing to play the game.” That’s the effect of the splitting within duality consciousness amplified by skilled manipulators. All of it distraction from the Big Story.
What is that story? Here is my most succinct version ever:
Source had a desire.
“Once there was only a consciousness, undifferentiated and having a great capacity for love, but no Other to love. Just an endless consciousness and awareness of space, of what were possibilities and potentials.” – The Story of Creation
Creating Other was a process of Source individuating aspects of itself within a structure (duality) designed to split consciousness.
The separation incurred in duality created a perception within consciousness of self and other.
Earth was the planet designated to evolve a materialized body capable of fusing with high frequency Source energy.
That fusion has sometimes been called Heaven on Earth, an experience of spirit embodied. We have used other descriptions in reference to that merger such as Light into Life, Creator within Creation, and LumaTerra.
An experiment was tried.
Earth was brought into creation and initially developed in a protected state. At a certain point the protection was removed. Different groups of beings who had evolved disparate aspects of consciousness began to arrive. Discovering what would emerge when those differing aspects were woven together was the experiment.
Some who came here brought a consciousness that did not weave in.
Highly-evolved mind made itself superior and dominant to other aspects that were more attuned to the original earth energies. Out of perceived differences was born hierarchy. Presumed dominance by perfection-seeking mind (yang) over emotion, fluidity and physicality (yin) birthed patriarchy. That dominance has continued into our experience at every level since its inception in very early times. That yang dominance is still expressed in some religions that proclaim male superior to female and/or spirit superior to body.
The experiment has ended and dominating aspects incapable of moving forward with the earth’s evolutionary trajectory are being expunged.
“They” may have plans for humanity, but they are not in charge.
The old story that has brought us to this point is also dissolving as people surrender beliefs, heal personal and generational trauma, and release what has been held in the unconscious.
There is no need to reference or remember how we got here once we move beyond. Much of the journey has been painful. It does not serve for that to be held in consciousness.
As the New Field has become more accessible a choice to evolve beyond duality has become possible.
New Earth or 5D are other terms often used to describe a new structure of consciousness formed of the fusion of spirit and matter.
Earth is in the transition stage of birthing a new reality.
Feeling pushed may be an apt metaphor for 2024. Pushed to come into personal alignment, pushed to choose one’s trajectory or evolutionary path, pushed to change.
Which brings us to Awakening.
Sometimes awakening is spoken of as people realizing that what they thought was “normal” has been a manipulated reality. Then realizing it has been so for thousands of years. Then realizing the intention of the manipulation was to consolidate power and resources in the hands of a few and extract energy from the rest of humanity in forms of time, money, labor, debt, polarized opposition and wars. Institutions of business, education, government, military, banking, medicine, media and religion have all been used to program our expectations and behavior through psychological and emotional abuse.
We may pass through many stages in the process of learning who we are not, but the final awakening is to the true nature of who and what we are: fractals of Source reaching fulfillment of a desire to emerge as conscious within creation, to have a sense of Other with whom to co-create, to dance together in frequencies of joy. That was the original intention for the experiment of Earth and, after having it all go a bit sideways for a while, will be the outcome of the culmination now underway.
A word or two here about the nature of the New Field. Call it glimpses from the learning curve, since there is no operating manual for what has never before been in creation.
The New Field is not dualistic.
Energy does not move between poles, rather it moves into expression through us when called forth by the field and is shared in a mutual exchange with others in the dance.
We are not becoming creators.
We are becoming aware of our nature as the powerful creators we already are. We create our experiences in every moment, but much of what we have experienced has been created from the unconscious, both individually and collectively. The splits and separation formed in duality created the perception of poles, victim/perpetrator. We are neither. And both.
We are not achieving oneness.
I know it’s just semantics and language limitations, but I have a preference for describing the unity of the form we are becoming. We began as undifferentiated consciousness. Oneness works for me in that context. The long, long process of differentiation produced a sense of individuation, which was the point. We aren’t losing that sense of individuation (most of us), we’re engaging acts of creation in a coordinated dance that brings fulfillment to each of us personally while simultaneously accomplishing an intention of creation that benefits the whole. This is a unified field of individuated aspects. For that distinction I prefer the term Wholeness.
We have reached the end of karma.
With no splits of consciousness in the new field we have no unconscious from which we create, nor are we taking our directives from our minds. In duality the interpretation of conscious creation has been to repeat affirmations to achieve something the mind thinks it wants. In the New Field it means we remain conscious and move as guided by inner impulses moving through us from creation.
So yeah, I have written very truncated synopses. I know you didn’t click expecting to read a book…though more words are yet to come. Hence, I shall move on to some pull-quotes from the excerpts I created. The associated links will provide additional reading aplenty for those who are interested. I tend to share what I find supportive and I hope you also find these reviews/reminders to be of benefit.
First, some brilliant and insightful work by Michele:
“Creator is the active focusing force of Universal Intelligence that merges within the individual consciousness to create its will within matter.”
“Source desired to experience itself within an infinite diversity of experiences and expressions, to have an other to relate to and with whom to experience greater love. That intention included creating a dynamic active principle of creation that would eventually lead to creator within creation, an experience of complete immersion. That desire has been moving deep within the matrix of duality creating more and more diversity, individuation, and ultimately its crowning achievement, the awareness of our own uniqueness and power to create…But with the achievement has also come the tolling of the bell for the death of duality.”
“Living awareness is a field of pure creation that informs us directly when we release the hold of the mind…The marriage of the Mother (matter or life) and Father (spirit or light) creates a child that is the fruit of both yet uniquely new in its design. The child is the new matrix of Creation. It has always been present as an informing current, but not conscious within our collective way of describing reality when everything was split apart with judgment, fear, conflict, or confusion. Collectively we are maturing to see beyond the separating influences to the unifying wisdom of Life in all of her manifestations, and then choosing how to co-create the next cycle of life in Earth.”
Earth Mother with Mother of Creation
“In the beginning of this time there was an inspiration, an intention, as well as a desire to create a jewel, a gem of love. Many creator beings joined together to assist this body to take form. This galaxy was chosen as one that could support the creation of life and the animation of a grand adventure within the body of this planet. All who joined together were beings who could focus love and all of the different qualities of creator within creation. The fabric of the template for this body was woven with great care.”
“It took a very long time to evolve the qualities necessary to sustain life. There was a series of experiments, you might say, as well as a catalytic kind of environment that for hundreds of thousands of years gathered energy and all of what was needed. As that began to form in the oceans, life began. The cellular mater was created in such a way that it could sustain consciousness and animate it, even if it was the beginning of it. Your DNA, the information and light within your body contains the original elements, in some way, the spark that was the first birthing here. Your story is woven within the larger story every time you come to Earth and take on a body of matter, of life.”
“Originally there were no boundaries of individuated consciousness, only awareness that was shared amongst all. The influx of visitors began to create dissonance in awareness. Those who had been here a very long time and were the first experiencers of life here began to not quite recognize what was taking place, as if there were places they did not understand and could not go. All of what was coming in did not compute, so to speak. That was the experiment.”
“Separation eventually grew into warlike colonies of people who decided that they needed to create more fear in order to conquer or in order to stand above to create a superior place for themselves to get more of what they perceived to be the resources. You will understand this story because you are in the end times of it.”
“What has happened in this last age is that the Mother of Creation has returned. Her embrace came back over the last century, even as the wars were finishing. After the last large war she surrounded my body again to assist me now to open the wisdom deep within my core, and to bring a deepening of awareness and a universal ray of consciousness directly into my body. Many of you returned from previous times. Some of you are returned creator beings, having been with me all of these many many cycles. And some of you decided to come into this experience rather recently in order to have an experience of the culmination. After being in spirit much of the time you are choosing now to be embodied for the experience of the culmination of the grand scheme.”
Read the complete post with Earth Mother – Mother of Creation excerpts
From Archangel Mithrael
“Source has been within all of creation and within the intention to individuate and create materialized experience. As the process of individuation moved into material density it created an experience where consciousness began to forget that vibrational presence of light at the core of all. As consciousness individuated it began to split away, to create a kind of duality which has been the primary template of consciousness within this dimension.”
“For thousands of years there has been an escalation of fear, so much so that bodies and consciousnesses completely believe it is real. You have been told lies by many in human form, some well-intentioned, some less so, yet you have believed them. As your consciousness and bodies contract with fear they play out in all of what you see, feel, and experience. From where do you think comes greed, possessiveness, attempts to gain and control resources, peoples, goods and services, and manufacturing of false wealth so that it can increase for some and decrease for others?”
“Fear is all in your mind, the conscious mind that believes, gives it power, and then lives according to it. You have a new choice now, just as every individuated consciousness, whether embodied or not embodied, now has a choice. This includes those in both the astral and physical levels that continue to maintain and manufacture fear, drama, anxiety, suffering…darkness, if you wish, darkness within consciousness, hopelessness…all of which are manifestations of the original fear that was the first creation within separation.”
“It is time to lose the fear, to dissolve it, to turn away from and no longer be vulnerable to it. There are yet those in the world, whether your world or the astral plane, that are yet indulging it. And when you no longer have any experience that vibrates with that old fear-based separate experience then what you experience will be your own authentic essence in every moment and you will not be touched by what has been within the time of duality.”
Read the complete post with Archangel Mithrael excerpts
From Archangel Metatron
“You are the seekers of your age. You have read volumes. You have sought through teachers or guides those things that you already have a sense of and need to have language or articulation and consciousness for. You put it all together. Then, you turned around with love and embraced your own pain. This capacity to love was also a part of your preparation and your choice. You embraced your own woundedness, and you embraced your familial and ancestral patterns. You embraced what other generations before you could only experience and solidify.”
“The ‘New Field’ is a new template or pattern for creation. It vibrates differently and is impossible to crystallize. It is an evolving, organic, fluid Living Light. As the waves of light incarnate, beginning with the newer generations, they will not stop their evolution of awareness. They will not crystallize around beliefs, systems, or a way to be, a way to do. Some of you continue to heal, to shift, to dissolve those structures within your DNA, within your physical bodies, that still carry a kind of memory of crystallized consciousness.”
“You in the transformer generation have done your jobs well. You have needed great support and have had many guides. You needed them, yes? Transforming what has been rigid, crystallized, unmovable and painful while embodied as conscious human beings has been a great undertaking, and not an easy one.”
“You will each receive all that you desire, whether you decide to do so in this life…some of that fulfillment will come….or in the other dimension. You are learning to receive before you leave this dimension, moving beyond the work of transformation into the capacity to take in and then weave with and within life. Whether it is personal fulfillment or collective fulfillment does not matter. Whatever your alignment is, you will feel some of that before you leave, or after in the next dimension. That is a promise. You can relax.”
Read the complete post with Archangel Metatron excerpts
And finally…yes, there is a finally.
From our channeling of October 31, 2023 – CRUNCH TIME
“Those who have had control of this planet’s consciousness for a very long time are doing their best to create fear, pain and great resistance. They have no compassion for those who are the pawns of the scheme to keep this shift of consciousness and frequency from happening. So, it’s a matter of each person who knows what is real to anchor into their core and into the core of the earth, core of life, core of who they are, the Isness. Withdraw all attention…ALL attention from those places and people they are empathizing with because of the continued use of fear and visuals of others suffering in pain which distract their consciousness away from this core, essential knowing. It’s as if consciousness itself is under fire, purposefully under fire, so that the distraction will keep people’s attention away from what are actually attempts to stop or interfere with the shift of consciousness and realignment of life and presence with love.”
“It is impossible for this shift to be stopped, yet those who are seduced [those whose attention is commandeered] will continue to then not be able to withstand the frequency shift because their bodies will not be able to do it in the time that they need before the actual, true, authentic shift that is now underway. The great mother, Earth, has a certain momentum now built up within her body and field and is shifting as rapidly as she can. There’s nothing that can stop this process, even though there are those that are mightily trying.”
“The distortion or the resistance will make certain parts of this shift more painful for many people that would not have needed to have this kind of experience. And yet it is what is unfolding. So those who are conscious, bring your attention back to your own core knowing, your essence. DO NOT interpret or overlay interpretations on anything happening in the world around you. What’s happening is much bigger than the mind can comprehend fully. It’s in motion, and if you wish to be participating in the motion of this grand transformation, rebirth within a planetary experience within a body, then this is yours to choose now.”
Read the complete It’s Crunch Time post
The request from those assisting our transition to the new dimension is to have unwavering nodes of embodied living light within the field of consciousness that in a sense hold a tone of the new frequencies. It’s less about doing and more about being. I understand the tendency to pick sides, to judge the rightness or wrongness of any given circumstance, to become focused on that which seems in opposition. That is the lure of duality, the opiate that beckons, the trap laid for mind to stay in command of its claimed territory.
For most of us the practice now is to remain aware of where we put our focus and to choose as a conscious creator what gets our attention and energy. When events in the world pull on me I find it helpful to remind myself that structures born of duality are dissolving, often with great drama, and they are not going to continue or be fixed. They are going to be replaced, and any part I might have in that process will be revealed. And speaking of practice, being at ease with chaos and staying aware of what vies for our attention may be the key to navigating 2024. By all accounts the Shift will be hitting the fan.
Here we go,
… But wait, there’s more!
Of course there is. Peruse, at your leisure, the excerpts of Archangel Michael from his visit with the Karmic Council. Good stuff.
Always a wonderful and useful surprise, to hear from you or Michele.
Thanks for keeping-in-touch.
Thanks for the reminders.
Blessings, John
💓Hi John,
Fancy meeting you here.
It is a blessing for me to read these messages that resonate so much with what I have learned and continue to learn about our place in the grand scheme of things. I wonder if enough importance is placed on the creation story that empowers us individually and our journey to higher frequency consciousness. Maybe I will be able to channel my guides and others to lift the collective consciousness to the next chapter and contribute in my lifetime. In the mean time holding to the divine light and love as much as I can in today’s challenging world.
Thank you for your contribution,
Jon Leet
I needed this, thanks Chris & Michele. It’s all wonderful.
I have a “problem” with “thick blood” which is triggered by cold weather (rare auto immune life-threatening dis-ease). I’m pondering…what if I am (about to) transform crystallised consciousness, what is rigid, frozen, unmovable, to move with the new field of evolving, organic, fluid living Light? It feels transpersonal! Love cuts through all problems !
My friend Ceci Shapland had recommended my connecting w/ Michele Mayama not knowing that she no longer does groups. My curiosity moved me to ask if she does private sessions. Making this ‘new consciousness’ more main stream with teachings from the masters gives me hope for the future and the ascension process. I’m thinking of Alex Ferrari and The Next Level Podcasts who is having a global effect via the internet with growing numbers of people ‘tuning in’. These are exciting times and I hope a greater opportunity for lightworkers to bring a focus on peace, love, and harmony vs chaos.
Re-reading this again. It makes more and more sense. Thank you. Still painful to watch.