By Michele Mayama – Originally Published Fall, 2000
All humans, regardless of race, nationality, or cultural histories, share a common Mother: Earth, Gaia Terra. Our collective story with her has had different chapters throughout the unfolding of time and the evolution of consciousness. As a conscious living Being, she has also been evolving and growing, albeit with a quite different perspective than from the much more minutely-focused human perspective. We, the human race and our evolving consciousness, have grown up within her living body and innate organic intelligence, but we have not really opened to knowing her directly since we were in the infancy and early childhood of our human developmental story.
The saga of our collective relationship with her has influenced our collective history and our personal stories, particularly our more intimate relationships: with both men and women, with our own inner Feminine and inner Mother, with our inner Masculine and inner Father, with Spirit and God, and with how we experience Life. We are simultaneously both within this story and co-creating it with her, our Earth Mother. And now, together, we are beginning to write a new chapter.
The Story of this Last Age
A very long time ago, before the last 5,000-year cycle, there was an extended age of peace and harmony. People lived in connection to Earth as Mother, measuring and gauging shorter and grander cycles by noticing the stars, the moon, the seasons, and physical rhythms. As the Agricultural Age evolved and flourished, people honored the Earth and her cyclic rhythm as the source for all that was needed for sustaining life. In some places, highly evolved cultures evolved centered around elaborate ceremonies honoring the Goddess in all her many forms. These cultures were often matriarchal, known for their skilled artisans and crafts, tribal or community values, and architecture and refinement. This was the age of the Goddess, the nurturing life-giving force of nature combined with the childlike innocence of those who knew they were in her care. But alas, over time and in some places more than others, there also existed a growing fear; that if the rituals were not done perfectly, if the sacrifices were not pure enough, if the crops did not produce enough yield for the fast-growing populations; that meant the Goddess was angry and would not provide for their lives if she was not appeased. The perception of the forces of creation as external emerged as the human child within consciousness became aware of itself as different than the Earth; shifting from the oneness and innate trust within the womb of life to a dualistic perception of self and other.
This duality and the underlying fear inherent in separation lead to an unconscious vulnerability that continued to grow as that long-ago age began to end. The Earth however, was not truly abandoning her first child of consciousness. Within her body lived a seed design to evolve a consciousness that was capable of individuation and conscious awareness of itself, including the growth of individual will and conscious choice. Duality, or the perception of self and other as separate and different than self, was part of the design.
Thus, as part of the grand cycle of creation, about the time duality was beginning to take hold in consciousness, the Earth began to pull her consciousness deeper into her inner womb to gestate and create another child of consciousness; a human being that would be capable of one day transforming beyond the cycle of duality within creation while embodying the high frequencies of Love and Life which she carried in her core. For an excellent treatise on this, read “Mysteries of the Dark Moon” by Demetra George.
In the developmental story of the human race, we were birthed from her womb and nurtured and nourished by her body for the first stages of growth and development. In human development, this stage is from birth to about age 2. Then there is a period of years wherein the child begins to perceive itself as an individual with separate feelings and desires. As that individuating influence pulls in more of the soul and opens up the third chakra, the child acts upon and begins to manifest his/her own interests and unique qualities. Then, about age 7, the child is referred to the Father for guidance while exploring the world of self-expression and form giving.
In our collective story, this transition from the influence of Mother to Father was initiated by what historians have called the “Barbarian Invasions”. Those who were hungry for expansion, food, and lands came from Steppes Regions of what is now northern China and Siberia. Invading the lands of the peaceful Earth-focused peoples, they had weapons, superior physical force, and a will to conquer and dominate all that they found. In an immature state of individuation, aggression is one way through which children discern differences and try to meet individual needs and desires. It was not the fault of the priestesses of that age when their supplications and sacrifices could not stop the violence.
It was a changing of the ages, such as the one now occurring. The innocent yet vulnerable individuating child was now being exposed to the challenges inherent within duality. Since the Earth had been hostess to an earlier more etheric age that had not evolved beyond duality and which had ended very traumatically (era Atlantis), there was already an imprint of trauma in her body. Thus, this next change of ages recreated that trauma as consciousness moved through this transition.
In each cycle of evolving consciousness, some structures die so that others can be created. In times of massive change, many structures must die and the process of letting go is experienced with either more or less trauma, depending upon how long those structures have been the same, how attached people are to them, and how rigid or crystallized they have become.
Many people still carry soul memories of the loss of trust in the Earth Mother from this early time. Long since hidden within the collective unconscious, a wound of Mother abandonment has been carried forward. Most who lived during such change-times either took on or cast blame for what no personal effort or ritual could stop or control.
The immature individuating Feminine, represented by the priestesses, concluded that they had been abandoned and that they or their people had done something to deserve her wrath. The immature fearful Masculine used that vulnerability to insert their own version of the story, creating new cultural myths and archetypes. Eventually, most people grew to distrust anything having to do with the Goddess or Earth-centered awareness. The wounds of that loss created a contraction within the collective Root Chakra as it further decayed the childlike innocent trust in a way of life that had been passed on for more generations than could be counted.
This contraction would become layered as, century after century and continent after continent, further trauma accompanied the assertion of a way of life that subjugated nature and her cycles to the will and desires of the conscious, materially-focused mind. Women and indigenous people, who lived close to the earth, became reflections of the Earth Mother, suffering with her the attempts of the growing dominant patriarchy to erase all vestiges of any acknowledgement having to do with the Goddess and/or the feminine/earth centered process of creation.
So, about 3000 BC, this current age began: one in which the masculine qualities within consciousness began to gain ascendancy. First the Masculine over-powered those it encountered through the assertion of greater physical power and, through force and violence, demonstrating its capacity to rape, take, and conquer. Then gradually through the growth of the conscious mind and its capacities to reason, articulate, and convince people of its superiority, the Patriarchy expanded its influence as it created culture.
Ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome, and ancient China all represent reflections of the emerging dominant Masculine. As the people who were conquered became the slaves and servants to those who asserted greater strength, the Feminine qualities of cooperation, connectedness, and sharing were gradually eroded and then erased as values and information began to be written rather than passed on only through singing, art, or telling stories.
The growing Masculine-dominant consciousness denied its vulnerability to the larger forces of Life and Nature and tried to control them, submersing within the collective unconscious its fear that these forces could cause the death of what was seen and known in the physical/material plane of existence. It also denied its fear of the life-giving mystery of the female womb, and could only control the perpetuation of its power if it possessed the wombs that bore more male children.
They then created a God (or gods if one studies differing religious traditions) in their image; dominant, superior, male, and “He” was used to create laws and rules, instill fear, and control those who were discovered to be “heathens”: still in harmony with the Earth.
This god created a hierarchy of position, knowledge, wealth, and power and then was positioned as the judge of those who were to be saved (relating to the fear of death) or to be “damned” to a fate called “hell”, the “bardo”, or some other equally terrible place conjured up from the collective sub-conscious. Only men could interpret and carry out the dictates of this male god and women were to either serve these priests of the patriarchy or serve the needs of any male who was superior by sexual definition. The times of year that had been ritual celebrations of the Goddess, the various images, qualities, and stories of the Mother of Creation, and the roles women had played in culture were all given a patriarchal twist and the feminine influence was gradually shadowed or demonized within the material plane of consciousness.
Century after century of violence instilled in the collective subconscious and soul memory all that had been of the Feminine was in some way bad or evil. The physical body with its natural instincts, needs, and desires, was condemned, controlled, whipped, burned, and covered. In the Medieval times, the body was nearly completely hidden and not even washed for fear of bringing down the wrath of God because one touched one’s own body. The denial of the Feminine also included: emotion, sensuality, female sexuality, passion, inclusiveness and cooperation, feelings, intuitions, instincts, community values, equality, mid-wifery, natural healing utilizing herbs and plants, and any expression that freely shared life energy with ailing human bodies.
During the Inquisition, an estimated 9 million women were tortured and killed just for being women. Viewed from the purely materialistic conscious mind, humanity no longer related to the Earth as a conscious living Being responsible for Life. Instead, they saw the Earth as a dead rock that held valuable resources which could be mined or harvested, taken as needed, or forcibly grown and produced as needed for life. Possession of the means, land, people, or resources to control those valuable life-sustaining properties equaled power in this reality.
Distrusting what it could not see or understand, the Patriarchy dissected life to understand it, observing, studying, postulating theories, discovering, defining, explaining and naming the mysterious forces of nature and creation.
The elements of life were hammered, tested, manipulated, and experimented into shapes that could be combined, molded, differentiated, or split apart into identifiable little units until they reached the atom. With the splitting of the atom and the subsequent creation of the atomic bomb and power, the masculine drive to define reached a boundary within consciousness. Triggering an orchestrated sequence of evolutionary steps, the larger cycle of Creation used the detonation of the A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to signal an end of the age of the Patriarchy. Since 1944, we have been in a gradual process of transformation, a change of ages, a radical shift of consciousness that is to lead us into the next age of creation within Earth.
Adaptation of the Root Chakra
This last age culminated in the twentieth century [this article written in 2000]. Most people who are currently adults were birthed through mothers who were cut off from their source of power, life, and creation within their own bodies. Most of you were also born in buildings that are monuments to the belief of the superiority of mind over matter: hospitals that were cold, too brightly lit, loveless, and many stories above the trees. As newborns, you were slapped, poked with needles, given drops that stung your eyes, and male children were circumcised without anesthesia.
The shock and trauma experienced in the first minutes and days of life in the body will contract the root chakra just as it is about to open. Replicating the collective fear and disassociation from creation, our connection to the Earth Mother is again wounded at or just after birth, and most particularly in males.
By design, the soul work of the first days and weeks of life is primarily within the root chakra. The Root Chakra begins curled up at the base of the spine, and is designed to uncurl and descend. If the newborn is within a warm, safe, loving, nourishing and sensual environment, he/she instinctively relaxes and opens the root chakra and it begins its descent to connect with the Earth and her life force. As the Root descends, the Earth magnetically calls in the soul from the realm of Spirit and Light. This is the foundation for the gradual incarnation of the soul within the body, which happens in increments as needed to undertake each developmental stage of consciousness.
One of the first instincts is to push against anything pressing against the soles of the feet. It automatically stimulates the root chakra to extend downward towards the earth. Another instinct is suckling, which serves the newborn not only to take in nourishment, but also to actively pull the soul in for life. If the infant’s mother does not breast feed, both the root and second chakras make subtle adaptations as the innate sensate needs for warm skin-to-skin contact, sweet filling milk, and the smells and tastes that stimulate the chakras are missing. When cold rubber nipples, stuffed toys, and plastic seats are the substitutes, the infant misses the stimulus of the sensate mother and the natural descent of the soul into the body is more or less shifted out of direct connection with the Earth. Although we learn to walk and talk normally, within our etheric body our legs may stay folded up in a fetal position and our root chakra can end up opening towards the front of our body instead of downward to Earth. Our souls never really fully merge within our bodies, and then, as duality’s quota of drama, trauma, and fear further keeps us from relaxing, we sometimes almost completely disengage from life.
Often, people who are only partially incarnated have difficulty manifesting within the material plane. They may struggle to create financial or other supports for life, or perhaps be challenged to maintain a relatively stable state of physical health and energy. Conversely, if there is too much energy pooled in the under-extended root chakra as a result of material substitutions for the sensate mother, the unconscious may create obsessions with the body and personal needs, attachment to possessions, people, the status quo, to making money as a substitute for the life force, and a fear-based need to hold onto and wrap the self with excess stuff, excess achievement and productivity, or excess weight. Usually, some form of physical or material crisis is our soul’s cry for connection to the real source of Life before it is too late and the soul and body separate completely before life’s sweetness is even tasted.
Replicating the collective separation from our Earth Mother, we have adapted, generation after generation, prematurely pushing our energies into our higher centers, being forced to use our intuition or our minds to figure out a way to survive here.
Without the incredible support and trust of our own instinctual sensory information systems and the root chakra filaments that connect us to the powerful life force of our Mother planet, we feel cut off from our natural creative empowerment and our ever-present source of Love and nourishment while embodied.
Since 1995, about 70% of my work with clients has focused on facilitating the release of layers of trauma and fear in the lower chakras and connecting people with the Earth chakra which lies about 8 inches below our feet. As the memories that are stored in the unconscious inner infant and child’s body and emotions release, the consciousness begins to re-pattern in greater alignment with the individual’s Soul Essence. The rest of the chakras, vertically opening and relaxing out of adaptation, also begin to realign and begin to function in the way they are designed to function. Once the chakras are capable of more complex functioning and the central Core column is intact, the soul is then called to descend from the seat of the Higher Self just above the head and called to rest in the Seat of the Soul, catching up for the missed opportunities to merge earlier in life.
The Seat of the Soul is just below the Heart Chakra under the sternum and functions differently than a chakra. It is not usually fully engaged or functional until the Higher Self is in direct communion with the body and the Earth. When we have a firm connection to the Earth, then our body/soul union feels empowered, alive, and passionate about moving, creating, expressing, contributing to, and loving life.
The process of incarnation must include the healing and opening of the lower chakras and, most particularly, the foundational connection with our Life force and the filaments of Creation inherent within the Root-Earth relationship.
It usually requires a person to open the unconscious and allow frozen trauma or other adapted patterns of energy to soften and release. This process is usually experienced emotionally and/or physically, and is also often precipitated by a loss or threat of a loss; of a loved one, relationship, job, home, life-threatening illness, or anything in which one has placed sufficient value to signify loss if it disappears.
Loss triggers the deep unconscious abandonment wound that we collectively share. Calling upon both the Universal Love (Rose Pink) frequency that is interpreted by the inner infant as Mother, as well as the Earth Mother (Magenta), assists the adaptations to soften and reveal the content within the fear and trauma contractions. As the chakras are enfolded within Great Mother Love, they begin the transformation back towards structural integrity, reconnecting the individual soul with Life, and infusing the collective with new information for transforming consciousness. The children of the Earth reunite once again with Mother and, as trust is reestablished, they radically recreate their experience of life in Earth. Energetic healing, hypnosis, psychotherapy, trauma reduction techniques, letting go and cleaning out, meditation and inner listening, physical exercise and bodywork, deep tissue massage, and willingness to work through the layers of the surfacing unconscious will facilitate and support this often-intense process.
The Matrix of Victimization
As a result of the centuries of oppression and trauma, the collective Feminine has identified itself with the role of “victim”. Understandable as that is, it continues to bind and hold our consciousness in duality. Healing the inner Feminine gently lifts to awareness the layers of trauma and suppressed emotion while opening consciousness to being directly informed by the Earth Mother and Great Mother. Through reconnecting with undistorted natural Feminine qualities, we can begin to re-parent our inner infant and child.
An example of this process would be the following: a woman’s husband leaves her for another woman. Her whole identity has been wrapped up with being a care-giving wife and mother. She begins crying uncontrollably as deep waves of rage and grief overwhelm her. Rather than interpreting this experience as “all his fault” and holding onto her victim status, she could seek to move into the transformation process her soul has participated in creating, and see it as an opportunity for growth and healing. As she unravels her own emotionally abandoned inner child and re-mothers her with qualities that had been projected onto her husband and children, she finds herself and her own abandoned Life currents. She may then seek a career, go back to school, or pursue her creative impulses.
Often, during our own life story, we grow the missing feminine qualities within us, or we may attract those qualities in others and they manifest within our partners or friends. By bringing those qualities together with our wounded infant and child, we gradually heal the wounds and incomplete developmental experiences of the early mother relationship. The wounded Feminine is very deep and old in this story. Sometimes she needs to have her experience and wounds acknowledged by a conscious masculine surrogate. This has been done in South Africa with Nelson Mandela facilitating the healing of the years of apartheid, and with President Clinton asking for forgiveness from the Native Americans.
Other healing experiences for the victim are creating rituals of release and forgiveness, using past-life regression, telling one’s story, revealing old shame-bound secrets, and learning to listen to and trust one’s body, instincts, intuitions, needs, and desires. At some point the inner victim will need to step aside and reveal its polar shadow; the abuser/controller. That side of the dual nature has usually manifested in either a projected or externalized form, or it has been twisted up inside to become an internal critic, illustrating itself in self-hatred, self-sabotage, or self-denial. Allowing both poles to be present while reconnecting with the missing Feminine qualities of unconditional acceptance, of responsiveness to one’s needs for love and nurturing, and of connecting to a limitless source for creating Life, activates the transforming Third Principle.
While working to transmute the inner victim personally, each person also assists the collective matrix of victimization to transmute. As the energy within that structure is freed, the powerful force of Creation is opened within the individual and the collective. Rather than the “victim” rising up in anger, gaining a position of power, then swinging to the opposing pole within duality to victimize her oppressors, she rediscovers and sources herself from her roots in the Earth, listens to her informed guidance, and then acts to name the distortions in consciousness while offering new possibilities to move beyond the old dualistic structures. If we look at the process in our collective story, the Feminine has gone first. By making herself visible, insisting on equality, refusing to be cast into old roles, and opening the collective unconscious through seeking personal healing and growth, she has opened the doors of transformation and is leading and guiding this transition into a new age.
Transforming the Death Matrix
Just as the Feminine is bound within duality in a matrix of victimization, the Masculine is trapped in a deep unconscious survival fear. Because it has denied and suppressed its receptive Feminine nature, it lost its access to the subtle levels of reality beyond the material/physical plane. Identified with only what can be seen, touched, measured, controlled, or quantified, a constant fear lives in the root chakra, further contracting people away from their source for Life.
What happens when the physical forms die or change form? The masculine within us does not know and fears annihilation, extinction, and the mysterious unknown. It gives power to religion to explain this mystery, while the Masculine, remaining unconvinced, spends most of its life-energy needing to stay in control of anything having to do with life or what can be seen, proven, or is already known. Faced with unsupported survival, we activate our Will center in the neck and use it to force ourselves to do whatever we perceive we need to do even if it devalues our heart’s longing for fulfillment, denies our body’s signals for health and balance, and negates our soul’s innate wisdom and knowing.
It takes a significant amount of will power and energy to force a soul to act against its own blueprint and inner currents for life. Yet, that is normal conditioning of the Masculine within duality.
Over time, the assertion of will over soul wisdom is rigidified and even laudable, i.e. no pain, no gain. It is the Masculine within us that “works for a living” trading in life energy and dreams for money that will support life for our family and ourselves. “He” looks forward to retirement from “toil and trouble”, from struggle and “putting your nose to the grindstone”. But if we live that long, we often find we no longer have enough life-force left to indulge our cast away dreams.
The Masculine feels good about the role of providing for others and amassing land and financial security, yet “he” often feels disconnected from Life, from others, and from knowing oneself. Security has a big price tag, and in paying it, the Masculine finds himself lonely and ultimately still afraid of death in any of its many forms.
If the Feminine within the individual is recovered and healed, she will open the consciousness of the individual to perceive and begin to trust the subtle levels of creation. She can teach the masculine about change; that Life and Light is constant and cannot die, while forms and structures that serve to carry Life and Light into manifestation do change. In order for life to evolve and grow, structures that serve for a time are released so new structures can form and be informed by Life.
The true Feminine is comfortable with change, because she is naturally fluid, connected to the upward currents of Life and the downward currents of informing Light. She perceives Life directly and can see how Creation is naturally ordered. She trusts the natural order and does not super-impose fear-based structures on children who innately know how to grow and mature from infancy to adulthood within a continuous process of change. As guide and reflector, she nurtures the soul to incarnate and gradually reveal its purpose for this life. Then she partners with the true Masculine to provide the means and opportunities to learn and grow whatever the child needs to fulfill his/her innate reason for being. Jean Houston calls innate purposeful unfolding a person’s “entelechy”.
The true Feminine also knows that the Earth is the Source for the vital Life energy that is available to all people who are capable of receiving and translating it into a created Life experience.
As she informs the Masculine, he will begin to relax the fear contracting the Root Chakra and then reconnect to the source for Life directly. He no longer needs to possess the Feminine, the Earth, or attach to the material plane as if it is all that exists.
The Will Center can relax its hold on consciousness and begin to free itself of the mass of beliefs, expectations, judgments, and ego-informing fears that have driven a person’s life. In relaxing and being freed of its load, the Will can open to being directly informed about whatever is needed in the moment of creation. As trust is regained in Life itself, the Will Center, along with the related muscles of the neck, upper back and shoulders, can relax. The “freed will” becomes a trusted ally of the Feminine within Creation.
Emptying itself of all of the fear-fed beliefs and structures that forced the masculine to act against life, his own and the natural environment that supports all life of Earth, he realizes that he is indeed part of Creation. Within his heart are the seeds of a dream, often left behind, buried or distorted. By bringing attention and love to his Heart and inviting his soul’s guidance through his partnership with his inner feminine, he can realign his life and choices with what will bring fulfillment and joy. The distortions and illusions gradually sort out and unwind, releasing the process of manifestation from the chains of fear and restoring its true function as the power to create and give form to Life.
As the “he” within consciousness becomes aware of this limitless well of Life, he will grow to trust that the structures that give form to Life are free and available to all and need not be taken, possessed, manipulated, or controlled. Practice is important to the masculine in this process.
As he practices listening to his inner Feminine (and the voice of the Feminine within the collective), he opens to being directly informed before planning, speaking, or acting.
Once he perceives that such information is highly accurate, efficient, precise, and holographically interconnected with everything else, he is willing to form a new kind of partnership with the Feminine. Together they form a consciously creative team weaving the power of Life into forms that are informed by the natural intelligence of Light to be embodied within Life. Instead of procreation as the primary goal of partnering, conscious co-creation of what enhances and animates the will of Creation is the focus of this union. Such an inner partnership will inevitably create new male-female relationship structures, as well as many new creative forms of partnership and family.
The Birth of the Conscious Creator
We are at an amazing juncture. The age of duality is passing away and the return of the Mother signals the beginning of the next age within Earth. It is not to be another matriarchy or feminine-dominant time, or a continuation of a patriarchal masculine dominance. Instead we are co-creating a merger, a marriage of the best of all that the masculine has evolved and the recovery and healing of the best the feminine has evolved, which is to be integrated within the recovered conscious child. We will simultaneously be called to name and transmute the distortions and adaptations we find along the path to consciousness.
This is also the time of weaving of the consciousness of the Earth, the matter body of a great planetary Mother, with Spirit, the non-material pattern or Father of creation. The fruit of this great union is a Divine child, an embodied expression of Creator within creation.
This is our inheritance, and it is time for us to accept it. Rather than dying and leaving our bodies to become conscious of who we are, we are becoming conscious while alive.
And the Earth Mother is back, returning to the manifest world after her time of gestation and giving birth to a new child of consciousness within a living matrix for the conscious creator within Creation. It is she who is calling us to heal our separation, both from her and our own spirits, and to become whole, alive, joyful, fulfilled, embodied expressions within Creation.
If you ask her to assist you, she will. As her living currents rise up into our bodies and lives, we sigh with relief and recognition. “Alomaha” is a word she often uses to lovingly say hello to our bodies, and “Aya ma” (ey-yah mah) calls her to be with you. When she wants to speak directly with someone through me, I hear “Aya” and the person’s name. She wants to be with each of us, her human children, to assist in the healing of the wounds of abandonment and separation, and to nurture, nourish, teach, and guide us to feel the depths of joy and aliveness that the body is designed to experience. She wishes to rejoin us all. Often, as she speaks her language, people of all cultures seem to innately understand. Those who speak only Japanese or Spanish have begun to spontaneously speak or sing back to her in the same language. I perceive this level of expression to be a vibrational language that is intimately known by all aspects of creation. It actualizes intention as it is spoken. Some have reported spontaneous healing releases in their bodies and emotional patterns, and people often say they feel more connected to the Earth as mother in a tangible way that doesn’t go away.
Once we feel her presence, and the child within us knows that Mother has returned, we begin to unwind from the centuries of tension and trauma as motherless children. She takes us into her body, wraps us in her living love, cradles us as we release and heal, and rebirths us as conscious creators, universal humans, Divinity embodied.
In August of 1998, the Earth Mother showed me her etheric body and how it was formed. I saw a number of interconnected giant cells that were in the process of metamorphasizing from a simpler structure into a higher order of complexity and organization. This cellular shift would support a new matrix for creation within the material plane, making a whole new way of experiencing and creating life possible for her and all of consciousness connected to her.
I was asked to assist the transformation within some of the cells by organizing several groups to travel to specific sites during 1999. We were to listen for guidance from her and those in spirit who serve her. Each journey had a special task and we were guided as to what that was and how to fulfill it. I was aware that other groups were being formed and orchestrated by her as well so to reach all of the places in her body that needed willing human participation to facilitate this shift.
Then, on New Year’s Eve, 1999, the Earth Mother synchronized her cellular shift with the lifting of frequency within human consciousness. Via satellite, people around the body of the Earth watched as country after country welcomed in the next millennium and, as all of these expressions came together, we co-created an interconnected heart opening planetary experience of joy. That unified field was enough to support the shift that the Earth Mother had been working toward since about 1967. The New Matrix for Creation was now in place on her etheric cellular level and, rather than looking backward to heal the past, we were now beginning to look forward to create the future.
Since that moment, there has been a gradual shift of emphasis in our collective story. Groups are forming to focus on consciously creating organically living structures that will emerge through human creativity into form, stay fluid enough to evolve and change, and benefit all of Life. We are to use our accumulated wisdom to resolve the conflicts and large-scale problems of the age that is passing away while creating new structures that will serve the age of Living Wisdom that is emerging.
Ages do not pass away or begin in a day or a year. As the New Matrix of Creation informs us, we change how we perceive reality and that influences how we create our experience, individually and collectively, and throughout time and space. As we reference and trust the experience of transformation within our personal lives, the collective is informed as well.
The change is underway and we will not turn back.
Each one who emerges into a new creation of living awareness is evidence of the shift, even if not yet reflected in the larger collective. It is only a matter of time when even the most stubborn holdouts surrender into the arms of a Mother who can restore wholeness and inform Life directly.
As the masculine within consciousness realizes its fear has been of a false death, it will begin to reweave its considerable skill and capacity for form-giving to serve Life rather than destroy or control Life to serve its fear of death. And the Creator Child that the Earth Mother went deep within herself to grow during this last age of rampant duality is now being birthed as the culminating gift of a Loving Creative Intelligence, partnered with the Mother of Creation within a body of matter. That Creator Child is within our human consciousness and is our birthright to experience and express if we so choose.
Just as we may remember being the agents of the change of ages in the past, we are now given the opportunity to bring both the recovered memory of the ancient age of being nurtured by the Earth Mother, and the recovered gifts from the healing of the age of individuation within the structures of a dominant masculine into an integrated whole new experience of Creator within Creation. Such a time only comes around every few thousand years in a planetary experience.
Some are saying that the magnitude of this kind of planetary shift only happens once every 26,000 years. Now is such a time, only this time we are not dependent children as we were 5000 years ago, or etherically blind as we were in Atlantis. We have evolved into, within, and now beyond duality. Each of us, each individuated soul, whether in a body or not, is being invited to consciously partner with the Earth and fulfill our soul’s longing to take our place and do our part in this change of ages. How we remember this transition will be very different than the last one five thousand years ago. What comes next? That is up to us.