Originally a 9-part course by Michele. Excerpts here are from a series previously published in The Edge Magazine.
Duality is the structure of consciousness that has given form to our current collective reference for reality.
Its nature is polarity, which generates dynamic tension between its poles to create energy. Within duality there is always an either/or choice…black or white, good or evil, right or wrong, spirit or body, victim or abuser, etc. These polarities are so integrated within our sense of reality that they have become dogmatized and crystallized, seen as “just the way it is”.
Within duality is an innate urge to seek balance, which if achieved is inherently doomed to again tilt toward one pole or the other, a movement necessary to generate the energy for living within this matrix of reality. Thus we experience collective addiction to conflict, violence, competition, stress, and chronic imbalance. People fight to defend the side they most identify with, which is considered right opposing the other’s wrong, further crystallizing the matrix while energizing the astral energy reservoir.
Duality is by design intended to generate so much tension, pain, discomfort, death, or imbalance that eventually we are forced to surrender our hold on this matrix of consciousness, instead choosing life and opening the possibility that a different structure for creation exists which would alter the entire fabric of our individual and collective experience.
Creator is the active focusing force of Universal Intelligence that merges within the individual consciousness to create its will within matter.
My first lessons were about opening the story of my own life and learning to see how I had created it all. When I say that we create our own experience, it is because our innate design replicates all the capacities of our Creator. What we focus through thought and feeling creates an imprint in the causal plane and takes form in experience. Like most people I found that a bit hard to grasp at first.
We tend to interpret this principle of creation from a personal level, but it cannot be worked with or understood until we can see it from a more universal level. The first principle is to stand in the center as Creator (note the capital C). If we stand in our own center without that merger we will continue to create from learned limitations within our personal perspective that has forgotten who we truly are.
Forming a bridge from the personal to the universal takes practice and a willingness to relinquish judgment, all judgment regardless of circumstances or pain. Affirm and focus with the rose-colored light of unconditional love. Love opens the soul’s perspective of how any person, event, physical pain, or memory is an aspect of either our own or the Whole of consciousness reflecting back to us. The past can be opened and recreated with Love, transforming the lack of love that was the original experience.
As Duality ends some people assume that what we will create next is an experience of Oneness.
Despite the teachings of many religions, old and new, Oneness is not that new matrix. We evolved out of the Oneness of Source into the conscious perception of two, an “I” separate, unique and different than a “you”.
Source/Oneness desired to experience itself within an infinite diversity of experiences and expressions, to have an other to relate to and with whom to experience greater love. That intention included creating a dynamic active principle of creation that would eventually lead to creator within creation, an experience of complete immersion. That desire has been moving deep within the matrix of duality creating more and more diversity, individuation, and ultimately its crowning achievement, the awareness of our own uniqueness and power to create.
But with the achievement has also come the tolling of the bell for the death of duality. Unnoticed by most of the world that is yet involved in personalizing every experience of conflict and identifying with sides, duality has generated enough momentum to push some strong, conscious individuals to initiate the shift to something new.
We are not just becoming a new species, the whole of the Earth and all of consciousness is metamorphasizing, including human, but only as an aspect of a larger integrated whole living creating Being.
Instead of the surface world giving this evolving consciousness much thought, it has exercised its power to deny its existence.
People may respond with fear, derision or judgment when we attempt discussion of subtle energy fields, consciousness or non-physical entities, and that response can create a sense of protection around experiences that have no physical manifestation to prove their existence or effectiveness, be it an energetic form of healing or an angel.
The experience of being judged for our abilities or awarenesses can be painful, yet fruitful. By staying in the current of transformation many of us have been forced over and over to choose which reality we will empower. Sometimes we contract with fear, giving in to the surface world’s rules for belonging. Other times we listen to inner knowing, learning to trust the invisible wisdom ever present within all of creation.
Universal Love has slowly unwrapped the protection, brought wholeness to old wounds, and invited us to see both the awareness and the judgment as dual structures within our own consciousness. All of this has occurred within a timing that has not been ours to control. That timing is one of collective metamorphosis, and together we are doing what the surface world studied by science and controlled by money has not seen coming. Metamorphosis needs to happen within a cocoon, and if that cocoon has been a mantle of protection with its base in old memories of trauma and fear, so be it. It has served to incubate the new consciousness without much interference.
Everyone has both a masculine and feminine aspect as does the larger consciousness that has created our current collective experience.
Masculine or feminine is not referring to males or females. The feminine is the yin or receptive flowing principle of creation, while the masculine is the yang, or active structuring principle.
Likewise, there are spirit and earth aspects that are also part of the equation. Spirit is the downward clockwise spinning electrical current of bringing idea or inspiration into form or matter. Earth is the upward counterclockwise magnetic current of raw power or life force that gives any materialized form its substance or energy. In our collective story the Earth became aligned with the feminine, although there are both masculine and feminine principles within “her”. And Spirit became aligned with the masculine (‘God’) although both are within “him” as well.
The feminine was the first dominant influence with matriarchal societies focused on the Goddess in the 35,000 year cycle of womblike gestation of human consciousness. Then the masculine gained the ascendancy and duality began to generate a power and energy of its own as the active principle moved within these last 5,200 years to grow self-aware individuals who could use the downward current to bring ideas into form and manifestation. Laws, rational mind, books, technology, industry, all of the ‘isms, education, materialism, all of the individual, separate little beliefs, dogmas, groups, and defined boxes are a result of this downward masculinized current doing its thing.
The final surrender is to step fully into the field of creative living love.
The surrender process is one where the cocoon of protection is discarded and all mental structures related to fear and separation are transformed. This surrender is of the mind, of the chatter of thoughts and beliefs, of the endless thinking, processing, and talking we do as part of our cocoon time.
The mind fights to stay separate, thinking that its thoughts are what impart uniqueness and the ability to be known, and more importantly, loved. That is an illusion. When we merge within the field of love we are innately interwoven with all of life. The living current informs us directly. Miracles are not mysterious in this field of living awareness, they are the natural manifestation of living wisdom in action.
This surrender is a prerequisite for the inversion of the personal and the transpersonal viewpoint and fulfillment of desire. Many people focus on manifesting personal wealth, jobs, relationships, recognition, health, etc., all from the mind’s perspective that sees the need and that its job is to manipulate energy, thought, or circumstances to manifest the wish list. Stepping into the field of creation informs every cell with a pulsing intelligent living creative power that wants only to create itself in form. Personal needs and desires are within it. They form small channels through which the force flows to fulfillment.
As the inversion process occurs the mind will be challenged wherever it is attached to beliefs, thinking, processes, methods, or any structures that have outgrown their ability to be channels for this living current of creation. The challenge may appear to be coming from outside, but is only Life pushing into awareness anything that is not fluid enough to let it flow freely. You may feel quite uncomfortable for a time.
Living awareness is a field of pure creation that informs us directly when we release the hold of the mind.
This organic awareness is sourced by Universal Life and is teeming with the energy and consciousness of life. It knows what ideas or experiences will open to a greater flow of life and fulfillment, and which thoughts or desires will not enhance life or move towards fullness and joy.
Every moment arises from this field of potential, and what we create and experience is linked to it. We are designed by this creative force to evolve, change, expand, grow, move, create, and transform Universal Life into a living experience of consciousness. As we clear our bodies and lives of all that has been stored, filed, inherited, or forgotten, then we will begin to be informed moment to moment from this living field of awareness and our choices and life will flow from and through this field directly.
When the mind is in the way it can cut off the flow, capturing energy intended for life and diverting it for its own outcomes. In Duality the mind has been patterned to think about everything as separate and external, something to be fixed, controlled, manipulated, or changed to suit what we think we want, need, or desire. Because the separated mind is grounded in survival fear the result is death or limitation in one of its many manifestations.
If we consciously interrupt it and choose our focus the mind fights to regain control. But sometimes we relax and something flows between us and the universal source of living awareness and every cell opens and takes in its nectar. What if we could consciously choose to live from this place most of the time? How would we create our lives and our world?
Many are yet caught in the paradigm that has placed mind over matter and creator over creation, but that is what has been.
The infusion of Light within Life, mind and spirit within matter, creator within creation, is the culmination of the intention of Source to be within its own creation. We are the vehicle of consciousness for this culmination and it is to be felt, lived, and made manifest in our world.
This way of living has a different quality than that of duality with its emotional dramas and inherent separation of everything outside of us as “other”. The quality is one of fulfillment without attachment to an outcome. In this field everything is already full, abundant, known and present. When we come to it with a request, an idea, or a physical need or desire it opens its fullness immediately into the place we are focusing with our attention. It informs us through subtle but clear indicators whether or not our request is in harmony and support of all of life or not.
If not, creation does not respond with a natural flow into the channel we present. If so, we feel full of life and know that even if the physical manifestation has not occurred, that it is present and already coming into our experience in ways we cannot control. Instead of living from the perspective of lack and trying to fill it with stuff; thinking, doing, talking, worrying, working, buying things, taking care of others, meeting deadlines, checking off lists, emotional dramas, addictions, etc., we feel a kind of fullness and lushness as the ground of our experience. Then we create the abundantly fruitful garden as our personal and collective experience, consistently choosing to include only what has life, serves life, or enhances the flow of life within all of creation.
Much of the transformation of consciousness has felt very personal.
People have often been drawn into the process of change through pain, challenge, or an innate instinct to grow and evolve. The emotional charges we feel around these issues, whether they are triggered from current circumstances or emerge from stored memories in the past, give us our sense of individual experience. We are unique. Each of us has our own way of seeing things, a perspective or frame of reference based on our accumulation of such experiences over this and other lifetimes. We want to share this with others, to be met and known, honored and respected, and hopefully loved for “who we are”. When we aren’t seen or heard we feel more pain or isolation which, with inner reflection, can lead us to the awareness that we aren’t really listening to or loving ourselves.
The next phase of the process then begins and we seek to listen to and honor ourselves. We want to know our inner guidance, intuition, or what is for our own highest good. Sometimes we learn to use tools such as pendulums or kinesiology for guidance about daily decisions. Or we may learn to quiet our mental chatter long enough to allow our own inner voice to be heard and/or to allow the voices of spirit guides or teachers to be heard. This is a phase of healing and learning to become more conscious of the multiple levels of consciousness, all of which are simultaneously present and informing us in every moment. A kind of confidence is gradually built as we follow that inner voice to successful conclusions in our personal affairs or healing path. Even if we can’t explain it to others in a way they will understand or receive, we no longer feel that same pain or isolation because we have learned to trust ourselves.
Learning to trust ourselves is a vital phase and cannot be skipped over in this process of transformation.
The movement from judging everything (including oneself) from an external frame of reference to building a clearer internal structure of consciousness gives the individual a more conscious way to know oneself while also beginning to feel connected to the currents of consciousness that flow through all of creation.
We may enter groups to co-create and honor each person’s contributions, yet we also want our way of accessing guidance to be recognized and respected. Subtle but very real power struggles can occur as people vie to take their power. Some groups have come to this point and dissolved or fragmented with great pain as the result. Most of us have had such experiences and may have retreated back to the personal cocoon of our own inner processes with some fear of coming out again.
Inner validation is not what is needed in this next phase of growth, nor is it to go back to the first phase of needing to receive credit or value from those in the group. The next step is to allow our consciousness to relax out of the hold of the personal self into the field of awareness that beholds all without attachment to any one position. In this stance, all that is offered through individuals is part of the living field of that moment. Creation herself is also within the moment informing the individuals. As awareness is allowed to evolve itself without attachment or defensive maneuvers, something begins to emerge that has great power for life. That life animates all who have been present, whether or not any of their insights ended up as the culminating awareness. Those who are quietly open and play more on the inner rather than vocal levels are also just as important to the process as those who are more articulate. Creation sources all who are part of the creative urge that has gathered the group and the larger intention within the whole is served.
Over the last grand cycle the masculine, aligned with mind, has overburdened itself bringing massive amounts of Ideas into materialization.
However, these forms when disconnected from the upward current of life are only kept in place by the charge created from energizing duality and its polarities. The mental aspect of consciousness has become trapped in the systems it created yet separated from anything even resembling life. It builds up frustration, and instead of the natural balance of the upward life current dissolving old forms so new can reweave the energy, it turns destructive and violent, striking out at what is perceived as an external competing force for its perception of limited resources for further materialization. War and violence is the result, with a repetition of the original way the masculine inserted itself into consciousness.
Once the feminine-Earth alliance is restored and awareness can reach the conscious masculine mind, consciousness begins to see another way out of this dilemma. If the masculine aspect can trust that the Love now flowing from the feminine is unconditional, he can release from his need to judge and categorize everything from a superior positioning and begin to unwind from his portion of the collective wound. With unconditional Love, the masculine opens to heal the distrust of the upward flowing life current that was cut off and named evil because of its form dissolving aspects.
As the masculine opens to the new song of creation, the mind learns that consciousness is more than the ideas desiring form. Thought is the vehicle for ideas, like seeds, to be planted within the life force of the whole and that some will grow to fruition and some will not. He also learns that once delivered of their fruit, the structures and forms of those ideas may pass away and that is not death, but freedom. As the masculine reconnects to the source of Life in the planetary mother, he releases the great burden of responsibility he took on to be the provider of life for his family, community, or world. That burden has driven many men (and women in that position) to an early grave and is one of the masculine distortions.
Some people speak of “being in the flow”, others speak of the grace of God, or the movement of the universe.
I have chosen to speak of my experience of the Whole from the perspective of Creation as the unifying informing principle. Not only does it seem to offer a balance to the overemphasis of the tendency to put mind over matter, and refer to Light or Spirit as separate from or superior to body. Within duality consciousness Spirit has been kept subtly separate apart from this world of material human experience, not fully integrated in our bodies or how we created our lives individually and together. In my experience, Light or Spirit loves Life and is intimately merged within every cell of physical matter, in my body and in every experience that is my life.
The marriage of the Mother (matter or life) and Father (spirit or light) creates a child that is the fruit of both yet uniquely new in its design. The child is the new matrix of Creation. It has always been present as an informing current, but not conscious within our collective way of describing reality when everything was split apart with judgment, fear, conflict, or confusion. Collectively we are maturing to see beyond the separating influences to the unifying wisdom of Life in all of her manifestations, and then choosing how to co-create the next cycle of life in Earth.
That creation is already circulating through our collective body as a whole and more and more people are consciously choosing to dance in this field awake and alive. It seems as if the currents of creation have swelled in magnitude and power becoming ever more attractive to those on the precipice of leaving the old behind. As more of us make the choice, joy expands, more people join the party, so to speak, and the possibilities for greater synchronistic creation within this field increase exponentially. So, test the waters of Life, stick in a toe, a foot, step in and practice staying within or coming back to the living currents of creative intelligence.