Our January 1st tradition for many years has been to dialogue with the Earth Mother and/or friends in Spirit to get a broad sense of what the year might bring into our experience. This year the dialogue was a bit different with the emphasis being less on upcoming events and more on how to be as events unfold.
Planetary transformation continues apace, and it seems of little help to continue focusing on what is breaking down. Most forms that once felt solid in our reality are dissolving within and without, disassembling themselves one might say, releasing us from their influence in our perceptions and experiences while also challenging us to change. In these times giving undue attention to what is crumbling may not be the best use of our personal energy.
Collectively we are still in the sorting phase we have previously written about several times. The Matrix and the Jewel was a commentary published last June that contains references one might find helpful if more information is desired. Briefly, souls are proceeding on trajectories chosen for their continued evolution. Some are staying with the earth as she opens a new experience of life and creation on this planet, while others will continue elsewhere. How and when those transitions are made is part of what we are witnessing on the global stage, and we cannot know or judge the path of another. If it feels to you like everything is up in the air and anything could happen at any moment, you are not alone in that feeling.
As you read, you will see that in two places of this dialogue additional information has been provided. Those areas are distinctly noted. Sometimes the significance of a message can get lost in its simplicity, and some themes are more “big picture” so we added context for that point of view.
Also know that physical challenges are common as we respond to the increased energies shifting the whole of consciousness. Michele and I are definitely not feeling left out of this part of the adventure. The Earth Mother opened with a gentleness and a recognition of a process Michele is experiencing, and that bit of the dialogue is not included. Attention then turned to me (Chris), which is where we begin the conversation.
I am here. Hello.
Hi, and welcome to our home…inside your home.
Our home.
Ah, yes.
[Acknowledgement of Michele]
And you, how do you feel?
I go through cycles with a bit of anxiety and tiredness, then feeling better, then energized, then calm. Then repeat. I am allowing, but I know I don’t like feeling crummy. I do have physical complaints, my eyes and my knees in particular. I’m hoping that as we continue to shift in this embodiment process that those areas at least stabilize or could actually improve. But, I know I have a body of another vintage. What might you have to offer about that?
You underestimate your body. You perceive it to be of a vintage. Your eyes see your own self and body in terms of years, or age, or things that are breaking down or changing in ways not to your liking. You underestimate your body quite a bit because you come from another perception.
So, open to the possibilities that live in your cells, live in your consciousness, live in your soul, live in your earth…possibilities that have been controlled by a way of seeing that has weakened natural capacities. You have your experience, your own embodied experience, everyone does. It’s their own, yes? But weed yourself out from the collective perception and conclusions, and even language that diminishes capacity. It’s not necessary to perceive your body in an old way anymore. It would like to show off a little bit, if you would allow. [she chuckles]
I like that concept.
The awakening of consciousness within a physicality is a gift that has been chosen by those of you who are embodied at this time and in this so-called new age. It is within all of your capacity to open to what has been reduced and diminished because of what this one (Michele) calls the false gods.
I remember the first time you expressed through Michele in 1995. You spoke of releasing the matrix of time from our bodies.
Quote from that session added here for context: “There is no need to die. I do not intend it. I have never intended death. Release death from your body. Feel where it is hiding, feel where it lurks in those places that were betrayed into believing that it was necessary. Feel those thoughts, those beliefs in the matrix of time. Dissolve the matrix of time within your body. It is not essential for life. It is to now release. Open. Open to what is beyond what you thought was possible.”
Release death, dissolve the matrix of time. I’m not sure I know how to do that.
It’s not a how to. You are so used to doing the “how to” and your mind tries to figure out the how to. This is an innate capacity, it’s not a how to. It’s an acknowledgment of what is, a capacity that belongs to you that is within you. Acknowledge that capacity in a way that it starts to perk up in you, to wake up, and to clarify what has been dimmed.
Dissolve whatever the thought is, like aging, where you have become resigned to thinking ‘this is just the way it goes’. That’s the memory of lifetimes of completing a certain embodiment cycle and then moving back into spirit. Your reference for health, wholeness and expansion has been the spirit domain, not within the physical material experience and all of what that has meant while embodied.
Now there is the opening of a new potential within bodies. It has always been there, but in some ways it was disrupted by the overarching consciousness here as well as some genetic manipulation along the way. But now it’s not bound anymore. If you choose to unbind you are unbound.
That all seems too easy. [laughter by both]
Perhaps healing or changing the physical body has been seen as too much work. You don’t need to work so much. It is innate and awakening. In fact, the frequencies of the combination of solar input…consciousness from the sun, and our shifting frequencies in our bodies of earth…it’s already buzzing in there!
I reference the old way because I don’t have a lot of reference for this way. I’d say there’s a need to practice, though that sounds like doing, but at least paying attention differently.
That’s just consciousness. Your attention goes where you focus, yes? Acknowledge this is real, that this is an innate capacity and intelligence that belongs to you, is of you, is in your physicality, that your DNA is capable, that your cells are capable, your aliveness is capable. Play around with that for a bit and you might find it’s less intense than you currently think.
I do appreciate that. I’ve missed talking to you and receiving these perspectives, because that’s helpful to me. So yeah, we’re in a time of transition, and I have a lot of not knowing, which feels okay. I’ve grown relatively comfortable with not knowing. We have our tradition of this annual message, but I’m not so interested in focusing on what’s dissolving. I think what you’ve described for me would be helpful for others. What else would be helpful to people for how to go forward in this year?
Many are moving into an awareness that what they perceived for many years as real, as important, as necessary, as essential, is losing energy. There are many who are disoriented at times, scared at times, and not sure how to proceed. They don’t have another perspective that you are gifted to have in this time. You know that the old is passing and there is a new birthing of a consciousness that is viable, coherent, and interconnected with love, light and life.
Within consciousness you are also becoming aware of omnipresence. The All Presence is then all encompassing, including the details. So instead of going from the micro to the macro, you’re becoming more aware of All Presence, all awareness, and it is everywhere omnipresent. It’s in you and of you, you cannot be apart or separate from it. As you relax into this awareness, then let the details arrange themselves a little more, as if you’re not in control of that part.
If you try to control the details all the time you hyperfocus. It’s the hyperfocus that keeps you from being fully conscious or aware of the All Presence that is in truth functioning in your experience, in your body, in your life as you are woven into the greater wholeness of this All Presence. Then, when the details surface they come to you in a way where you say ‘oh yeah, okay’. It’s as natural as the next breath. You don’t think about your next breath, you just take your next breath.
What happens when you start to realize that a new project is beginning to surface? That project may entail a bigger set of details and can encompass a sequence of steps or a number of things that need to be coordinated, etc. If you are in the process of it, in the All Presence, then you have the sense that it’s all in motion and you are the one aware of the details, aware of the next step for you, aware of what’s next if you are coordinating the project. You’re aware of all that you need to know and you can proceed.
The energy of life is in coherence and harmony with and within creation, so it is funding the details of what is emerging so that you are not tired out by the project. You actually are energized by it, and it keeps opening and opening more of what you need…more opening and more opening. You start to realize that something is coordinating all the details that you considered important, that you felt you had to worry about, oversee, or control, like money or dealing with the needs of the material life.
You start to realize that what matters are different details. The old details don’t matter so much because they’re incorporated, they’re included. The new details that are coming to the surface now or in the future will be from this great enterprising, creative, collaborative new field. You call it the 5th dimension or fusion field or whatever you want to call it, but it’s All Presence of consciousness, all present creation. I’m integral within it, you’re integral within it.
All are integral if they choose to weave in through their body and be here. Or, if they choose to move into spirit and still be here they are also integral. Those who are staying in this material/non-material dimension that is considered our body, our planet, our solar system, our galaxy, they are within this All Present consciousness that is our collective collaborative creation.
Those that are choosing not to weave into earth in this time, for purposes and reasons of their own soul’s evolution, then that will be their journey. They will not be opening in the same way so they do not have the same sensing of this All Presence. Some may sense a little because they are here and this is happening, and they may sense it, but they still may be making another choice. That’s just happening. You don’t have to worry about it, you don’t have to pay attention to it, really. It’s just happening.
In this All Presence you will notice what you need to notice and you will be present where you need to be present. You will create and notice and create and be collaborative and creative when what, who and when shows up. This is why the details of time are also becoming irrelevant, because you’re not governed by time. All of what governed consciousness, governed your attention, governed what was important, governed where you put your energy for life and work…all of that starts to shift. A lot of it is just included in the experience that is now all present, all available, and all accessible. And, you’re part of it and the details shift.
So being at ease with the unknown is a really good place to be right now. Keep consciousness open to notice what really is surfacing each moment of each day. Notice where the energy is opening, where you’re feeling even a little bit of excitement. And if there is none, well then relax. Rest is perhaps what you need. Open to the All Presence for what you need in that moment. Perhaps it is not on the surface of your consciousness but it’s in your body, it’s in your unfolding, it’s underground, it’s gestating. That’s okay, be with that.
Human beings have been so active. Your training, so to speak, has been to get up and go, get up and go. This is a time when you’re in deep transition and cellular transformation and shift, especially those of you who have had bodies longer than other people have been embodied this time around. Be gentle with yourselves, it’s not a race. There is no goal, there is no better or worse, and there’s no comparison.
Everybody is in their own experience of this. You can barely talk about it, which is a good thing because oftentimes it is something that is not relatable to everyone. But, learn it. This is your learning curve. This is yours to learn by just being in the great presence, the omniscience, while being in the experience of your shift of consciousness embodied…in your body, through your body, in your life, in your relationships, in your unique Being while being woven within all aspects of creation.
Notice where you feel a kind of peace, if that’s the right word. Kind of like an inner sigh, an inner sense of all is well. A place where you can just be, and relax and open and have no agenda, and perhaps no doing for a bit. Just notice these places of contentment, of satiation, of being with awareness, being in the experience with an inner coherent wellspring that is yours. It belongs to you, it’s of you. Notice that, because that’s the new resting place, you might say.
Instead of “get up and go”, can you see how different the other feels? Here you’re at peace, feeling whole, complete, all is present, all is well and things rise and open from there. This place isn’t exactly rest because it’s alive and alert. It energizes in its own way, however there is no sense of push, “have to”, or busyness. It’s different.
Humanity has long been governed by fear, trauma, “have to”, rules and laws and expectations and judgments and fear of judgments, and humanity, the majority of humans, have been completely dissociated from this place I am describing. If you are well-mothered, well-parented as an infant, that is where you come from. For many infants now, their primary experience is being in this place of all is well.
So, this is opening. It can’t open if you propel yourself forward and fill your days with things that you think matter, or you have to do or should do, or because you’ve done it for so long it’s habitual. Or because you just don’t like not being busy.
It’s an invitation, and for some they move into it more gently and with more consciousness, and it actually moves more rapidly. Some get kind of pushed into it because their souls have chosen it but they haven’t consciously come into sync with that choice. They may feel like they’re pushed into it and it’s a little more intense. Some avoid it and try to push it away until they can’t. Again, those are the souls who are making this choice to evolve here, and yet are coming with a kind of mental top-down training, mind over matter, that has been difficult to release. The choice governs the intensity of the evolutionary trajectory within experience.
Everyone is in their own process and there are those who are choosing not to do it. And that’s their choice because, as I said earlier, they’re not embodying here for this next grand, long adventure of creation in this new dimensional experience. That’s okay. It’s not up to you to discern who is doing what. It is up to you to choose, for you to acknowledge what is opening within you that is innate, that has its own sequence and wisdom and will reveal what you need in the moment that you need it. You are moving that way.
I think of it as being responsive to the impulse of creation.
That is good, yes.
That then is the state of being. So, if creation is not moving me or doesn’t have that impulse then I can sit in the everything is fine place. Then when there’s impulse, that intent within creation coordinates everything needed along with the timing.
Yes, and then that’s your experience.
This statement is key to understanding where we are headed. We are again inserting a quote from A Story of Creation to help with context, and an additional comment for clarification.
“There were no embodiments earlier than recent that could experience, in an emotional sense or a tangible feeling sense, that which was above, that which was the Source, that which was the capacity to hold energetically in a form and experience it. So, the thought that was brought into this universe was to try to create a form out of all of the aspects that would bring that dimension of experience into form, into a mass that could be conscious and hold this experience, and then in a sense love and know the Creator, know the Source and have a relationship and relate back through a choice of pure intent, a choice of will.”
In other words, the intent from the beginning was to fulfill a dream, a desire by the Source of creation to embody within a form capable of experiencing the frequencies of itself…love, joy, bliss, etc. We are those forms. We are also each an aspect of Source. This shift is moving us toward a point when full embodiment of our individualized aspect becomes possible and we emerge as Creator within creation. Then begins a new story yet to be written of a Living Field orchestrating fulfillment for each of its parts while simultaneously satisfying the needs of the whole. No separation, no heirarchy, no rules.
Earth Mother continues:
Besides awareness of All Presence, other aspects opening within you are the way emotions, senses and feelings move through your experience. How you feel and what you sense has often been guarded, as if you’ve turned the flame down. You’d rather not feel so much because everything in the old structure, the old world, sometimes felt painful or irritating or not real. Or a kind of pressure was created that made it difficult to relax.
So the emotional experience of being in this place of “all is well”, the well spring of creation you might say, the calm, the peace within…it’s as if our emotions need some time there to register that it is actually real now; that there is a place to relax into, where your nervous systems can relax and unwind; where your emotional experience can harmonize, can relax into being more sensitive, more perceptive, more open to nuances. It’s almost as if there is a whole world of experience to awaken in your body. How each of you feels bliss, or beauty, or wonder, or joy….these words are so small…or just genuine happiness, genuine awareness, genuine sensing through your body. Taste, smell, sight, sounds, your skin…all of this sense and emotion is experiential, along with all of this coming out of constriction, contraction, protection, dialing it down, hiding, or dissociation for some, although people are gathering themselves back together as best as they can.
It’s a kind of learning that can only happen now on this side of coming out of the density of thousands and thousands and thousands of your years, of your lifetimes. If there is not much external motion, then know that there is this deeper softening and awakening and healing, re-tooling you might say, of these different aspects and facets of you as a soul in the physical, which is a very different experience than in the spirit world.
Many people are going to just choose to go to the spirit world for a while and do some of the healing and the re-tooling of consciousness there, and then come back when they can be an infant again to grow within that quality of all is well, evolving cellularly into the wellspring and the absolute knowing they can relax here. Some people can’t fully do it in this body. Their wiring in the protective state is perhaps too strong, stronger than their capacity to open or move into it deeply here. That’s okay. There are many choices. But for those of you who are saying okay, I’ll do it here…well then, relax.
I put RELAX in capital letters here in my notes. What’s going through my mind is how we have shared many messages over the years, and now there is a difference. People used to like what we called a sneak peek into what’s ahead, and now I feel like we’re heading into a year of great upheaval, and in the old world it’s going to be dramatic and crazy. But the message is relax and pull yourself out of that. If you’re here for the new world then this is the step. It’s not about knowing what’s going to happen, it’s about becoming the thing you came to be.
Yes, you are who you are and now you get to experience who you are in full glory.
And even that idea is new.
It IS new, so don’t jump there, don’t put your mind there.
Yeah, it’s like okay now how do I go be in my full glory.
[Mutual laughter]
The project directors here set everything as a goal and a project, and it doesn’t work that way. You can’t do that. The mind cannot govern, cannot direct, it cannot be in charge, it does not know. Your mind prevents you from actually being with what is calling for true, authentic attention. So, relax your mind. If fear comes up, well, let it. Open to what you need. Open to what’s moving through. Open to what’s dissolving. Open to what’s revealing, and then just allow.
For most people the release of the mind is the greatest challenge of the whole process because of the governance over many thousands of years of a false overlay projecting what is to be believed and considered true, authentic and real. In all that time, those who benefit from that overlay have been trying to have what they want while keeping humanity at large in unconsciousness doing what they want you to do. So, these overlords or false gods are leaving. You know that. They’re leaving, but your minds and bodies, and those of your ancestors, have been infused over lifetimes with overlays and patternings that need to be clarified, informed and reoriented.
Think of the native peoples of the world, the indigenous peoples of the world that were taken out of their natural habitats and their natural rhythms of life, away from their medicines and all of what they had learned directly from me, from the earth and life directly. They lived in cyclical relationship with the plants and the sun and the moon, and all of what was here. They celebrated it, enjoyed it and shared it. Throughout the earth indigenous cultures, my people, my earthlings, were placed in horrible schools, forced to abandon their language, were killed or moved from their homelands, and became disconnected from their experience of belonging as part of nature. Many people now rise up and say that was horrible, you can’t do that, that’s terrible, and they’re working for indigenous rights, etc. without realizing it has been done to them.
The overlays have affected every child who has gone through a school system, every person who has gone into an office or corporate system, every person who has gone into a medical system, every person who has gone into a religious system, or any system that has been created out of the old structures of consciousness. You carry within you a superimposed version of who you are supposed to be, what you are supposed to do, what is success and what isn’t success, what’s good, what’s evil etc. etc. etc. etc. All of it. Those are the false beliefs from the false authorities that made themselves gods here. So that’s the mind that I speak of. That’s the mind that is now disintegrating. And that’s the mind that is the most difficult to release because it is in your DNA, your genetic consciousness. Your ancestors carried it forward to you, you carried it forward to your children. Your version of reality was the version that was dominant and controlled. So, you may see the indigenous people as having had that experience in a more extreme way, but you don’t recognize it in yourself.
Exactly. I have said as much.
The same goes for those who have been African-Americans, those indigenous peoples who were also taken from their land and stripped of their native languages and customs. Same thing, only slavery added a different twist to the story, a different imprint of trauma that is also within this old overlay.
In your bible, Yeshua’s story had within it a resurrection. Many believe this was physical, that he came back to life. In the experience of resurrection there is a dissolving of something that then opens an experience of life beyond what was. You are experiencing a collective unfolding of resurrection. It’s a dissolving of this limiting, top-down, mind-over structure within consciousness. Every time you say to yourself “I should do this”, feel into it. If you don’t feel it then you “should” not.
Every time you say to yourself “I have to do something for that person, or I need to wear a mask so I don’t infect someone, or I need to do this or that”. If you feel all the way into it does your body want to choose this? Bodies have and are consciousness. No body will choose a mask. No physical human or any naturally alive being will choose to cover their nose and mouth respiration, because it’s not the way you’re designed to be. You’re designed to breathe. Breathing means not taking back into your body what you’ve just expelled. It’s just nature. No one would choose that, authentically. But the mind will make you choose it because it has another whole overlay, false god, false determination of what has to be the way, has to be to be good, or to be helpful, or to be safe, or to be whatever. It’s not authentic, it’s not real.
This year, and maybe the next…I don’t know, time is unpredictable at this point…there will be many more breakthroughs in a sense where people start to realize that what they thought mattered or was important becomes not important. It disappears. For some that will feel freeing, very freeing. For others, disorienting.
Sometimes you have to let yourself have this discombobulation or chaos as things undo. Then realize that within you is this incredible intelligence, this living vital conscious, omnicient All Presence love, and that it’s already in the process of reorganizing you. It’s already in motion doing that. Your mind is probably not going to keep up with what’s happening or have an explanation or know what to do. That does not mean nothing is happening. It means your mind is relaxing into a place of allowing and accepting that indeed all is well.
Seems to me that this is now the only viable option [laughter]. It’s like everything else goes away so you might as well just relax into paying attention and not knowing.
Exactly, and the more you do the more you start to notice…ah, there is a little bit of attention that’s going right here. Okay, I’ll pay attention there. And there’s a little attention going there, oh and this thing shows up and you are like glued to it…this has excitement. If you’re in the place of noticing rather than trying to control it, then you have more energy, you have more well-being, and you have more capacity to feel and sense that experience fully. That then has its own feedback loop, yes? Joy, excitement and all of the things your sensing and emotional capacities are opening to…you want more of that. So that is what you create, that is what happens. More of that continues to evolve.
Humanity as a whole has no awareness of how shut down you have become. None. A few of you are reaching into that place now. A few of you, the younger ones, have more capacity and are opening those capacities at younger and younger ages with less constriction. With each generation there is more and more capacity opening. But those of you that have lived through the constriction and have lifetimes of constriction, it’s an awakening in and of itself to feel what you’re capable of just sensing and feeling, and allowing that to evolve and open and reveal. That’s yet to be fully discovered.
I have a question about another area. One thing that seems peculiar to me is the idea some people have that a person can be born into the wrong body, sometimes followed by children being re-gendered or even a push to make physical changes to young bodies. I would appreciate some insight on that.
The mind may begin to be aware that it has constricted others because of perceptions, not just orientation but a sexual role, like a role if you’re a man or a role if you’re a woman, a role that has a whole projection of what that means. So, adults becoming aware of this may look at their children and project their own rejection of roles, no longer allowing their children to have a really balanced yin/yang, feminine/masculine, or to have an authentic orientation that feels more yang than yin, or yin than yang, even though sexually they are in a body of one or the other. Roles and identities are dissolving as the false overlays of male and female, masculine and feminine, dissolve. Some people have projected out their confusion rather than allowing children to develop the wholeness that they are while in the body that they chose.
It doesn’t fully matter, because the projection of being male or female is already seen by children in television and media, and from parents and other children…blue for boys, pink for girls, etc. What if children could just explore it all? What if there is no limit to what they can feel and experience in any body? What if they’re designed for pleasure, emotionally, sensually and you can have a lot of experiences without it being in a particular sexed body? Does that make sense?
Bodies aren’t wrong. Bodies cannot be wrong. Bodies are chosen. Souls choose their bodies within a particular sex in terms of DNA. That’s not wrong. It’s just been limited by the overlays, the false consciousness. So, they’re trying to correct something, but it’s as if they are doing it from a false god, false consciousness perspective, through that lens. They’re trying to fix it and that doesn’t work.
The disturbing part to me is when they start making surgical changes to the body. That seems like a great distortion.
It is, and it will have its consequences.
It’s one thing to watch what has been unfolding from the mitigations imposed on people these past years, and then this pops up with young children being surgically or hormonally altered with the blessings of parents, or at their instigation, or sometimes even by institutions without the awareness and permission of the parents.
That is part of where the choices to not evolve at this time, or holding on to the old structures because of whatever, are sorting those out who are choosing not to do this here. And, please know that there are children more recently born who are not going to choose to remain.
Is there also karma involved in some ending up in this situation, or is it soul choice again at some level or…?
Well, karma is still functional in our great planetary being. It will be until the sorting completes. I cannot say for sure how long this will unfold, but there is a kind of shift within karma as choices are made by those who will not remain and continue their journey here. Those who have capacity to continue to be here and evolve in a body will continue to open possibilities for healing that perhaps are yet unknown. There are things that can evolve beyond what is now known, you know that. So, some of these children may just have another experience of becoming whole awaiting them.
So it is [laughter]. It’s just all gotten weird, is the way I put it. I need to relax about that, too. It’s a way bigger thing happening than whatever any of us thinks it should be about.
It’s where you put your attention.
I have no thought that anything should be fixed or changed or be different. Some things are just disturbing to me.
Yes, well there is much more to be revealed that will be even more disturbing. You may as well decide now where to put your attention, because there is plenty more to show itself.
Mostly I’m happy for that. I understand that much has to unravel and be revealed, and it is part of the adventure in one way. Also, I don’t need to look at it all. But, I am the curious sort.
Yes, curiosity is part of all the adventure, is it not?
This one (Michele) has posed a question to me and I am going to answer her. Her curiosity [she laughs] has been about whether souls who are moving beyond this plane to the next adventure in another place would awaken consciously to what has not been seen, if they would see clearly what they did not see before they left.
I will answer as I know it to be. I am not fully in awareness of the whole of this unfolding because my focus is here and not there, and not with those who are leaving except to support them while they are here. But my sense of it is yes, they will have an awakening of a sort where the veils are lifted and they will see not only that they put their trust in those who were not trustworthy and not of life, and they will also see why they did so. That will be done in a way that they will see, and they are also then made aware that they have more to evolve and grow so that they do not do this again. That they learn at some level or have a little alarm somewhere that when they come to a new experience where there are those who want to take control, or they want to take control, become gods in their own right, etc., that there is something that begins to open inside of them a kind of hesitation, a sense of maybe not. Just something.
You came from another planet, yes?
In your system you have a kind of memory of what you felt when you left and became more aware that you did not want that to happen again. It’s that kind of imprint they will take with them, but they will not have the capacity to evolve or heal it within the 4th dimension of earth. Those who have died early on over the last few years, even 20 years or more some of them, have had more time to do some of that process. And they still may be choosing to continue evolving in a different place, but they have a little more time to do more of that healing work, consciousness work, here.
Those who are leaving and going on to another experience will take that process with them. They are already being joined by the guides and teachers that are choosing to move with them, just as many of you signed up to do the same once upon a time in our story here.
So those structures go with them?
To some degree, yes. But, with an awareness that it could have been different, that there was another choice somewhere in the process that they didn’t see…and why that was.
One more thing popped into my mind that I wanted to ask about whenever I had the chance, which to me is another weird thing. I am aware now of some people who have become adamant that viruses do not exist. That is not my view, and I’d appreciate some insight on the purpose of viruses.
Well, viruses exist. They are a part of the whole of consciousness, part of the whole of nature, part of the whole. Bacteria exist, part of the whole.
Consciousness has been so controlled, top-down, mind-over, and so constricted by the dimension of false control that there needed to be a kind of entity, or whatever you want to call a virus, that basically could replicate the distortion. So, viruses are capable of bringing distortions to the surface, though that is not their only job.
Once the distortions dissolve themselves in consciousness, once the consciousness of humanity is opening to more and more of what is of life, wholeness and coherence, then that particular kind of mutational consciousness in that lifeform will evolve too. Viruses haven’t evolved yet because they are still working, but they do continue to mutate. That is their nature. The old overlays are still embodied and the viruses are still materializing the old consciousness. Eventually they will most likely evolve new capacities or their effects will change.
Thank you for that, and thank you for your visit. You have shared much. Any other parting thoughts?
No, we are peaceful.
I do miss you when we don’t chat this way, even though I feel you when I call. I know you’re there.
I delight in this, too. It is not often I get a human voice that can speak on my behalf, though there are more and more these days. It has been fun to have more voices to speak through. I enjoy the fusion that enables this experience, as well as I enjoy both of you being here with me and choosing to be here with me. I am delighted, I am grateful and I am excited about all of what we can experience and create together.
I look forward to it.
As do I.
Wonderful, thanks! I think I’m going to go relax.
Perfect timing for me on the reminder of how to not focus on the false overlay and relax into the transition. Thank you for sharing with all of us. Many blessings to all.
Such a rich conversation, helpful information and insights; both a treasure and a delight. Thank you!
Thank you Michelle and a Chris!
So amazing. So much here. So little needs to be done.
I feel like I need and it would be wonderful to connect with others on a regular basis to share and support during the remembering and growth of these times.
Anyone interested in doing this? Perhaps we can use some sharing platform or something to do this.?
I am interested, Kally. It calls to me, and I want to move the call into actual experience. How timely.
Your thoughts?
I would love to connect with others to share and support on a regular basis! I also miss the planetary work and the moon sessions. These were always so supportive, healing, and rewarding. I would very much like to belong to a similar group again!
Continued thanks to both of you for your hearts and your sharing.
Thank you for the conversation! <3
One thing I have noticed about people who are having an experience of being trans is that they seem to be doing work to raise consciousness around opening the strict structures of male/female… that through listening to the experience of trans adults, parents are becoming more aware that they can allow a wide range of experiences for their children, whatever body they are in. and they are becoming more supportive of allowing their kids to explore, rather than saying “you have to be this way”. So, I think that people having that experience are also playing an important part in changing the way kids will be raised moving forwards. Just an observation :)
I agree wholeheartedly.
Thank you Chris and Michele. I miss you both so I was quite excited to receive this message. I now have a better understanding of why I am drawn to rest, breathe, sleep and relax again, more often than usual. This is my new normal for now. The message was a blessing. Take care and Happy New 2023.
Thank you for sharing!
SO lovely, uplifting, affirming!! I light up when I see your incoming messages. Deep thanks and a huge hug for all your efforts! With love.