A recent visit from our Friends in Spirit brought insight about our dimensional transition process and the phase we are in. Before continuing with that information, we offer this overview of the bigger picture as seen through the lens of the Lightsmith years.
For those new to Choice for Love, Lightsmith was the name we used for our public persona, an organization that was active from 1994 to 2016. Its purpose was manyfold, with two primary points of focus:
- To provide information about significant societal and planetary transitions, with an understanding of why these changes are happening, how all are being affected, and what lies ahead.
- To engage groups of people capable of working with transformative energies to catalyze change in the whole of humanity through their willingness to accept those energies and the resulting changes, within themselves.
During those years we gathered for many events, each attracting groups of people that were most needed for whatever process would unfold. In later years the groups grew smaller, until a kind of core group remained of those most drawn to continue deep, transformational shift work. That journey was taken by participants with great trust that they, and the whole, would benefit. We extend gratitude to that group, and to all who participated with us over the years.
Our part, with specific guidance from beings of Spirit and Earth, was to assist in the dismantling of old structures within the framework of duality consciousness, while also assisting birth of the New Field, or what some call 5D.
Our perspective has been that Earth and her inhabitants are in a transformational process, leading to a transition from one dimensional reality to another. In the process, shadows would come to light to be transmuted, and individuals would, at some level, be choosing whether to continue with the earth during her transition, or to choose another option
We also understand that consciousness was, in effect, commandeered on this planet by those who sought to extract and control resources and energy. By causing individuals to focus on external authority, attention was turned away from innate systems of sensing and inner knowing. The result was to transfer energy to those who claimed superiority, who then imposed methods of reinforcement to retain their positions of power.
The corruption of consciousness is mirrored in the corruption of those who became the extractors and controllers. Anyone alive today, and many generations previous, were born into structures that became so normalized they were considered real. However, they are not Real. They have no Essence, and are illusory. As all shadows must now come to light, consequences of externalizing authority are now being illuminated. The last two years has brought an intensification of light, which brings shadows into greater visibility. In coming months, more people will see what has not previously been visible to them. Some will choose a kind of course correction, others will not.
We also knew a time would come when the shadows could not be sustained within a matrix that no longer supports lower frequencies and the resulting densities. In a sense, what does not transform will be unable to continue existence in the new matrix. For human beings (and some non-human beings), a choice is involved. The choice is spoken of in the message we received in May, 1995. That message, A Choice for Love, became a foundational piece supporting our work for the next 21 years. Over time we came to understand more about what was involved. We know that the choice is often made unconsciously at a soul level, and that not making a choice is a choice.
Eight years ago I wrote about The Portal, which included discussion of the sorting and the migration of souls that had begun. Michele first learned of the portal when working with clients who had entity attachments. These are humans who die, but remain in the lower astral plane and attach to living people. As she coached entities to detach and move on, she explained their options. They could:
- Choose to move on to the “other side”, staying with Earth and learning how to eventually re-embody in the new dimensional experience.
- Go with guides to learn more about what is taking place on earth, and better understand their options before making a choice.
- Reject the option to evolve with Earth, and continue their growth in another planetary experience.
Many choose to stay with Earth, or want to learn more about the opportunities being offered here. Some, however, are not interested in change or may be belligerent. They refuse to leave, even when the need to move on is explained to them. At that point a being of some significance shows up, a portal opens, and they are gone. Those souls are being escorted into a place of preparation for incarnation elsewhere. There, they will continue their evolution. We understand that there are no bad or wrong choices, just different trajectories.
From A Choice for Love:
“In this time of completion…the shadows will begin to be removed. The shadows are all manifestations of choices away from love. This is the planet of my heart. It cannot be that what is against love can remain. All that is to be in this place is a shining jewel for all to see. “
“Many will think they are among those who are to make this elevation, this ascension, but if they have left behind aspects in the shadows they cannot come. Only they will know, I will know, and they will have to begin to look deeper.”
We are entering a time of final choice. The Earth is making a grand and unique shift into a new matrix of creation. Some of us will stay with her, and some will not. Again, the choice is what serves the soul, not what serves the mind’s idea of what is best. Many of us are what have been called starseeds. We moved from other places and came to Earth. Others will leave Earth and continue elsewhere. Shifting evolutionary tracks is not unusual in the Universe.
What IS unusual is this creation of a new matrix of consciousness. We are in the culmination of a unique and evolutionary moment, and we are not returning to a controlled reality built on illusion and separation. Old structures, both within and without, continue to dissipate and dissolve. At some point, the rate of change accelerates greatly. We have arrived at that moment.
We have entered the time of the sorting.
In the recent channeling, our Friends in Spirit shared the following words to help explain what is taking place:
We would like to offer a perspective on what’s happening in this time, since it is an unusual, and yet quite important step in the unfolding of humanity’s consciousness, and what will be the unfolding of a very different way of creating in the future of the earth.
This was the project, yes? This was the project that you [Chris] and this one [Michele] were connected to, and willing to be the vehicles to bring others into awareness as well as supporting the ongoing evolution…or you might even say devolution…of what needed to be released, shifted, and transmuted in order to open to a different experience on earth, in life.
So, the fifth dimension is evolving, growing well within this planetary experience. In some ways there is a dissolution of structures that formed the kind of reality that most people assumed would be continuous throughout their lifetime. People who look at it from a different standpoint will feel like things are going very wrong, very badly, and some will feel a connection to what has been, looking towards others to guide them through what seems to be a very challenging time…a time of fear, a time of death. And yet, those who are opening their eyes, ears, awareness and hearts are also feeling that what is happening is opening portals of consciousness and awareness.
The fusion of Life and Light has brought the spiritual and material dimensions closer than they have ever been since the between-life dimension [“heaven”] was created during the time of Yeshua. Since then, that has been an available choice for souls to evolve between lifetimes. Those who are using that opportunity now are learning not just about their own experience, but they are engaged in also learning about the experience of what it means to be a conscious human being without losing consciousness when reincarnating. They are preparing for the next time they enter a physical body, and are learning about what it means to bring with them a way to be here with a kind of more full-embodied experience, where they’re not partially here, not dissociating, or having parts of their souls fragmenting, etc.
In some ways, the souls that are getting ready for the next incarnational experience have a whole level of education, you might call it. But, it’s more than education, it is an evolution. So, it may take some souls a little longer to get ready to embody, which is about the right timing. There are many souls that are currently embodied that are leaving, or separating, or sorting out.
At this time in the big unfolding, what is happening is a separating out of souls. All have been woven into the consciousness of creation within the earth, perhaps for many lifetimes. Some more, some fewer, it doesn’t really matter. Once you’re woven in, you’re woven in. The sorting process is both very specific, as well as almost surgical in precision. It has a certain quality and a pace, and a timing, and a sequence that needs to be honored in this process.
Many of you are asking “when is this going to shift, when will it happen”. You start to feel more and more anticipation, without seeing as much movement as you’re anticipating. The main pace of this time is now determined by the process of separating out those who have chosen, and are choosing, not to proceed with their consciousness in either of the available dimensions…the earth dimension and the “the other side”, or “heaven”.
These are the two evolutionary dimensions that are connected with humanity. They are closer together than ever before, and are combined in this process as they are both sorting. Not just earth, but the other dimension is sorting, too, because souls still have another level of choice…to continue to evolve, to then participate in the earth experience, or to not continue to evolve with earth. Those who are choosing not to evolve with earth are joining the gathering of souls that are moving into a new experience in a different planetary cycle.
So, the pace of this process is determined at this moment by that sorting process. Human beings are not in charge of the pace, per se, as people controlling it. In fact, they are a bit mystified, too, at times, by their attempts to make something happen and move it along in their vision of how it should go, and then it doesn’t do that. It’s as if there’s another unfolding going on within the unfolding, and that deeper unfolding is what is governing the unfolding. Does that make sense? [yes]
Good….[laughter] It’s difficult, at times, to explain dimensional shifts. The conscious mind likes linear. It likes it to be laid out in a way that it can examine it and see it, and then have a sense of reality with it. This is a shift of reality, so minds are not in the driver seat of this experience. It is why some people are finding it so difficult, and their minds just continue to inform them in a version of reality that’s real to them, and everything they experience out here still fits in that version of reality. They do not see beyond it. They are not opening their eyes or ears to another sense of possibility beyond the version of reality that is their safe harbor, you might say.
In the sequence, the sorting is unpredictable by human standards. It is soul-level, it is consciousness-level. It is a kind of filtering of the depths of consciousness. So, this isn’t a surface-level thing. A soul may have had many lifetimes within the earth and extended periods of time within the spirit world. That soul has evolved during those experiences in those dimensions, but they may have great fear, here, and have an attachment to a version of reality that is still holding them in a particular consciousness. Yet, they have evolved, they have made choices, they have opened to other experiences and broadened the capacity of their soul over time. The filtering takes all of it into account, so it isn’t just about now.
Some of you may be looking around, going “will this person come with us, or not, did they go to the other side, what are they doing”? The only way you will be able to tell is by your own sensing within your own experience. What we are saying is “sorting” means leaving the body at this time. Those who are sorting may be moving into the dimension of heaven to be upgraded and educated into the next level of consciousness. Or, they may be moving with the group of souls who are moving beyond the earth into an entirely different context of reality that will be created in another planetary experience…but not earth.
How will you feel this in your own being? Sometimes you feel a loss when somebody dies, and yet there is a sense that they still exist, yes? You still feel them, and perhaps don’t miss them so much, except once-in-awhile at special occasions, etc. Mostly you know that they are there. You know that. If they have chosen to leave the earth experience, you feel as if they are not there, as if there is a kind of loss where they have disappeared. They are no longer present as a relationship that you can feel still exists.
Love never dies, that is a truth. Love continues to connect, regardless, because souls are souls and love is love. There is an isness. But you do have a sense of proximity and presence. These two dimensions share that, back and forth. Those in spirit have a feeling of those that are still here, those here have a sense of those in spirit.
Some in the physical world, at times, have such a strong mental association with everything they do, and allow no feeling or sensing at all. So, they may not feel that connection. But, typically you do, or to some degree you do. That starts to disappear, and it’s as if there is a shifting in your own heart as these souls separate out of the planetary experience, separate out of the fabric of consciousness, separate out of how they’ve been woven into the fabric.
It is an experiential time. Sometimes you don’t understand why you are not feeling all the energy you usually feel. Sometimes you don’t understand why you feel tired, why you don’t have a sense of joy. Sometimes you feel almost as if you have unexplained grief. Usually, the heaviness of unexplained grief is when someone, or people in a larger context, are sorting out, and you have had some connection with them at some level. You may not know who they are, you don’t know where they are, you don’t know what’s happening. You don’t even know what lifetime it may have been, because relationships are not just one lifetime. It can be very strong in other lifetimes, and you may not have met them here this time. But, because love is love and that connection remains, that sorting affects you, too.
This one [Michele] had a vision about the warm rose-gold love that is here to assist people through this time. This is the balm. This is the kind of warm embrace and love that is on a soul level, not a mental level. You don’t understand this quality on a mental level, but that quality of love is present to sooth, and help you through these releases of connection that are moving now. These releases will continue into this next time while the separations happen.
The earth, Earth Mother, Gaia Terra, is the one that is feeling this the most. She has been the mother for all of you. She knows all of you, she feels all of you. So, the sorting is most felt by her. Her body is needing a great deal of support, which she is receiving, to allow this sorting or separating out of the fiber and fabric of consciousness that she has mothered and supported to evolve.
There are two types of people sorting out in this time. Those who have chosen not to evolve, either here or in the next dimensional heaven opportunity, which includes many of those that got caught in the in-between world of the astral plane. They, too, are given a choice, and can move on and keep evolving. But, there are many that are not evolving, or have stopped, and includes people who have chosen to go with those who are moving into the next dimensional experience to be part of the evolution. They are not sorting out all the way, you might say, but they are sorting just to be in spirit until they are ready.
There are also those from both dimensions who are choosing to go to the next planet to be guides, to be teachers, to be mentors, to be those who are conscious enough in a sense that they become the beings that are serving the next evolution in that new planetary experience. Some of us [in spirit] are sorting, too, if you might want to say that. Some who have been guides here are choosing to go with the next unfolding of that next group. That group is not just being cast off without help, without love. So, there are levels of sorting, or separating, or choice, that are affecting many levels of consciousness. The pace of that is what’s determining the pace of what you’re witnessing in a human body.
The other thing that might be helpful to understand, is that as this unfolds there is a quite simultaneous birthing that is happening. The birthing is coming from the alchemy within the fifth-dimensional new field. Those who have been birthed are here physically to open up creative possibilities for different social and economic structures, ways of sharing and creating together, and creating mutuality. They are those who are here with ideas, and inspirations, and possibilities for healing the planetary experience, like the oceans and the environments. Earth Mother will take care of much of that, of course, but there is still a need to shift things, or invent things, or create things on a level that is needed now, as well as just a sense of possibility rising in consciousness and informing those whose natures are prepared in the field of possibilities to be conscious within creation.
The sequence is not that one creation ends, then another begins. It’s happening all together, simultaneously. So, we talk about where you put your attention, and your sense of possibility. If you keep your attention focused on what is dissolving and separating, you will start to feel almost as if it wearies you. You become weaker and more tired. You don’t have as much energy, and that needs to be noticed. It’s where you put your attention now, as a choice, that gives you energy, that supports you, that animates you, and opens you to life.
The world has many simultaneous crises going on. Those who want to keep your attention will keep your attention on what is basically dying and not of life, which drains you of life. It’s becoming more imperative for those of you who are choosing life, to actually really choose where you put your attention. Because there are natural laws that are going to continue, they don’t go away during this, because nature has its own way of being in the consciousness of all.
The intelligence of light and life combined continues to function in its way, even though this sorting, separating, and re-orienting is happening. It’s important to notice how you feel. If you are feeling drained, feeling tired, or feel as if you don’t have life or energy or strength, then shift your attention rather than thinking “what’s wrong with me”, and take another substance, supplement, pill or something. That isn’t it.
[Chris: During our dialogue I commented about being busy in the Lightsmith years, and have been spending more time at home, feeling like I’m waiting for something. They had suggestions that may apply to many of us.]
Don’t sit in your house. Join together with people who are starting to open to other possibilities, as well. It doesn’t need to be so separate, because the field is a very woven, interconnected, mutually creating experience. So, those who are trying to control through fear want people to be isolated, separated, and not connected. The focus for the creation of whatever is unfolding in the field of life and possibility requires connection. It is of connection. It is interconnected. So, any interconnectedness you can start to create or encourage, that is where life will start to open so you feel that more is possible. Even if these possibilities rise up and create in the moment, you get the benefits of that creation experience, which animates you and perhaps opens more energy or life for you. Even if it’s a brief experience, or a choice to open to appreciate the consciousness of the earth and nature.
So, choose more of that kind of thing. Whether it’s in person, or you do phone calls, or are in connection any way you can…texting, or whatever. But, connection rather than sitting in your own isolation. Join the new creation. Choose life. Join it, choose it every day…even if it’s small connections. That’s part of the energy, the animating, the possibilities, the sense of keeping your own life in the current of it. And it is choice. You’re still exercising choice.
Consciousness is shifting, so instead of a 3D primary, conscious awareness which then defines reality, your consciousness is now encompassing more. As it encompasses more, there’s more possibility, there’s more interconnectedness, there’s more touching into this big, natural, inclusive intelligence that you ARE, in a sense. Some people call that oneness, and yet the oneness of the intelligence is inclusive of all intelligence, which means every single one of you that is unique and individualized is still unique and individualized…but included, part of the living, loving, all-present currents of life and intelligence. It’s hard to describe. We are using English for you, and English is hard to use in this dimensional time.
So, choosing experientially rather than mentally will be helpful. Choosing from what you feel or sense, rather than from what you think, is helpful. Choosing from a place of inner spontaneity, knowing, or possibility is helpful. Choosing without knowing outcomes is helpful. Choosing without prediction of outcomes is helpful. Choosing a kind of exploratory sense…”I wonder what would happen if” is helpful. Choosing to lighten up, even on the physical plane, is helpful. If it does not have energy, but it’s still in your field, let it go. Move it on so that you have room for possibilities in ways that you haven’t yet touched, experienced, or opened, etc.
During this in-between time where it feels like you’re waiting…allow it to yet be full, rather than empty.
We are trying to give you a sense of where things are now.
[You spoke of the difficulty of translating what is happening into English. It often seems difficult to even translate into words]
Yes, it is at this time. As the field synchronizes, it will affect all those who are here in body, as well as those in Spirit and those who are coming here into earth and life. There will be much more of a sense of a kind of living attunement in consciousness. Words will feel less necessary, and understanding will be more shared without having to use as much language to reach that level. It will be a relief for many. Those who love words will perhaps play with words and create words that match better what is growing and evolving. Eventually a language will evolve that is usable within the fifth dimension. But the levels of co-understanding or co-knowing will probably evolve rapidly within the next fifteen years, particularly among those born for it, you might say.
[C: I know that souls have choice right up to the last moment, and that it is not mine to know who will choose what. I might be surprised.]
It isn’t so much about surprise, it will just be a sensing of what you feel. You won’t know, sometimes, who that connection is in terms of people you may know now. You will only know by how it feels. And you may have some sense of grief, or missing people, that are choosing to move into a very different experience…an evolution beyond the earth. And, this warm embrace of the rose-gold aspect of love is there to support, hold, embrace, stabilize and assist your hearts to continue to open, rather than close or be so heavy with loss that it doesn’t move.
It is a time of noticing, and staying present and allowing whatever is moving through to continue. Relax into the support, and all of what is present to guide and support and be present with you through this time. It is an unusual moment. This kind of sorting of consciousness has not happened on earth, so it’s a new experience for most everyone. A few have gone through it before in other times or other planets. A few have gone through it as ones who left a planet and came to this one. Those ones know the loss of the old, and may have carried it through many lives. That sense of loss, by the way, should dissipate now as they weave deeper into this planetary experience, because there is no “other” then, do you see?
These are times to open, evolve and allow aspects of you that have been latent, or not as able to evolve because of the old structures or the old limits on consciousness, emotion, individuality, expression, and all of the things that were part of the old reality…the old version that is dissolving. Let those aspects open and evolve, and come to life or back to life. It’s a bit of a resurrection, you might say…or birthing of aspects of your wholeness that will give you great joy, and be filling and fulfilling.
[C: I’m ready for something different, expanded, evolving. Not just taking apart old things.] (they laugh)
[Chris] Over the years I have asked many questions during channelings, looking for perspectives on current events or other areas of curiosity. This time I was given a few short responses, then encouraged not to become distracted by external events and the mind’s need to figure things out. I understood the guidance I was being given, and the need to avoid being pulled into outer events. Here is an excerpt of what they had to say, which was a great reminder for me :
“There are many, many things the mind wants to engage and know more about. Notice where the mind is focusing. Unless you are noticing from a place of life and living experience, you are losing energy. Where you are focused is either taking energy, or you are receiving life force in a way that will animate you. At this point, in this part of the collective journey, the sense of how you move through this will be determined by where your attention is going.”
“Those who are in school, for example, whose minds are being forced to learn things and focus on things that they have very little connection to in their bodies…that’s a challenge. That’s a challenge for children, and all people in various kinds of education. Unless there’s a connection on a feeling level, they are not gaining energy, they are losing energy. Moreso now than ever”
“And it’s not just about getting energy or taking energy, it’s about what is in your awareness. As you participate in the conscious collective creation process, you are animated by that. You’re part of it. Your body is informed directly by it. If you are focused on what is not of life and essence, or basically fear-based or distractions that pull you away from life…that’s where the energy loss is coming. Children feel it, even more than adults, and they need to be listened to, honored. What doesn’t have energy, don’t force it.”
Dear Chris and Michele,
Thank you so much for this profound gift, and in the timing of Full Moon Light. The Rose Gold Light frequency is my anchor now, and I am so grateful for the reminder. Keeping the heart wide open, in organic connection with resonant others, is another takeaway from this profound channeling and commentary. There is no other way.
Thank you are the English words that fail.
In Love
Thanks to both of you, for what you have done to assist, over so many years. I hope we are not done hearing from both of you, but for now, thank you for helping me to release, learn and grow.
You have been an oasis for my soul experience.
Thank you so much. This is really helpful especially at this time. I particularly like the rose gold. It feels warm and gentle. You all are greatly appreciated. Love, Cindy
Dear Chris and Michelle,
This message is so spot on right now! I have personally felt the profound sorrow of the sorting you speak of within the past few days. Now I understand what it is about, and even had confirmation by my own spirit guides. What a relief!
The advice to stop focusing on the outer world’s chaos and dissolution feels more relevant and imperative than ever. Addiction to media in various forms is not so easy to break, but thank you once again for such sensible and clearly voiced advice. After all these years and so much that’s happened during the great shift, it remains very reassuring to read your messages, however infrequent they may be.
Many blessings of light, love and peace to you both and to All🙏💛💖
Michele and Chris, Thank you so much for this sharing and all the gatherings, teachings and interactions through the years. Michele, I cannot remember the circumstances or how this evolved but some years ago ‘rose-gold’ was a significant part in a session with you, so much so that I found and bought a beautiful glass vase of translucent ‘rose-gold’ to symbolize the experience. It has remained special to me through the years and now, in the thoughts presented here, I have a new appreciation of its significance and wonderfully woven hues of rose and gold as a constant visual of the energy it represents. This is a special gift received from your sharing and I am grateful. Thank You for the shared journey over these many years! The information given in this sharing is a helpful guidepost in these times.
Thank you Chris,
There is a lot here. I will read it over and over. I can definitely get pulled into things that are not of life and experience how my energy gets taken away. I have choice to put my attention towards life. I believe this attention can turn into intention that can be a path to better discernment during these times. Thanks for sending this reminder.
Magnificent introduction, magnificent message. A heart felt “thank you” for sharing! With a big hug and love.
Mary Cousineau
MICHELE AND CHRIS……Thank you so very much for sharing these amazing channels again….and more timely that ever!!! The Mother shares such profound wisdom and Love! Her guidance is much needed! You have gifted us all with these channels and my heart is open and full of gratitude!!! Love Roxann Crane