January 7, 2020
As we enter 2020, Joan Steffend Brandmeier and Michele Mayama return with a third, timely dialogue focused on powerful changes taking place in the world and in our lives.
These conversations take on a life of their own. Transformation, Personal Healing, and Planetary Changes are all fair topics for discussion. These recordings are made in the flow of the moment and bring insights on what’s happening deeper within our shared experiences as relentless change challenges all we have held as real.
Prior to each dialogue Michele clears and “sets” the field. This is the same process she uses when working with clients. While preparing for this discussion it was found that Joan had an attachment, which is a term Michele uses for a person who has died but whose soul, rather than moving fully to the other side, has stayed connected to someone still living. A first question from Joan about that attachment opened the door to a complex and informative dialogue.
Dialogue Three, Segment One.
Why did Joan have an attachment (the soul of someone who has passed but not gone to the “other side”), most people have taught to be externally referenced, we have been conditioned not to trust our own core knowing, families have poor boundaries, taking care of others gets mixed up with love, we’re in the midst of turning ourselves inside out, our chakras have adapted because of external focus, external membrane boundary is supposed to sort what belongs to you, what if we let kids do what they want, how to change a kid’s behavior, markers for developmental stages, souls determine tasks for development, women got cut off from earth, notice where attention goes, be present with love, move it rather than suppress or hold, dissolving antennae, outer boundary takes cues from core, feeling of I need to do.
Dialogue Three, Segment One
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Dialogue Three, Segment Two
Having trouble sorting what you need to do, sensitive hearts have been seduced, love is shifting back to what it actually is, love has a knowing specific to us, shifting aura now makes sense, information now much more direct, learning to find balance not through the mind, classic feminine not knowing what you need, ease of being present in the moment, living all the time is a huge shift, how move toward new place, put attention into earth, home base within your core for attention, coach field into how it is designed to be.
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Dialogue Three, Segment Three
Third dimensional pull to stay where you are, the emotional astral plane has been the primary energy of the third dimension, lateral energy exchange system, non-embodied entity attaches and takes energy, people feeling less energy for things, freedom to not be bound by previous expectations, energy trying to come home to us, dealing with a loss of what was, on the cusp of big changes, the larger field is informing and lifting us, shift is very personal through own experience, our true natures haven’t yet fully birthed who we are, we’re co-generative creators, not here to be squeezed dry for someone’s bottom line.
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Dialogue Three, Segment Four
Michele comments on January 1st channeling, Earth Mother emotional, setting boundaries for humans, boundaries formed during inside-out process, Michele grief around devas…living beings of the earth, loss of big friends that have left, area lake deva has left, be conscious of development, our responsibility during protests, everybody has a part, changing times, more death now, people leaving and taking old consciousness with them, need to lighten our load.
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Dialogue Three, Segment Five
The age of choice, evolve in this domain or not, souls exiting to continue their evolution elsewhere, impact of souls choosing to leave the earth experience, buoyancy entering 2020, opportunities of 2020, excitement in possibilities, creating with fun and joy.
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Dialogue Three, Segment Six
Empaths and distortion around empaths, back to shifting outer boundary and antennae, empaths have more antennae, heart chakra adaptation, processors get overloaded, different kinds of empaths, adaptation to feel connection, not how we’re designed to be, anger is a boundary, realign with what is real, dissolve heart antennas, some think having adapted antennae is normal, chakras are to be sustained by life, shift reference of auric boundary to the core, authentic relationship, practice bringing your attention back and down, home in to what is authentic, the motion reveals whatever is next, minds are great at make believe, only need to know what is authentic inside self every day.
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Dear Michele and Joan,
Thank you for these dialogues. I’ve listened to all three of them and they are so fascinating and illuminating and profoundly helpful! It makes me happy listening to you and so I hope they continue.