June 23, 2020
Joan Steffend Brandmeier and Michele Mayama return with a fifth dialogue, offering perspectives on humanity’s journey of personal and global change. As always, this session was made in the flow of the moment.
The following poem was mentioned in Dialogue Five.
Junauda Petrus Reads Her Poem: Give The Police Departments to the Grandmothers
Video link: https://vimeo.com/426276718
Dialogue Five, Segment One.
Survival patterns in our bodies, fight flight freeze, internal fascial holding, symptoms manifesting consciousness, trauma from centuries in our bodies, bring attention back from projecting, Can’t breathe and can’t be here, dying from fear, real vibration of your soul.
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Dialogue Five, Segment Two
Energy of the moment, dissolving the past, no reference we know, age of the end of trauma, lean back into what’s real for you, the sequence will come, pay attention in here not out there, feel the vibration that’s true, don’t identify with the story, what we see imprints, trauma and violence imprinted in the black community, the imprints can dissolve, what’s surfacing out of the collective, something helping us realize we’re part of life, how much we abdicate our own inner authority, unspoken that news needs to be frightening, external authorities as the patriarchal story, stay present with discomfort of constriction, whatever is surfacing in another is their experience not yours.
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Dialogue Five, Segment Three
People are processing rapidly, white and black trauma sourced differently, how we wear ourselves out in survival, constrict in internal fascia, feeling of having to control whatever you can control, constriction loosening up, move to surface out of the collective, choice whether to constrict again, the practice is to sit with what shows up.
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Dialogue Five, Segment Four
Wounding experience reflected in George Floyd event, economic system is inequitable and doesn’t make sense, everybody gets to be who they are here, we’re in transition using constriction to come out of constriction, trauma in the earth also releasing, nature’s restoration can be fast, nature calling certain people to assist healing and release, we’re part of the earth and we’re in this together with her.
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Dialogue Five, Segment Five
Michele living in dual timelines, Atlantean perfection, pressure building in the earth, creation of a slave race, told to build boats, drilling with lasers to release pressure, sinking of Atlantis, planetary wound, loss of mother connection, every off-planet population brought gifts, we’re dismantling the structures that separated ourselves from ourselves, media being used to keep us apart, it’s a time of incredible paradox, morphogenetic field, putting attention into what is opening, rebellion binds also, earth adjusting slowly on our behalf, older people leaving as a soul group.
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Dialogue Five, Segment Six
Separation dissolving out of body, creating of garden, we are living metaphors, hero’s journey, new stories of possibilities, what happens when growth happens without trauma, every human a strand of light in the tapestry, powerful black women leading us out of this, another way to live together, supportive of those who are emerging, democracy is dualistic, genetic past coming forward through us, past lives preparation for now, stepping stone lives, consolidating all experiences, expand what’s real, trust your essence and this process, life is unfolding and all is well.
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Thank you for consistently giving us a positive framework for living through this time. I take these talks in like nutritious pieces of candy for my inner life. Scripting what could be is so very exciting. Thank you isn’t adequate.
Thank you both so much for these dialogues! They bring me back again and again to the life perspective that inspires me and motivates me.