May 26, 2021
Joan Steffend Brandmeier and Michele Mayama are back with an eighth dialogue, offering current perspectives on humanity’s journey of personal and global change, and some fundamentals about our shift into a new dimensional experience.
Dialogue Eight, Segment One.
What comes through Michele, how is this moment viewed and experienced, more connections, trauma and fear disconnect, discerning what is real and what isn’t, what connects is feeling level of inclusiveness, no need to set boundaries in 5th dimension, “timeline” not Michele’s language, can fall into old wounded place, we all got patriarchal training, rigidity of the mind, fear constricts the root and crown/mind, longing is for connection, more efficient ways to move through these times, staying with what’s real, let love in to wherever attention is drawn, trinities foundation of creation, people feeling better because they’ve slowed down.
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Thanks to Pixabay and John Bartmann for production music.
Dialogue Eight, Segment Two
Was going along fine, then suddenly felt overwhelmed, acknowledge what is present, ancestral and genetic histories coming out of the body, we have lived in a density of multiple generations ruled by those who prefer to be on the top, stay open to all levels of what is evolving, how much is being human vs. being in transformative experience, some gripped in fear some opening, having a personal experience within a collective experience, invitation to be with process happening within you, no context for what’s happening, moving us beyond our mind, pegs being pulled out of large structures, reality shift happening, external world is not solid anymore, new things coming out of the field, the chakra system is in evolution, new frequencies spectrum of blues, root chakra on the cusp of materializing who you are, auric field is also shifting, relax into the collaboration, everything’s included.
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Dialogue Eight, Segment Three
Practice relaxing into collaborative field, we don’t understand collaboration, everyone has innate healing system, healing is about wholeness – reconnecting, we’re turning inside out and upside down, we’re beyond the teachings, this is a field of living potential and collaboration, fear is false, people getting most sick are holding something that needs to move, we’ve been programmed to go forwards at all costs, the mind will rationalize a lot of things that don’t feel good, the blue spectrum a combination of light frequencies and earth frequencies.
SPECIAL NOTE: For privacy reasons, about one minute of discussion was cut at the beginning of segment three. It begins with a “how to” that references that previous minute.
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Dialogue Seven, Segment Four
Toxic codependency keeps people bound together, remains in polarity until someone moves out of it, not love but a programmed way of belonging to a particular group, love is connection always weaving together what belongs together, sort yourself out from what is binding you, the fifth dimension includes the fourth and third, the third will try to pull you back, a lot happening in the fourth dimension influenced by the fifth dimension, we live from our wound, we are a creative race that has created a lot of ways to survive in a world that diminishes us, we are all creators that create differently, we’re fifth-dimensional babies, losing energy for things we’re not attracted to anymore.
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Wonderful! Thanks! This confirms a lot about how really huge issues appear one day and dissolve the next as if they resolve on there own. It seems we are moving quickly to dissolve, resolve, and evolve!
Great conversations herein about love as the ultimate reality and the talk about toxic co-dependency too but can someone simply define for me the difference between the ‘fourth dimension’ and ‘fifth dimension’?
I look forward to gaining clarity from anyone who cares to respond:).
Joan , in case it helps
Structures of the Third Dimension
Duality – A dual mode of perception: right-wrong, positive-negative, good-bad, should-shouldn’t, up-down, black-white.
Linear Time – The perception that time only moves in a straight line (one direction) and is experienced as past, present and future.
Rational Mind – The GPS of the third dimension. The analytical, reasoning thought processor designed to make comparisons, draw conclusions, store information, calculate, and make determinations.
Flexible Structures of the Fourth Dimension
1. Now Time – This is your pint of power. Each now moment is a threshold to new beginnings and fresh choices.
2. Choice – The power to consciously choose to initiate something else in any moment.
3. Paradox – Contradictory truths. Something that was true a moment ago but may not be rue in the next now moment.
Alignment/Balance – A state of equilibrium which neutralizes opposing forces.
As you mentioned heaven on earth in segment 3, the words from a channel at Lightsmith came to me .
They have stayed with me, as I have a physically sensate experience when I hear them or think of them.
“MORE than heaven on earth this is : Heaven AND Earth coming together to create something beyond either.”
And as you spoke of reality shift in segment 2, I also went back to a channel at Lightsmith from 6-20-16.
This is one that stayed with me ,as I melted as it was being said. A sort of melting in relief as if I knew in some way how
much it was needed. ( little did I know then , how very much !)
“All people and animal consciousness syncing up
Keeps your individuation but connects with all living intelligence.
Consciousness and how we perceive.
Collective perceptions , bits of ways we perceive reality moving into a collective synchronization, so consciousness
can be more receptive, rather then determining what reality is.
Consciousness willing or able to be informed.. Perceptual 3rd eye. “