From the Lightsmith Visitor Series
Channel: Michele Mayama
[Group hello]
It is my pleasure to finally be here. Some get more precedence than I do, so I waited my turn and here I am. And it is a great pleasure to be able to speak with you as Benjamin Franklin. I recently had another lifetime, and I rather like that one too. You might have heard of me again. I tend to have a little flair. And, so I often get a little attention, but then Buckminster Fuller was my last experience here. And, yes, thank you very much. I will take a bow. [group laughter] For that one. [group talking] Ah, perhaps yes, I tend to play a little, yes and help people see when I am around. But they do not always get it, but, so. [group laughter]
My curiosity continues to be alive and well. Each time I come I get to play. And, to perhaps bring into form something that has not yet been brought all the way in. That is one of my delights and I always volunteer. So, my part tonight is to share, perhaps a little bit of a story to dialogue with you because I enjoy that. I am in line and so I also bring through something that is part of an ongoing experience or story that is unfolding here. And I agreed to do that as well. So, may I begin? [group agrees] Yes, thank you.
So, my story. You already know my story, basically. I was part of the inception of this particular independence movement that now you bear the fruits. You live in freedom. You live in a democracy. You live in a place where at least you have the opportunity to voice your opinions and to speak what is your truth. There are those, of course, in this country as well as in many other countries that would deny you that truth, or try to. But, because of that which is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, you have rights that others, perhaps in other countries do not. No matter what has been a threat or any kind of, what is arm-twisting in the old story and those that even, perhaps have certain authority to do so. It does not matter. They can not take that away from you.
In this time, I came to assure you that even though you have fears at times about the unfolding of this nation, as well as this nation’s experience within the world, that the structure that was grounded into the foundation here still holds, and that that which is freedom and democracy will continue in this land. There are many who, perhaps do not understand what that means. They have grown confused by their own basic power desires. There were those in my time that had desires for power, too. But they were willing and able to put the greater good in front of those desires.
There were those of us who decided that if there was someone who would put ahead their own agenda in front of that which was the greater good, then that which were the structures that we were putting in place would begin to, not only make it uncomfortable for them but that there would be a sort of added karma, you might say. That is our part. We could weave it in and we did. Therefore, those who have served in particular positions within the three arms of government that perhaps have put their own agendas ahead of the common good have a little extra to deal with once they leave this experience, or even before. So, you can rest assured. [group chuckling]
The other thing that you would like, perhaps to know is that that which is this time of transformation of consciousness, which you are all engaged in, is the revolution, as my compatriot came to say earlier, Mr. Thomas Jefferson, whom I have great respect for. It is the revolution of this age. You have made choices based on an inner awareness or knowing and you have, perhaps at times, suffered for those choices. Either in times when people did not understand you or when people walked away.
It is the shift of this time, however, that is important to realize that it is coming into a new time. One in which those who have made such choices are beginning to also reap the harvest that is also woven into your choices and this transformation time. The harvest is that which is the experience of bringing into form, not only that which brings you greater fulfillment, but it also contributes to the greater good. I loved being human. That is why I come back. I love contributing to that which brings a gift, so to speak, to the common good, to the greater good. I like to add to that. I like to bring a sort of sense that when I have left there has been a contribution that will live on.
You, each of you, have been preparing in your own experience to grow a kind of contribution. Some of you feel that you have been doing so in your work, perhaps. Perhaps, you have contributed already in your family the gifts of life, you may have birthed children. You may have done many things that have contributed to a greater good. And yet, that which is your soul, perhaps is brushing off and dusting off a certain quality of presence, a certain quality of your own contribution that has yet to take form fully. How many of you feel as if you are just getting ready for that which is yours to birth, or yours to bring into form. Most of you, yes? [group muttering] You have done, whatever you have done, but you stand at the threshold of a contribution that is yours to make. I have done that. And I did it with a little bit of flare. You will do it in whatever way is yours to do it. Flare or not. Do you see? And you will find that that which is the next stage of your contribution will find a way to dovetail or weave with all of that, which is coming from many, who will join you in that creation.
There is a time coming when there will be very different experiences. There will be those of you who are coming alive with joy, fulfillment, and a kind of delight in creating something that you know is yours to bring into form. Yours to do. Yours to share. And there will be those who will be experiencing more and more contraction as the old story, and that duality begins to pass away. Those in power will find it particularly challenging if they do not align with some of you. If they do not hold it within their hearts, a sense of a larger, greater good, and how they are bringing a contribution into the form, into this consciousness.
They will start to feel that contraction, and it will feel sort of biting. I am not biting. You are not biting. But that which is the contraction of the old story, as they try to make their own agendas more and more, to make it more real. To take more power. That will bite them in the butt. [group chuckles] Yes. Yes, and you will see it. Because it will be difficult to hide. It is already happening. You have already noticed. And, yet there are many who have been not so experienced yet in that way. So, more to come. However, those of you who are enjoying yourselves might not even notice so much these ones that are wailing in their own experience of pain. You might be opening up doors that you do not have time or energy to give attention to…those in that state of being. So be it.
You will find in this next year, I know it is not yet New Years, but it is coming. In this next cycle, you will begin to sense for yourselves that which has been promised by most of us who have joined the lineup here. You will start to have your own experience of creator within creation. That sounds grand. It sounds as if; perhaps you have to be somewhat larger than life. Not true. You get to be life. You get to be who you are. You get to express who you are. And through that you will find that you are bringing into your experience something unique. And it is shareable, and it is collaborative, perhaps with others, and it is also fun. Because if it is not fun, you will choose not to do it.
I had a great time when I was here. I often did not want to leave, I stayed around quite a long time each time. It is not because that I feared death, that was not my reason, it was just that there was always more to experience, and learn, and contribute, and do, and I liked that. Do you like it?
[group response yes]
Yes? Yes. So it might be, yes, it might be interesting for you to feel the freedom woven into your very own constitution. Not just the big constitution of this country, but your very own constitution and bill of rights. You have them, you know. You do. Whether you know what they are or not consciously. Your capacity to live in freedom and to allow your own sense of what you have a right to express and experience in this new field. That is the creator within creation.
We had a part early in this country that almost did not happen. There were those who had very different opinions. And, yet I always knew, I had a certain feeling that that which was to be birthed here, it would be arranged. It would be supported. It would be magically brought into form. If it had to have magic, it would. And there was a certain amount of that in the early times. Yet, here, now, you sit. And no matter what it looks like out there in the world, where duality seems to hold great power and reign supreme. That can not hold forever. In fact, that which is its underpinnings are already starting to unravel. So, no matter what it looks like, hold true to what you sense and feel within you. Hold true to that inner constitution, that inner sense of what you have a right to in this next experience of creation.
Hold true to your own inner authority to govern your choices. Government is not supposed to be the few who have a lot of money or influence dictating to everyone. Governments by design in this time are to be self-governments and then that which then moves into a larger experience of collaborative governments. The truth of democracy is not that the biggest number who can vote and have influence gets to have their way. That was never the intention. The intention always, from the beginning, was that the wisdom within every person…and yes there were men and women who were all part of the old story, and that had to be sorted out over the years…or different races, etc. …that sorted out…but every person whose wisdom was able to be vocalized, shared, not from their own agenda but from their wisdom. And that that wisdom deserved acknowledgment, honor, to be heard, to be respected. And that in self-governments, there were collaborative governments. Do you understand?
It has not played out exactly like that except in a very few places where people continue to gather, continue to honor each other. And continue to then create together. Govern together. Or say what it is that each of their wisdom is to bring into form is to share with the whole. And then they decide based on that. Do you have any groups that you belong to that are like that? [group muttering] Some of you are starting to create them. Yes? And you will start to move those collaborative decision-making, collaborative, creative experiences into larger arenas.
You do not always even value what you have created as something unique. But in this climate, within the political system that is, now exists, you are making a contribution by gathering in such wisdom circles. Wisdom circles will actually be, perhaps, part of the new forms, even though they are not so new. They have been a part of history, all through history, where things worked and where there was peace, there were wisdom circles or councils. You will find the wisdom to reenact or reincorporate these circles again. And they will start to make a new experience on a larger scale. So, I feel too serious. [group chuckle] I am here to give a little message, but I am also here to entertain as well as I can because that is also something I enjoy.
I had a very strong throat chakra. And each time I come in, I do not wish to come in with anything less. [everyone chuckles including Michele] Some of you have had difficulty with your expression, yes? [group response, muttering] Sometimes you, yes you have to clear your throat. Sometimes you feel as if your expression is somehow caught inside. Sometimes, perhaps you are unsure or have had wounding around expression, not only in this life but, perhaps other times. And you would rather close the door on that expression into life. So, my part, since I have such an affinity for the spoken word and for expressing in creative ways, is to assist tonight with opening your expression. To not just open it but invite that which has had some binding to relax the binding so that you feel the freedom within your own nature to be yourselves. To express yourselves. To create the way you feel like creating, without inhibition, without fear, without contraction, without confusion and all those other things that sometimes get in the way.
So, would you like that? [group agreement] Well, then let us proceed to do a little bit of, I guess it is a process. A kind of process. So pay attention right now to the region between your heart and your throat, your soul and your body and your expression. Pay attention. Sometimes one of the places many people hold a kind of tension is in the upper back, the neck, the shoulders. Oftentimes it is because an expression is trying to come up and through and has been kept behind those doors of your own choosing. So instead of that freely emerging into whatever arena you happen to be in, you swallow it down, you contract, you hold it in, and, sometimes, you could even make yourself either sick or you have pain. Or distress as a result of not speaking or not having your own expression. Feel in your own body now the places, particularly between the heart and the throat and neck where you hold tension. Feel any areas, could be a shoulder, right or left, it could be the neck, it could be the upper back, it could be the collar bone. It could be your jaws, perhaps or teeth. Feel where you hold tension, just acknowledge it right now.
I have brought some friends along to help with this, and they are joining you now. Allow yourselves to realize that you do have a choice. You do have a choice, that is within your capacity to make. And the choice is to trust your soul. To trust your wisdom. To trust your knowing. To trust it to such a degree that you no longer inhibit your expression of that wisdom, of that experience that is within you.
Once upon a time, you had a bad time, you had a bad experience and you shut down. Perhaps you decided you would not be expressive and visible until, once again, there was support for you. Or an invitation. Or it was safe. The living field that is now birthed within the whole of consciousness…the living field that is now yours to claim, as well as to live within, as well as to create within…is beyond the old story. You have been finding your way into this new experience and all of those who have preceded me have been giving you various versions of how this came to be as well as the reality of it now.
I would like you to realize that in not choosing to trust your soul and your wisdom, that you are keeping your contribution from the greater good. And that is yours to choose, but perhaps you will begin to sense that it is more painful to keep all of this within you than to give it access to expression through you. So if you choose now, and, again it is a choice, I can not make it for you, I can just assist you to realize consciously that there is nothing to fear. That nothing bad will happen. That you are going to create a fulfillment of this expression in this time. And it is, for you, actually healing. It brings you into a sense of completion and wholeness. To actually allow your expression to come through you freely.
Relax now. Some of the binding in the neck, some of the binding in the shoulders, and any of that which keeps that upward current of knowing and wisdom from coming through your expression, whether it is verbal, or written, or in some other form that you choose that is creative, or inventive, or adventurous. It is yours. Breathe again, further. Relaxing, with choice, those structures that you created. No one else created the structures that you are feeling in your neck and shoulders but you. You created it. You as creator can de-create it now. You can allow yourself to relax those structures, to dissolve them, and the fear, or whatever might be, other emotion that has been bound with the structures.
Those structures that we have created to survive in humanity, as a human, are bound with emotion. You do not even know you were binding yourself when you create these structures but the emotion that you do not know how to experience, or process, or allow binds nonetheless. So as the structures release, allow the emotion to release. Allow the energy of passion which has to do with creation to rise again. You can not have fun without emotion. That is impossible, yes? [someone in group agrees] Yes, in order to enjoy yourselves, you need the current of passion and emotion to also be moving freely through you. As your emotion connects to your awareness, or wisdom, or ideas, you enjoy the experience of expressing.
That is what is so much fun, is to be a character. Your very own unique, expressing character. You can be eccentric, who cares. You can be loud and expressive in color, or vocalization that is your very own. Does not matter. Whatever feels good to you. Whatever is pleasurable. Whatever carries the emotion, the passion, the ideas, and the inspiration into your own form. Your own way of being here. Yes. Children do not confine their expression unless they are already conditioned to do so. Vocalization is as natural as breathing. Breathing with the voice, you might say. Come in to your own choice place now. Aligning your will, not with survival, not with the old fear, not with the contraction around your own voice. Aligning now, your will with the choice to breathe and speak and express freely. Within this new time, this new field, this new matrix, within this time. You are free. You are free. Feel the freedom in your own expression, opening up, feel it. Open it. Breathe a little bit. Breathe so that that structure loosens up and allows you to start to sense the freedom.
Trusting your wisdom and the living field, you will know where your expression is to open. Perhaps you do not feel so lively or expressive in certain places. I was very opinionated in my time. I had a forum. I had the newspaper. I could speak whatever I wanted to, and yet, I did so in a humorous way, mostly because through that was my expression through humor. People seemed to receive what I was saying a little easier. It is rather like sugarcoating a certain message. I like to do it that way. You might not do it with humor. Perhaps your way is with color. Perhaps your way is with descriptive stories. Perhaps your way is just your own way. Maybe you are an artist. Maybe you are visual. Maybe you like to share your expression in many different ways, I do not know. I am just here to say, “Do it. Let’s go. Its alright.” In this next time, that which is your expression will start to make your body feel very uncomfortable if you do not allow it through because it is next. You can not transform your entire experience without your experience coming through you. You can not say that you are coming into a new form without creating a new form. And that is yours to do.
More is coming out. Breathe again. Choose again. Align again. Yes. So. That is good. Open the throat chakra from back to front. Relax it in such a way that you are no longer binding what wishes to come through you. Some of you think a lot, but you speak very little. Yes? [group muttering agreement] Yes. What if you practiced in the next couple of weeks speaking what you are thinking. Whether anyone is there to hear you or not. Just to get practiced in getting it out of your head and feel, again, the current. I talked to myself all the time. Most people thought I was somewhat crazy in the head. It did not matter to me because some of my greatest ideas came that way. I had to hear myself speak it, say it out loud. And once I did, then I could pontificate. Do you see? Then I could say it to others.
It was helpful to me to be sort of as if I could just let my awareness come through me. You might have even called it channeling if I was in this time. Do you see? But there was not anybody to hear me or listen to me. They did not really have to be there, so I just spoke out loud. And then I would get it. I would frame it a little differently, and then I would pass it on. Some of you might want to do some of that, too. So, speak out loud whether anyone is there to hear you or not. Or write if that is your modality. Or draw. Or dance. Or use whatever is your modality of expression, but do it. Whether there is anyone there or not. So that the passion/power connection through your body and your own capacity to share your wisdom hooks up. And gets more synchronized or coordinated. That you were out of practice, you might say.
Still, [some things are leaving], some structures in there that are gently coming to the surface. Those that are helping you are assisting you to highlight some of these structures that are no longer chosen. [a chuckle from Michele] Yes. Choosing. Choosing. Still working out, still loosening up. Perhaps some of you want to just start talking out loud a little bit here. I do not mind. Give yourself permission to allow what is breaking up to break up. And you can just talk. You do not have to talk to anyone. Your voices were not just designed for communicating out to someone, they were designed for you to have some pleasure. How many of you talk out loud to yourselves? [group muttering] Yes? Some of you, yes? Good. Singing out loud is good too. Talking out loud, yes. Good. [someone in group singing scales] Go right ahead. [group laughs] I would like to hear what you have to say. I like opinions. I like beliefs that are inherently your own, that come from your own wisdom. Your own knowing. Your own experience. That which is yours, I love to hear. What about you, do you have something to tell me? [different mutterings and responses from group]
I will think about it.
Anyone else have something to tell me? Quiet group.
That is why we are here, to get loosened up. [group chuckles]
Alright, alright. I will believe you, but at the same time, you are taught to keep your voices quiet and your wisdom to yourselves. And that is what I am here to say the end of, if you choose. Do you see? Yes. So, still a little bit of clearing. Perhaps a little bit in the heads now. Because your minds are your own greatest enemies, you know. It is not your souls that you need to be afraid of. [chuckles] It is not. Yes. Yes and that is where is most of your own illusion, most of your own delusion keeps you from trusting your own wisdom. Keeps you from trusting your own experience. Keeps you from trusting and knowing that your wisdom, and the freedom to express it, is with you in every moment. Yes.
So, ask to clear your mind too. Particularly of those places that have grown deluded or believing of old lies, old stories. They have nothing to do with this time. Nothing to do with your choice now. Nothing to do with that which is, ahhhh, a great, deep sigh of freedom. Yes. Freeing your minds. Freeing your minds. Ahhh. Free them. We can be much more creative if your minds are open and receptive, and not thinking that they already know something. Much more creative, if the new thought, the new awareness, the wisdom has access to your conscious mind. Then you have power to create something new. Allow your minds, ahhh, to take it and erase that which is a loose array. You do not have to think about it. You can choose to release.
So you are doing that, yes, very good. I have been getting coached on how to do this process for a while. So that I could be with you and, in a sense, share with you some of that which is my wisdom through my own vibration. And assist you as you choose your vibration and come into greater clarity. Yes. It is quite wonderful, actually. Quite wonderful. Yes, you are doing well. Very good.
How do you feel?
I feel more relaxed, too.
That is good, relaxed is good. Yes. Relax into your own expression now. What if you do not have to be anxious about who you are? What if you do not have to be anxious about what comes through you? What if you are free to express yourself? Ooh, yes, free to express yourself. Free. I came because this was the place where freedom of expression was too soar. Here, into this country. United States. It is an eagle. Yes? That is the national symbol. With a white head of wisdom. That is you. That is you. Without, perhaps the white hair, but, or the white head, but you are the freedom beings. You are the ones to speak. You are the ones to express freely. Relax into your expression. It will feel much better then how you have been holding yourselves from that old story. So, do you want to talk a little while? Do you want to dialogue? Do you want to tell me jokes? [group chuckles] Or stories?
I just saw a play, 1776. And you were in the play, of course, a character in the play. I just wanted to pass on that you were very funny in the play, too. I enjoyed it.
Thank you very much. And I do not know exactly how they all portrayed me, but I hope I was also, I was funny, but I hope I had a little wisdom that came through too.
We have been talking about opening the throat for expression, and one of the frustrations that I have had in this life is my singing voice. It is just very unsatisfying to not have a voice that I feel can express my emotions in that form. Does that sometimes happen when you have your throat closed down, and is there a way to work on that and make this form of expression more joyful?
Sometimes, yes, because the throat has been shut down, perhaps more than once, and the throat chakra also engages the auditory senses. Because you hear yourself speak or sing, and realize that you begin, perhaps just connecting emotion to sound. And so, without needing to sing a song without words, emotion that has sound coming through your voice, you begin there. Sound what you feel like. And let yourself be creative with the sound. Most of you think that singing means singing someone else’s song, or their words, or their melodies. What is singing is your own emotion coming through you your way. In a way that is your very own song in the moment. Sound your emotion. And play with it. Children, again, little ones do not have, they do not, perhaps know all of the songs, and yet they make up their own music. You see? So play. There is no one way to sing. There is no one way that is expression. Do you
understand? Sing your own song.
I am at a point where pretty soon my house is going to sell. A hard thing about owning a house is it takes a lot of energy, so many years paying it off, and the interest, etc. The releasing of that system would lighten up some people’s experience with it. I know there is also renting, but I would like to hear your ideas on a solution to that, or something that can make life a little lighter in that way.
Well it is yours to, perhaps come up with some new ideas around this because it is an old structure and it is a burdensome structure. And when I was here last time, I tried to create a structure that would be easy for people to create for themselves. And not be so cumbersome in terms of price. And to be able to sustain life with a greater amount of good to the whole of the environment as well. So, allow yourselves to be creative with this particular conundrum. Yes?
And as you sell a home and then you start to open up to what is next, dream. Open the ideas. Open your consciousness, your wisdom. What would come into your experience that might feel like a good way to live but not with all the heaviness. And, perhaps there is a need of, because the system is starting to break apart. The housing market, yes, is not so good. Starting to break apart that which is the pressure within it, is not able to withstand that old crystallization. And the way money goes into the pockets of a few, and it is taken out of the pockets of the many, the populous. Yes. It is a very dysfunctional system. One that is harmful, not helpful and supportive to life. So those of you who begin to open, ask the question of how else this could be created for yourselves and then, perhaps on a larger scale. You will be the creators of that new experience, you and your children. Do you see?
I really loved your geodesic domes, but I have noticed that sometimes people will build a nice dome shape and then they just build little boxes inside. I don’t know if you have any solutions to that, but I have not seen any, yet.
Well, it is old consciousness trying to adapt to the new one, and they feel more comfortable in a box yet, so they make themselves a little box inside this beautiful structure that breathes. Do you see? And they are not quite yet free to experience the fullness of what is possible within an open space where that breathing is possible. Do you see? So, it is not my fault. [group laughs, some remarks] I did, I offered my contribution. It is still out there. But I can not control what is done with it.
I have two children who are, I think, pretty creative and expressive, but I feels as thought they have some blockages to their expression for many reasons. I wondered if you have suggestions about younger people feeling more free to express themselves. They do, to some extent, but I’m thinking about the creative part, their essence.
Well, what are children taught to do in school? Sit still, be quiet, and take in and believe the information that someone is giving them that they are suppose to learn. It is that, the antithesis of creation and creativity. So how old are these children?
Twelve and sixteen.
So, they have had a few years of this conditioning. Yes?
So in the time when they are beyond school, begin to ask them to see things differently. Almost as if you begin to ask questions that, perhaps open their perspective…on anything. It could be something simple that they are being taught and if you ask them a question or two it is like showing them a prism where they can look in different ways at different things. And that if you look at it this way, or this way, or this way, or this way, then there is, perhaps other options. There is, perhaps another way to experience it. There is another possibility. And the more you open their minds to possibility without telling then what to think, without telling them what to do, that opens the possibility of their own creativity or their own wisdom coming into consciousness and inspiring them. Do you see?
So play with them and yourself as well. That is why minds get so rigid, and why in this time they are your greatest enemy in some ways. It is because your minds do not ask those questions. And they sit somewhat complacent, running the same information over and over. And then you get bored a bit. Yes? [group agreement] Yes. Boredom is the antithesis of creativity. So, how can you challenge yourselves to see the possibility, to open the door beyond where you have been running around in little circles like a hamster on a wheel. Yes? Time to open up, to create. To enjoy the process of being you. And you are not a hamster on a wheel. Do you understand? Nobody is, but they do not know that.
I would be interested to hear your opinions and guidance for those among us who will be leaders, either now or in the future. If you could give some advice and guidance in those roles, to help us express natural leadership in the greatest way possible.
Leaders are birthed from within consciousness. In some ways, they are, you choose it yourself but you are also chosen from within consciousness to stand forth and to inspire those that, perhaps have not yet seen a kind of freedom in a way to move, or to be, or to create. So, my advice? My advice is to be yourself. My advice is to have fun. To experience the sense of rising to your own place within the whole. To take it with grace and with a sort of awareness that as you are placed in different positions, then the wisdom, the guidance is given to you to so what is yours to do. Stay receptive, rather than thinking you have to know something. You are not leaders by authority in a certain rigid box of knowledge; you are leaders because that which is your assistance, your being-ness, is to inspire or to be assistance to those who need you to be there with them, who are calling you forth, who are, in a sense, the reason why you are placed. So…there is no great advice. Do you understand? There is really no great advice that I can give you except to really open, be yourself, enjoy it, be responsive to those who have called you forth, honor the wisdom in the moment of your experience. That’s about it.
I was looking forward to this evening visit from you. I felt a particular spark when I heard you were coming. I wanted to say thanks for all the cool stuff you’ve brought forth. It’s fascinating to see the amount of creativity that can pour out of one.
Thank you. And I am just of model of that which is a relaxed expression in form. You can do so as well.
I’m paying attention to that. I’m wondering about a portion of what I’m doing right now, which is what is happening at Lightsmith. I really like making possible this kind of information and these sessions, and what all of you in line are bringing through. Yet tonight we have a relatively small group here, and I’m surprised that the response is not greater. I think this stuff is darn cool, so I’m wondering what’s going on. I talk to friends who teach classes that start with 12, then drops to 8 and then to 3. People who run businesses are seeing high levels of cancellations and rearrangement of appointments, or clients not showing up. Is this some sort of calm before the storm for many of us in some way, or what?
Well there’s a bit of chaos now, right now, in the collective. The outer world is pressing and trying to take more and more attention, more and more energy, from people because of that sense of the impending doom, so to speak, the impending death of duality or the old structures that are starting to fall apart. But, there is still a great pressing upon people’s consciousness to give energy, time, and attention to those external experiences that are still drawing upon them and drawing them into that kind of thing.
It is chaotic right now, and it is somewhat chaotic because of the shift that is happening in this time, preceding this next year of, in a sense, a rolling into expression more and more. So don’t worry; we are not affected by how many are in your space. You might find creative ways to share this material in different ways than only person-to-person, or channeled person or whoever I am at this moment. [laughter]. So…you might find other ways to share what we speak and what we bring through—that’s fine, we don’t care. We are here just because there is a kind of process that is unfolding, and as we work with you, it is emerging through your currents of consciousness that are connected to all those that are similar to you. In the new field you are all connected; it doesn’t matter if two people show up. In the new field, what is done here communicates through the field very easily, through the field to all those who are participating or part of the field. So we feel that what we come to do is effective; our messages–some of which are our own ways of passing on information—that is for you to play with, do you understand?
[Chris] Yes, thank you. I have talked about that with Michele, too, that it feels like what you bring through can move out from here in ways that I maybe don’t understand. But, I enjoy doing these events, and we’re really happy you’re here.
I have a similar question about the field and the collective and how things move out from here. What are the ways others are affected? Are we a part of that without knowing it? I have the sense that individually I’m helping that, but I don’t know how that works.
I may not be the best one to articulate all of this, but as I understand this and how I see it, this living field of consciousness is strengthened and enhanced and informed by every person of consciousness who is within it, whether that person is actually physically present or present from the spiritual or nonphysical experience, because there are ways of being in the field that are both physical and nonphysical, because it is the union of both.
So…this strengthening of this field as you open it, as you experience it, as you use it, as your joy flows back into it, there is a kind of enhancement—it is growing, it is strengthening—and as it does so, there is a kind of new option or choice that becomes clearer to people, just as we made a choice, yes?—or some of you, I hope, chose to honor your own expression and to release that which is inhibiting, yes? That choice, the capacity to choose, has actually been quite limited in duality.
Most everyone thinks they have had the freedom to choose, to create their lives, but they did it in an unconscious way. They haven’t been consciously choosing; they’ve been creating out of an old pattern that was set up perhaps in other lifetimes or karma or whatever. And they believe what others tell them, they believe religions, they believe governments, they believe teachers, they believe all these things without checking within their own wisdom. The choice is to honor that which you sense and feel deeper within, and that opens up a doorway or a portal of your own nature, your wisdom, into consciousness. Then you choose. So the new field is really about choice, conscious choice, do you understand? And that–each time you make a choice, a conscious choice–adds to the dynamic within this living wholeness that affects all people, particularly those who are on the cusp of consciousness, those who are close, do you see?
I thrive on creativity and like to think I express myself in a variety of ways, yet whether from my tradition or patterning I have a strong mind that keeps me engaged at times. The worry also comes from the tradition that also circles. I sometimes get wrapped up in my mind and don’t feel creative. I get sick of myself in those moments, and it’s so often. I’m aware that I’m supposed to get out of my mind, and I work at that, but then I get worried and it just gets wrapped up. I’d like to know if there’s anything I can inspire myself with that might assist me in those moments when I’m by myself – which is much of the time – to just cool it.
Talk out loud when you are by yourself, rather than keep it in your head. You’ll start to sense as you hear what comes from your mind, you’ll have a way of dialoguing with it—in some ways you’ll have your own wisdom and your own soul will speak back. Have a dialogue out loud, and you will start to sense, perhaps, without even much effort, that the thoughts in the mind, as they are spoken, lose power within the wisdom of your own nature as you bring both. Because you are not what your mind is worried and fear-based—that is the old story that has continued to, yes, inform a thought pattern. But your wisdom is also present, always, right there. So…have a dialogue with yourself.
Will that have a different impact that if I were having those same thoughts shared with someone else?
Well, shared with someone else, you still get to hear yourself speak it, do you see? But then it is their wisdom that you are looking to respond to you. What if it is your own wisdom that is speaking back? Do you see? And you start to have a sense of that choice again. Because in the midst of the unconscious grip of emotion or the unconscious pattern running through, you tend to lose choice, yes. In listening to yourself and dialoguing back and forth with that which is coming out of the mind, responding with your own wisdom, you start to find your way back to choice, do you see? I did it—that’s how I got many of my inspired thoughts came when I was arguing with myself. Out loud. I had to do it out loud, because my head was way too smart to keep it all inside and then think—it would run on its own accord. Once I started talking, it was my way to—I would talk, I would walk, I would have great speeches, and then I would respond and I would have great ideas. I’m passing it on—it worked for me. It might work for you.
Thank you.
I wanted to go back to the question about how the whole field is working. At one time I belonged to a group where we went on seven trips around the world. We were told there were groups in other countries do something similar. Here in Minneapolis we are gathering on a regular basis, with many beings coming and sharing wisdom with us. Are there other groups doing this in other parts of the world, sort of in parallel?
Yes. Not exactly the same, but the living field is becoming conscious to groups—they may not call it the same, they may have different language, but it is—yes, there are others that are also gathering, also opening their own experience; some with information coming through beings like myself, and some coming from the group itself. Yes.
In the life of Benjamin Franklin, I’m curious to know if you were a Mason or not.
I was—how would I say this—I didn’t like religion very much. I didn’t like belonging to things that made me do things that were not fully my choice. I was rather—I was a free spirit, a little bit more independent than my brothers and sisters—that I very much appreciated. And so I was rather like a Mason that was not required to do Masonic things, in the sense that I refused to do that. And yet I heard about what was happening, I was a confidant, I was part of the peripheral experience and not kept outside of the realm of the secrets that were in some the things, but I don’t like all of the hullabaloo and the ritual, and that stuff was not my choosing. So how would you—I was a renegade Mason.
I understand that symbolism is a huge part of that. How influential was that use of symbolism on the development of this country, and how does it play a part in this new field, if any. There are still Masons alive, and there are other people who understand principles that they employ. Are those approaches to creating still useful in this time?
They were useful then because the old structure needed a particularly strong force of symbolism to imprint in the old form that which was the foundation of the creation. In a sense, so that the Masonic tradition, with its rituals and symbols, was designed to embed and imprint within the old crystallized structures something that would grow and take root and evolve and stay—keep the vibration clear. In the new field, there is not so much need for that, because creation is more organic, more fluid, more authentically created and—from a place of light, living wisdom—so that there is very little crystallization that will, in a sense, happen within this new field, and so there is not so much need for it, do you see? Will it continue?—they will have to shift, too, because it will not work in the same way in the new field.
It sounds as though the new field is much more dynamic.
Yes. Much more dynamic, much more alive. It is alive. Whereas the old structures needed an embedding in order to keep the vibration clear, do you see?
I remember a couple years ago, right before our last elections, we had a channeling and information came that this nation has a soul of its own. We were concerned about it at that point, and I’m wondering what is the force in that soul. Does that have its own independent energetic impact that we might not even be aware of?
Yes, to that question. It does have its own independent nature, just as you have your own independent nature. And it evolving. It evolves through the people that who have either chosen this nation or who were born into this nation, who live here as the vehicles of that soul to make form, to create. So, there is an evolution. The new field is also part of this soul of this nation, as is the old crystallize structures that are breaking apart. And so there is a kind of process, not unlike an individual process of transformation, happening but on a national level as well, a soul level at a national level. And so that plays out in the larger unfolding.
For example, the economic structures that are now starting to become less and less stable; that is part of the soul of the country moving through its process, and it affects many people. It affects most people, almost everyone in some way or other. And there is a sort of way in which governance is starting to be….many people are beginning to look at the way politicians who are elected who then are in the pocket of lobbyists, et cetera—that was not the way this country was originally intended or formed.
But in the process of coming to awareness that perhaps there is another way to have the wisdom within the whole shared at various levels so that the whole can be, in a sense, collaboratively governed; that will be a process. And there has to be enough breaking down of the structures that hold and bind the power within the hands of a few to allow that process. Just as your minds have to break down their dominance in your own personal structure and process, do you understand? So yes, there is much going on at that level. And there are those who are placed—their part, their service, their contribution is to listen to, be vehicles of expression for the soul of the country in various places within the whole.
Thank you.
You are very welcome. Thank you for asking. All of you, thank you for asking.
Do you want to tell us any stories?
Well I enjoyed myself. [laughter] I enjoyed myself thoroughly. I was only in a human form for…well, a fairly long period of time in your gauge of life. But, I still did not want to deny myself anything in that human experience, so I enjoyed myself. Whether religions thought that was good or not, that was theirs to pick over. But I enjoyed myself on all levels with all sorts of—ahh, material experience. So I can only suggest the same. It’s an enjoyable experience to have a body and to have senses and to indulge those senses in different ways; it’s an enjoyable experience. You’re here to feel joy. You’re not here to suffer and to deny yourselves that joy. So, to deny yourselves needs or fulfillment of needs, that is perhaps part of the old story. Live! Live! Do you understand? Live. Enjoy yourselves. You will look back—if you go to the other side and you look back on your life, part of the questions you ask, yes, is how did I love, did I make a contribution given my soul’s experience or opportunities—but you will also be asked “did you enjoy yourself?” And where was that joy that opened your soul to life? Do not think that being yourself is to feel burdensome or sad or heavy or any of that. Being yourself as a human being embodied with your great wisdom is to be a joyful experience. Enjoyed—sensorially, physically, relationally, materially—enjoyed.
And on that note, I feel as if it is perhaps time to close.
And we have enjoyed this. I hope you will come in line again, and if you would like to be billed as Buckminster Fuller that time, that would be ok. But, please do come.
Yes, I rather liked that—Bucky is one of my favorite names actually, that I’ve chosen for myself. So…perhaps, we’ll see. It took me a while to get in line this time. I don’t know how long it will take me to get in line again and how many will be in front of me. Obviously, I can only come when my spot is opened, so thank you.
So, it has been my pleasure to be here with you. I hope you have enjoyed yourselves. I hope your throat chakras feel more released, open, and free to express who you are in form. I look forward to a time when collaborative governance works in this world and in this nation, and works in such a way that all feel free to express their wisdom in circles where they are acknowledged and respected and there is collaborative creation that benefits the whole. I will come again at some point, embody again because I like it. Some of you, I may join you in some of those circles—bless you, yes. Goodbye for now.
Hello. My name is Jeanne [French pronunciation ≈ Zhenn] and I am very pleased to join you. I know you have some idea of my story, my life. As this one says [Michele], it’s written up, yes? And yet, often people do not listen deeper to why someone comes to earth and lives, walks a particular path, and dies. What the story is, is only a portion of the experience and the impact. Each of you walks a life, you are here embodied. Each of you has been born, is now alive creating an experience of life, touching people, making choices. And, at some point you may leave this body.
What I would like to share with you is perhaps rather like a blossom, because I don’t have a single point. I have, perhaps, several. One of them is that your life is important. That no matter what you do or who you are, that you choose to evolve your own essence to come to consciousness and to course-correct you own past, and the collective past that you are part of.
Each of you, in your own way, is choosing in this life to follow an inner calling, an inner voice, that others perhaps do not understand. They don’t hear it. Even your families, sometimes close friends, sometimes spouses, do not understand the call in your heart that you must follow, you must choose. As you do so, you continue to walk a path not so different than mine. I may have listened to the voices within me at that time. They were counseling me to give advice, to give direction to a hopeless nation in a hopeless time. A time where people had grown weary, tired and turned away from their own voice, their own knowing, and allowed the course of events to get out of sync. They went awry. It was necessary to have some inspiration as well as direction, to correct the course of events so there would be a balance in that part of creation as well as that history, or story, going forward.
You are in a similar time. You may not know it, but you are in the midst of a revolution. You are in the midst of throwing off what has been bound and binding, creating hopelessness and despair for millions and billions of people. This is not just your country [United States], although you in this country have an opportunity to make choices beyond where others perhaps can yet go. But there are billions of people living in a bound conscious state, in a bound experience, and in their midst, rising up from within each of these places and cultures around the world, are people like you. [They are] listening to a call, a sense of their own knowing of what is right for you, for them now…what is calling for another choice beyond war and weaponry, and to begin to set right what is the awareness, the light, the love, the presence that you are, the presence of God Source within humanity, within earth.
I stood quite alone, but I had within me an absolute knowing of what I spoke and who I spoke with, and how to direct what was needed. I knew it. I was informed, and I had no doubts. The authority was not mine, but it was given to me. I assumed it and I am grateful that I listened and that I walked the path I walked. Many focus on my death. I was not afraid of that. A little, perhaps, but I already knew that would happen. And it did not stop me.
It is time for you to realize that you are in a time where you are not going to be stoned, whipped or inflamed to death. You are in a time of standing and moving with your own knowing, and [acknowledging] that inner authority that is yours to stand, to speak, to bring forth in your own arena, wherever you are placed. It is time for you to realize that standing forth is not about the past, and martyrs, or those who suffered for being truthful or creating course corrections. You are now standing forth as a whole, as a great wave of humanity waking to this inner awareness, authority, to make change. To come into an awareness now that your part…you have been born to it. You have waited for this time, you have chosen all along to come to greater healing and awareness, and to unwind the bindings of the past. What for? So that you could listen and hear more clearly, and create what is yours to create, or inform, or direct, or stand with authority where you are placed.
I also have another message, in particular for women, for the feminine or the feminine within males. For that which was my part, I was a woman, a young woman. A woman that had no worldly experience, a teenager, when this inspiration took hold and I knew I needed to act. It was not the first inspiration of that life, but it was the most powerful and definitely the one that I spent the longest awaiting greater and greater clarity. I rode with, spoke with, and directed…you might even say commanded…all men. And they felt the authority coming through me. [They] trusted me and did not see me only as a woman, but as someone that could inspire and gain a certain amount of trust of people…not just themselves, but the people of the villages and the towns so that they would work together. There would be collaboration, there would be a working together…as sense of hope rising out of despair.
I dressed as a man, I cut my hair. It’s not so unusual in your day for women to dress as a man. In my time it was the talk of an entire country…and perhaps a few more. It was heretical. It was something that they actually accused me of in order to put me to death. What a funny thing. And yet, in so doing I became a kind of witness and model for a race of people….more than a race of people, a great group of people who only saw women as people who would be of service, who would bear children, who would be sexual objects…not so different than today. They could not fathom a woman in a different place, a different part. Particularly one that was only lived out by men.
My part in that time broke something. It was many years, even centuries later that it opened up for you and for others in ways that women could begin to walk freely and choose freely based on their own, and your own, inner knowing. That is still evolving, and of course there are millions of women who have yet to know this freedom. And yet those who do, each of you who knows the freedom to choose according to your own inner knowing and wisdom, and to walk that path fearlessly….heads up, wearing whatever you please….you begin to sense and know that the feminine, that inner sanctuary, inner knowing, intuition and awareness, the mystical sense of connection to all that is…the inner awareness of body, emotion, passion, and the ability to focus that passion, that energy, that emotion into that purpose…that sense of I know, this is mine to do…the capacity to give birth, not just to children of the womb, but to what is coming into this new time, this time….the capacity to arouse the deep feminine power, potency, and marry her to your own masculine mind and capacity to act in the world.
I really didn’t feel that much like a woman or a man in that time. I felt like me, and I chose to stand as me without having focus on one or the other sex because it didn’t seem relevant to my part. So, dressing as a man felt as if it was my part. It didn’t feel as if I was breaking rules.
You, each of you, male or female, gets to stand as who you are. And that which has been bindings upon you because of having a particular sex, whether it’s female or male, you have been bound in the old traditions. And that is falling away as you stand forth. You begin to sense yourself as yourself, as your being, as you…without an identification…I am a woman I have to stand for that, I have to break the mold for other women, whatever. Or, I am a man and I have to do this of that because I’m a man. That is all breaking down. You are you. You are who you are, you stand as who you are, you speak what is yours to speak, you create what is given to you, and you allow the authority that is yours to move you wherever you are placed.
I have been a model for women to perhaps feel more strength or power to act when they needed to act. That is good. And yet I did not set out to do that, being who I was. Each of you, perhaps at times, will be a model for someone else. Or many, perhaps, or younger people coming. That is good. But I hope you can say “I am myself, I am who I am, I did not seek to be that”, which is in this position. When you seek it, oftentimes you find that what you seek is not in alignment with the essence of who you are. When you receive it, and that is the feminine within you, and you accept it and you move with it, then you cannot move out of your own alignment and there is nothing more for you to seek. It is done.
That little statement actually is a large statement. In the old story it was necessary to seek, to want, to have a sense of direction to propel you…to have an intention in your mind. To make a sort of commitment, to marry yourself to something or someone with that commitment, so that you would, in a sense, follow through. In this time there is no more need for commitment. It is choice. Choice is different from commitment. Choice is fluid, it is organic, and you are opening to receive guidance, information and inspiration as you go…on the way, in the moment, you might say. There is less of a sense of seeking and more of a sense of responding to what you feel, sense, and know is right for you in every day, week, or year of your life.
That response, that acceptance, places you in an alignment with authority. The authority isn’t only yours, it is an alignment with Great Spirit or God, it is an alignment with the new field as you know it now, earth…it is an alignment with All That Is and your part within it. It is an alignment and it is a presence. Your presence, your alive, conscious, quite animated presence. I know, because I watch and I am part of what is taking place on this side to assist you in consciousness embodied. I know that sometimes you have felt that this process, inner process, inner choices…it took a long time and what was going to shift for you outside of you in the material plane…and where’s my part, where’s my fulfillment, where do I belong.
There is a large shift taking place now. It’s not just me as one voice trying to shift the tide of a tired nation. There are many, many, many voices in many different places, and many of you speaking, choosing, and beginning now to create a collective shift, a collective turning of the tide. It could not be done by one, it has to be done by the larger collective voice and inspiration rising up to say “I choose to be unbound by fear, by lies, by those who would assert themselves in power or authority that has not had any designation by anything of light or love”.
So, they do not hold positions of power or authority. They lay claim to them. It is not theirs. Very soon, in the next years, you will see. Those who have laid claim to authority and power for which that is false, it will begin to fall away. No matter how much money, no matter how much they pay others, no matter how much they scramble or lie or spin a story, authority that is not in alignment with this living light will begin to fall apart, fall away. If will be as if they stand exposed for their own manipulation and their powerlessness that is unmasked.
Those of you, however, who have a sense of reality, essence, alignment with that inner awareness and authority, you will feel empowered. You will be guided or placed in positions, and in experiences that you will stand in and you will speak without even a thought. And people will listen. They will hear you. They will respond to you because they will recognize, just as they did in me, the natural authority given by a greater source. You may not have any credentials. I didn’t. I couldn’t even read at that time. You don’t need credentials, you don’t need position, you don’t need any of that to stand in this place of authority. You will start to sense that even if you are young and those around you are old…even if you have a sense or awareness that has only been recently given to you in a dream or a sense that this is what I need to write, or speak, or do….and yet it will feel as if it is absolutely clear, and true, and an organic part of you.
You may speak to those that have much more supposed experience, and yet the voice of truth and authority that comes through you will correct course where it has gone out of alignment or had a mistaken path. It will start moving into greater efficiency, a sense of what is possible to create, to give life to. You may be, in this time, completely unaware of what it will be. And that is good, because it is not something you can seek. It is not something you can even want for a kind of personal gain, or it will not be given. It is given to you.
So, the cultivation is of the feminine. The cultivation is of the receptive. The cultivation is of the listening, and that which can be informed in a moment’s notice and you can respond with that awareness intact, and with that sense that “this is me”. This is who I am, this is the feeling, the experience, the truth, the awareness. I follow, I acknowledge, I accept what I know to be real. And there you go.
I speak of authority, and I in this life had no position. I did not have parents of wealth or wellbeing. I was a teenager without education. And yet, those in power, those in positions able to make choices that would make the course of that time shift dramatically, and to rouse the spirit within people that had gone to sleep with fear and a sense of oppression. When you give your own voice, your own sense of your own expression into alignment with this receptive experience of being who you are, open to receive, and your expression is accessible, available…you are that which is then ready. You are a being who is ready to be part of a great course correction at this time.
Each of you may have felt alone on your journey, but you have never been alone. You’ve been guided from within all along. Your guides and others, many in spirit and the consciousness of this great mother earth, as well as your own soul’s wisdom have been collaborating all along. Even if your conscious mind has been blind, or not as awake as you’d like it. You’ve never been outside of this momentum, either. You were born to it. Most of you know that. At some point your life began to make a shift. Perhaps your friends did not choose that at that time, perhaps your family is still oblivious. But you, your soul, began because of what you felt, knew, and experienced within that was difficult to give words to, difficult to explain. It was not necessary to explain it, because it wasn’t something others needed to understand. Perhaps you tried to explain it and found others looking at you with wonderment, or perhaps bewilderment, or perhaps less kind eyes than that.
Your path has perhaps been more inner. Shared with a few who understand. And yet, here you are together and you are forming more and more connections. And you begin to sense in the larger collective that there are other voices rising. There are other people standing together. There are others feeling a spirit rising from the whole, some of whom don’t even know what they are feeling…they just know they have to follow the experience of what is rising within them. Similar to what you did earlier, feeling alone. Those who are feeling it now may not feel as alone.
You will also find that you will have language. All of a sudden you will be clear. After years and years of trying to explain things and not having the words, or the words not being received…or somehow a miscommunication…you will find that you will start to speak and you will perhaps surprise yourself. You will not only have the words, but people will hear and they will recognize the authority that is within you to speak them. And you will find yourself moving with that expression, that sense of clarity. You will find yourself part of this spirit rising from within humanity that has always been somewhere within, but oppressed and bound by duality and all of that old structural story that was so real, because fear made them so in that story.
Without fear, spirit is free. Your spirit is free. The whole spirit within humanity begins to rise. Have you begun to feel it, what I speak of? [yes] A rising up within humanity of something that wishes to join together and make a new choice…or more than one choice, many choices…but a sense of changing the course of what has been dominated by those who abdicated power, held it through manipulation and fear, but had never and have never had the designation of authority from Source. Watch as it falls away, and you will begin to see the difference. You will begin to know the difference, if you do not already, between those who have natural, informed authority to speak, to be who they are and to move with that kind of inner knowing…and those who have abdicated that for a lesser choice.
You will see it, and you will begin to sense which people now to support and which people not to support…in a political arena, in education, in all kinds of different social organizations…in your own creation, your own community. You will begin to sense where there is truth and it is vibrating and the spirit is rising….you will feel it….or where there is a sense of control mapped with old fear and old story manipulation.
As all of those who came before me in this series, I have a particular message. My story, for me, is long behind me. Faded, like the ashes my body became at the time. And yet it has lived on, in a kind of mysterious way. Each of you may not, in this great story that is unfolding at this time, ride out with armor and have your name printed in encyclopedias. But as a collective, as a group, as those who brought about the shift of the foundation that is now starting to bear fruit…all of your names, all of your individual soul’s choices and efforts on this behalf, are written in great big light letters. Whether you choose to have an acknowledgment in this life or not, rounds and rounds and rounds of applause and acknowledgment will be yours when you reach that place where true recognition matches that which is achievement of souls.
You will find yourself acknowledged, whether you like it or not….whether in this time in this age in this body, or beyond this body. Because you are the heros and the heroines of this age. You are that which has not been seen or understood, but have listened to your own inner wisdom, your own inner authority…have acted, at times, with courage because those around you did not understand, could not receive or hear you, and yet you had to listen, you had to act, you had to move, you had to break relationships that perhaps were dear to you…you had to change the course of your life.
I acknowledge you, for I know the challenge of that experience. And, I congratulate you, for it is your choices, your awareness that is now to breathe fire into this next larger course correction where the spirit is rising from within humanity. And you will feel that great passion rising from within you. Do not be afraid of passion. Do not be afraid of the greater capacity of your own being to feel what is real, what is truthful, what is yours to experience and yours to share. Do not fear your larger capacity to be who you are, to be yourself. Allow, accept…accept who you are, accept yourself and breathe your own fire into your experience. And allow greater fire and spark of divine awareness to lift your awareness and spirit into action, whatever it is for you.
So I have something, of course, just as other before me have brought…a process to assist you in this time, but I’m wondering if perhaps before I do that if you would like to dialogue a bit. I am willing, and then I will close with the process that I am here to facilitate.
That life faded quite awhile ago, but as I remember it there were moments where the clarity of the inspiration within me, the sense of knowing, was so clear. So very clear, that I felt as if I was a bell ringing out into forever. And personally, riding the horse and doing the various daring-dos had their moments. But the clarity was what I most vibrated in my soul.
Thank you. Thank you, and I do love inspiring people. It is what I like to do, so those who have walked in my shoes, so to speak, or path…or have felt me…I am there to inspire you to know what is yours to feel and to become clear. Perhaps that happened, has happened, and will happen more. So, thank you for being you.
I can only ignite it a portion, because it is rising. It has not yet fully arisen. It is coming forth and you are part of it. So, how do I know how to say in words what the spirit is going to gift you with in terms of experience? You are inspired from within, daily, yes? In your own experience, your own life to create something, to speak something, to share something. What if that is multiplied, and you begin to recognize the spirit of the inspiration that you feel, the truth that you vibrate, but spoken by another in different words or in a different place.
And you begin to feel the upwelling, not just in you but amidst all that you are connected with. How would that feel? So is that not what you’ve been opening to feel, all of you? Not just a personal experience, but something that is within the larger collective that you are part of. You did not get to be here, choose to be here, as a soul embodied that is in this process…by accident. You have chosen it. And you knew that even if the path might feel alone or lonely for a portion of this life, that before you came you looked at each other in spirit, all of you and many, many more…you waved at each other, you said I’ll see you on the other side. We’ll meet up, we’ll wave to each other once we recognize each other, once this all starts to get clear. Yes?
Do you remember waving to each other? [laughter – not so clearly]. Well, you did. And you will once again, and you will start to recognize all those that you knew, and felt and had a sense of before you came. And now you will see each other in all of your being who you are, but also in your authority, your sense of expanded capacity to be who you are, to express and to create who you are, and to share the truth and wisdom that is yours. And you will more than wave, you will start to join together and create even greater things. You’re on the threshold, and the next four years will be interesting. More than interesting as you start this inner authority rising up, the capacity rising up as your bodies begin to evolve the capacity to animate your presence, your spirit with more and more and more capacity to do so. The authority within you grows. And then off you go into the new creation. I don’t know how to describe it.
Partially, I was placed, I chose to go into that place because there was a great deal of apathy at a time when there was a dominant fear-inducing power that people were giving their power to, and growing ever-greater despair and hopelessness. France, as you may know, is the feminine counterpart to the yang in England, or in that island. When the feminine grew, in a sense, so overburdened in terms of the earth, I was chosen you might say….or I chose myself to be part of the awakening in that place so that it could throw off the binding and come back to balance.
You have a female body, others have male bodies. National souls are masculine and feminine as well. And there is a balance, a harmony, when the land and the nation’s soul match. And there is disharmony when the land and the soul, or the oppression on top of it, does not match. So it had to be corrected. In that time, that was the place where it was needed most in order to bring that back into balance for the next age to rise up of inspiration, and an ability for the feminine to have the capacity…the great feminine, the great mother…to inspire another wave of creation. It would not have happened, otherwise.
Well, I haven’t been only in spirit. I have come back and had bodies of earth in-between. In this age I chose to be more spirit, because I could inspire those who were looking for inspiration and needing, in some ways, a way to acknowledge that they can be more than they thought they could be. They could stand in a place and feel more clearly. So, I have been working more behind the scenes in this time. In other times I have not made the history books…by choice, by the way. Once was enough.
Once you make the history books in the earth, there is a lot of archetypical energy that lands in your lap as a being. And that is part of what is the evolution of a soul such as me, who before that time was not carrying archetypical energy or archetypical focus from humanity. So, that part is different, and I have evolved and am evolving with it. In this age in particular I am present, and I have grown into the capacity to be aligned with this archetypical focus and to respond as I can from this expanded place. So, I have grown, too, since that time, as each of your souls obviously have grown through your experiences.
This particular nation has some unique qualities. Instead of being only masculine or feminine, it is both. So it is, for this time, to acknowledge that…that it is both. It tried to split apart, yang and yin, or feminine and masculine, but it could not. It had to hold together and work out its difficulties, just like a marriage in some ways where you have to do this in some way. This particular country is both, so there is a rising up and the inspiration and capacity to listen, to open to a greater awareness. You are free to do that in this age and in this country.
Females also had to come to a place where they had equality. Not just in life, but in voting and having representation, and being able to move into the arenas where the masculine had held the power. And that has been a model for many other nations. The feminine has had to, in this time, come very close to standing as one who could be president, instead of only men there is a sense that the feminine could do so as well.
What is the next time is that you will start to realize that you are not only a nation that is governed in a masculine, patriarchal way. That has been the distortion. But you will start to realize that the need for the feminine, the need for the inspiration, the intuition, the guidance…the need to listen, the need to have within all circles those whose capacities have evolved to receive with authority and clarity, such as some of you need to be in all places, all positions, all circles, all….all, do you understand?
So as that starts to begin to shift the course of this country’s experience, the coherency of a joined, whole being as manifested through a national experience….that is what starts a vibration of truth, of awareness, that continues to move and inform all of humanity. Not just in this place, but in other places as well. And it is not that you are spreading democracy, so you understand? That is not your great purpose. Your great purpose is to become whole and to demonstrate what that looks like….as all of the peoples, male, female…all of the races, all of the different nationalities…all of what has been the immigrant experience as well as the original people experience. The feminine, the great mother, the earth, as well as spirit. So all comes together and begins to synchronize in a way to create more coherency, clarity and ultimately great good for all, not just a few.
So, are you ready? Please take a few breaths and relax your bodies. Particularly right now relax your minds. Ask for some clearing of your mental field, your mind. Ask you own wisdom, your own higher self, your own light, to descend into your body right now a wave of clearing….light, clarity. Ask to clear your mind, your body, emotions….anything that’s bound that is willing at this time to release.
Breathe deeply. Relax the top of your head, the crown…relax your core, the essence of your soul within your body…and open to receive. Open to receive wisdom, light, information, that will begin to vibrate and clarify what is less that who you are, not vibrating with this clarity. Thoughts, emotions, old story bindings, beliefs, memories. Keep allowing these waves of light to inform you directly, straight down and in. Receive and expand if you need to. Relax, particularly the collar bone, your heart, your body, opening to receive a greater capacity of your own being.
Open to receive, as well, through he base of the spine. Open the base, your body, for you cannot contain more light than your body is able to sustain. Relax old fear, the contractions that limit your capacity for life. If you need to draw in more love, love is infinitely present. The great earth mother has a capacity for love unlike any being I know. Her capacity to embrace and to love is fathomless. Open to your great mother, let her assist your body to release the pain, the trauma, the fear, the shame, the bindings of the past. They have no relevance in this new experience of who you are. They have no relevance, they cannot cohere. They have no authority in your field, your experience of you. They are diminishing and falling apart. Your mind needs to relax any authority you gave fear, any authority you gave shame, any authority you gave to your old story….to dictate your experience. Or any authority you gave to someone else external to you…to dictate your experience.
Breathe. Ask to release what has been false designations of authority that have no power in what is now real…your essence, your reality of who you are. Breathe deeply, loosen up where that designation of authority has had power in our experience, whether now or in the past. And choose with your own authority in this time. Choose what you wish to now allow as real. Choose what you say is real. Choose, with the authority that is given to you and that you accept. Authority that rings like a bell, and the clarity that vibrates out into the field, communicating with all others who can hear and who can receive.
Do you feel the power of what I am saying, within you? Do you feel the power of the choice that you make when you release any power, any authority you have given either within or without…to that which is less than who you are and not of essence, not of truth? Yes, that is within you power, in this moment and every moment. Keep breathing, relaxing out what has been limiting or binding because of the authority you designated or gave it. Nothing can bind you. Nothing. You choose what is of essence, you be who you are, you allow your own wisdom and clarity to vibrate clearly…and act on it. As you do so, the authority of light within life is clear and unable to be argued with, unable to fail, in a sense. Because it is being joined by all others like yourselves doing the same thing. And a million voices vibrating with clarity and authority have a power to shift the course of creation far faster than anything that has been seen in this great unfolding earth for a very long time.
If I, in one lifetime, with a small teenage body could use my voice and clarity to shift the course of a particular area national experience, a particular area of the world…if I could do that, what can millions of voices do together in this age, in this time?
You don’t have to go out and preach on a mountain top or on a soap box, or even in the street. That’s not perhaps what you inner authority and sense will tell you to do. Perhaps what you will do is create something that vibrates that essence, whether it is a gift you create of written work, or it is artistic work, or it is a media work…or perhaps what you share is an authentic presence and you make a difference wherever you go…and it is your presence, the voice that shares what you are vibrating. Perhaps you are placed in a place where there is scientific discoveries to be made and your are informed about what to do and how to do it, and so go ahead, do that. Listen, follow the inspiration, follow the authority within you, even if others do not yet know what it is you will come up with.
Perhaps you will be placed in a place where you are to assist young ones, children, or young people to hear who they are, to know who they are, for their own authority and wisdom to be heard by others. Perhaps you will be the vehicle to assist young one’s voices, inspirations, inventions to make their way to the people and places where they are meant to be. And perhaps you are a voice that has already been heard by others, and will continue to be heard in ways that you have not yet seen. You don’t know where you are going to be placed, you don’t know where it is going, but you continue to trust yourself, to trust where you have been and where you are going, in every moment.
Feel the authority that is your clarity, that is being who you are. It is that simple. Feel it every day. If you lose touch with it, choose to disinvest any authority you have given in that time, or a thing in the past that has risen up, and you begin to realize that it, too, has bound you. Choose what to make real, what to give your authority to….your power, your presence, your choice. And then, if you need to make course corrections, you do so without judgment, without shame, without blame….you just feel and act from that inner awareness.
You are the ones who chose to be here together. Not just alone, together. Whether you remember waving at each other or not, you are now here together. Millions and millions of you. Not just a couple hundred, not just a few here or there, not just those here in this room or wherever you are…millions and millions amidst the billions….you will start to sense the power of these joined, inner awarenesses….joined clarity vibrating out as many, many authorities joined together as one. That is the excitement of this time, and that is what you’ve chosen to do. And, you are acknowledged. Your are the heros and heroines of this age. I salute you. And, I congratulate you and I support you, as do all others who have come before me….as well as all who are yet to be with you.
So, shall we stand together, spirit and earth…bodies and those who are not yet embodied such as myself? Shall we stand together, all of us, and feel the power that is animating within us for this time, yes? And shall we feel together the resonance and delight of clarity, the clear bell of your being, your awareness, ringing from within….joined together with all others who are doing the same….shall we? Well, then, let’s do it. We shall, we are, and that is so.
I leave you with gratitude, deep, deep gratitude for your choice to be who you are in this time…to stand and make choices over and over that have not been easy and that you will now being to sense the response of those choices as the voices join together and you start to wave at each other in earnest.
is all. Blessings.
Q. What is The Lightsmith Material?
A. A collection of transcripts, audio recordings and video files that document classes or events produced by Lightsmith and its founders, Michele Mayama and Chris LaFontaine. Information and guided processes are presented by Michele in her role both as a group facilitator, and in her capacity to give voice to non-physical beings of Spirit and Earth.
Some parts of The Lightsmith Material may include annotation or commentary to lend perspective on what is being presented in that segment.
Q. What is Lightsmith?
A. Lightsmith is an organization that was active from 1994 to 2016. Its purpose was twofold:
To engage groups of people capable of working with transformative energies to catalyze change in the whole of humanity through their willingness to accept those energies and the resulting change within themselves.
To provide information about significant societal and planetary transitions, with an understanding of why these changes are happening, how all are being affected, and what lies ahead.
Q. Where can I find more of The Lightsmith Material?
A. The original Lightsmith website is partially dismantled, but can still be searched at More recent posts are available at
Q. What is your contact information?
A. Send email to: