Culmination: A final climactic stage…the end or final result of something…the point at which an event or series of events ends, having developed until it reaches this point.
My current prompting has been to write a piece that feels a bit like coming full circle, by which I mean the realization of a moment in time that has been a significant part of our messaging since day one of the Lightsmith adventure. The nudge has also come with a sense of importance, so after several days of frustrating false starts I’m finally hunkering down with Michele as collaborator.
For those unfamiliar…Lightsmith was the name of our small organization through which events related to the transformation of consciousness were hosted. After 23 years those events, classes and global adventures formally ended in 2016, though we continue to share insights and communications from time to time.
My partnership with Michele and my role as Lightsmith scribe placed me in many profound experiences that were also great gifts that continue to inform me over time. And, as an inadvertent archivist I have had a rare perch from where a body of work can be viewed as a whole and referenced as needed. For this piece I am accessing transcripts of sessions from 1992 to 2023. I want to highlight something that has been present in our messaging all along while also offering a few other reminders.
So, a number of words loom ahead (you expected otherwise from me?), but know I am excerpting as concisely as possible to focus on where I’m heading.
Friends in Spirit – 1992
There is a dissolution going on of the old forms. Forms you have known in small ways in your personal lives and in large ways in your collective begin to change, shift, and dissolve. Simultaneously new forms are evolving and materializing. To each there is a choice given as to whether to go forward with this or whether to hold on. It is a sense of saying “yes” and opening and flowing into a new creation, or “no” and constricting and contracting. Many will stay with the earth as participants in this new creation and many others will leave the planet to continue elsewhere.
From Source, 1995 (A Choice for Love)
Those who have chosen love will now be elevated to my heart place. Those who have chosen against or away, given opportunity after opportunity, will no longer be able to share in the experiment in this place. The time is now that these ones will begin to be removed.
The removal is done through a variety of means. Many will feel it as a pestilence or that which is a sort of large-scale process. Those who have chosen to remove themselves will do so with an understanding that what has been their opportunity, given again and again, has been missed.
From Earth Mother, 1998
For a very long time you have been perceiving yourselves within a matrix of time and space that has woven itself around and within your bodies and your consciousnesses. That matrix of time and space has been very tightly wound, keeping you bound to paying attention only to those things that manifest in your physical reality appearing separate from yourself. You have felt victimized by circumstances or controlled by expectations which are bound within time and space, the material compartmentalized world to which you have, in a sense, become indebted. You call this karma.
I and those of you who are choosing to release yourselves from all bindings are beginning to open to the great awareness, great wisdom and great knowing that the power of creation is within our beingness. And, that what we choose to create now is not what we have experienced together in the past time of binding. The binding and limitations are to leave, opening an expansive spaciousness for us to breathe life into what wishes birth.
Your heart is my heart, your being is my being, your bodies are my body. Your consciousnesses are blended, partly tuning to me if you so choose, partly tuning to your own soul spirit or to other non-physical aspects, but blended together. You are waking up, but waking up to what? Waking up to the truth of the empowered Creator energy power that is yours by inheritance through my body and consciousness. Those other aspects of consciousness either partner with me in authentic partnership, or choose to not partner with me. There are really only those choices. If you choose not to partner with me and to not receive the inheritance I offer, you will find that your soul will evolve differently in your future, not with me, not with my body, and not with your earth body.
For those who choose to go with me we have another adventure ahead of us, relatively soon in your time and space. We will be set free from the bindings of this last story of our time together. It is a time of choice.
It seems that what I, your Earth Mother, is offering has been interpreted by some differently than the way I offer it. I desire you to perceive more clearly what I am offering, for I offer you the keys to creation. If you choose to accept, you will dance in a new exuberance, delight, awareness and joy, and create with me that which illustrates the truest of our nature and the deep love and wisdom that has been waiting to express itself. We are beauty, grace and gracefulness, abundance, nurturance, sensitivity and receptivity, creativity, expression, joy, and Wholeness. Wholeness is that which a body feels when all cells are in resonance with one another.”
You have other options and other choices. Decide. There is not much longer in the time/space continuum of which the old has been formed. After, as it is released, we will create a different adventure, one not bound in that same way. It is not about which calendar to follow, and not about which star or space ship or external guidance to trust. It is about deciding whether you wish to choose to remain with me in the earth as a participant in the next adventure of creation with the keys to creation fully present, or whether you wish to create an evolutionary path beyond this dying time/space continuum and beyond me, continuing to use what your spirit decides and moving on. I love you regardless of your choice.
I offer you a gift. It is yours to receive or yours to choose not to receive, but it is time to decide.
From friends in Spirit, 2019
Realize that human consciousness has been manipulated and controlled by duality, what you’ve called the patriarchy, for many, many centuries. Those that have been in particular control and manipulation of consciousness are continuing to ramp up how they are directing and infusing their consciousness into the large consciousness to control people, to control everything. Yet they will begin to find out that all of their concerted efforts are not actually bearing fruit in the way that they presumed it would, and that the consciousness that has been growing beneath the surface of what they have controlled is now starting to strengthen enough to surface and create other experiences that for them will be beyond their control.
Basically it’s a choice to be part of a new creation within the body, or not. Within the earth, or not. Within the new dimensional experience, or not. Within the new frequencies that are part of the new dimensional experience, or not. It’s pretty much yes or no. There are no maybes.
From friends in Spirit, 2023
The fusion of the dimensions is moving rapidly into place. The frequencies are also shifting rapidly where it is possible. There are places in the earth that are being purposefully constricted so as not to allow love and light to be as accessible for this time of great shifting of consciousness.
It is impossible for this shift to be stopped, yet those who are seduced [those whose attention is commandeered] will continue to then not be able to withstand the frequency shift because their bodies will not be able to do it in the time that they need before the actual, true, authentic shift that is now underway. The great mother, earth, has a certain momentum now built up within her body and field and is shifting as rapidly as she can. There’s nothing that can stop this process, even though there are those that are mightily trying.
Resistance will make certain parts of this shift more painful for many people that would not have needed to have this kind of experience. And yet it is what is unfolding. So those who are conscious, bring your attention back to your own core knowing, your essence. DO NOT interpret or overlay interpretations on anything happening in the world around you. What’s happening is much bigger than the mind can comprehend fully. It’s in motion, and if you wish to be participating in the motion of this grand transformation, rebirth within a planetary experience within a body, then this is yours to choose now.
Empathy has been used to generate energy into a particular kind of density, which is suffering and pain. If you feel that and you are pulled into it by anyone else then your frequency diminishes. Authentic love will not diminish you in any way. Authentic love will not diminish your essence, your core, your frequencies or your life in any way.
The momentum of the shift of frequency within this great beautiful planetary wondrous mother of life is building rapidly. This is what you have been preparing for. This is what you have been growing into and toward. This is the awakening, if that’s what you wish to call it, but that is a weak word at this moment given what is happening. Open what’s most real for you without your eyes deceiving you, without your ears and your hearing being affected by what is going on around you, without friends or family who do not understand, and including your own empathetic self that learned empathy within duality. That is what is shifting for you.
You are going through this shift of frequency with the earth, and it is happening. The momentum is well underway. It’s growing rapidly. There is a fusion of light and life creating the fifth dimension. Those who have been anti-Life and assumed a kind of control are in a desperate mode and attempting to hold or govern consciousness and keep this shift from happening, trying to keep the kind of control that has in the past destroyed entire planets. That kind of anti-Life or control can no longer exist in this or any other part of the dimensional experience that is Source, that is beyond comprehension.
To each there is a choice given as to whether to go forward with this or whether to hold on. Some will be leaving the planet.
There is not much longer in the time/space continuum of which the old has been formed. After, as it is released, we will create a different adventure, one not bound in that same way.
If you choose not to partner with me, Earth Mother, and to not receive the inheritance I offer, you will find that your soul will evolve differently in your future, not with me, not with my body, and not with your earth body.
For those who choose to go with me we have another adventure ahead of us, relatively soon in your time and space. We will be set free from the bindings of this last story of our time together. The binding and limitations are to leave, opening an expansive spaciousness for us to breathe life into what wishes birth.
That kind of anti-Life or control can no longer exist in this or any other part of the dimensional experience that is Source, that is beyond comprehension. The time is now that these ones will begin to be removed. The removal is done through a variety of means. Many will feel it as a pestilence or that which is a sort of large-scale process.
Alright already, Chris, what are you trying to tell us?
Okay, okay…my desire is to somehow pass along the assurance I have felt since 1995 when emissaries of Source showed up in my living room to express a message through Michele. That message was unequivocal: The shadows would be removed. “The shadows are all manifestations of choices away from love. It is a time of final choice. It cannot be that what is against love can remain.” The same is expressed, perhaps more nuanced, in other quotes I shared earlier.
We are not intended to remain in a world under constant assault by warlords and their wars, grifters and their grifts, liars and their lies, and schemers and their schemes. That is a dissolving reality already dismantled at the level of cause and unworthy of further attention. It will not exist in our experience much longer. Culmination, the “final climactic stage” of a very long story, is where we’re at and it is not a linear process. A series of quantum leaps may be a more fitting description. Change can come suddenly, unexpectedly and with surprising outcomes. I believe that the exodus of those not remaining with the earth will proceed imminently and will be swift in nature.
Of significant note: One cannot know the destiny of another who departs in these times, so please withhold all judgment or conjecture. A soul leaving the earth experience will be doing so for reasons beyond our awareness. Others may just be moving to the other side…which is still a dimension of earth…to continue healing and transforming before returning in a body better matched to the energies of the new dimension. And, no matter the circumstance, all beings are fully embraced by Love, whatever their next destination.
For those readers who would like further information about potential soul trajectories please see The Great Sorting for more detail.
Here’s where I mention that the most profound moment of my experience with Source energy back in 1995 was this acknowledgment:
“Your hardships have been many in duality, I am sorry for the pain. Yet…it will all fade away rather quickly. It was allowed because it was known that it would not stain or hurt the soul, but would only test and bring you through those tests into a new experience of being one with the emanations of my heart in form unlike any other species in my universe. So you now are what you are, and I am pleased.”
And yes, tears flowed after that first sentence. Still do.
Parting thoughts…
Nothing is wrong with the planet and we don’t have to fix her. She hasn’t asked for that. She has asked to be joined in a collaborative, creative partnership.
The degree to which one is fully present and has become Self-referencing will affect what one’s experience is through this time of death and rebirth.
We all have access to everything we need in every moment. We are creators within creation. Open to Spirit, the Source within, Earth Mother, and the fusion of Living Light and All Present Love.
What was is no more. The gateway is opening to a profound culmination of a long, long experiment in evolving consciousness. It is beyond magnificent. It is literally beyond all description. And yes, it is proceeding perfectly despite any appearance to the contrary.
Chris and Michele
Wow! For this moment. I will read again. Thank you Chris and Michele💕
Thank you for this perfect gift.
Wishing You both and all who read this a Beautiful and Holy Christ-mas time 🎀💚
Chris and Michele,
It’s so great to hear such a profound message and reminder for those of us who ‘signed on’ in this changing time in consciousness in support of the process for ourselves and the planet, that all is well, that an election does not change the process, and that we are supported and bathed in love by our Earth Mother. Thanks to you two for also being present for the rest of us!
In light and transformation,
Thank you Chris and Michele for everything you have shared. Much love to you both.
Thank you, my friends🩵🦋
Wow! Thank you so much for this sharing🙏💕🌎Sending love
What a magnificent reminder of why we are here. Much gratitude to both you and Michele.
Just the reminders I needed to again focus on being willing, available, open, receptive, and creator within creation. I’ve journeyed with Michelle since the 1980s and am humbled and beyond grateful.
Thank you Michele and Chris! Wishing you both a lovely holiday season and a very special 2025!💕
Again, your post is perfect timing in my life. Thank you Chris and Michele for assisting us with guidance from spirit. I was just telling someone today that we only need to focus on LOVE during these times. We can choose our love based reality and let go anything else. You both have been a beacon in a dark night. Thank you. Many blessings.